David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
The 911 attacks were an incredibly, sophisticated, orchestrated, and engineered plan to have been mere renegades who stole some jets. The attacks were executed with exactness. Such a strategic elaborate mission of this nature could have never been realized without having access to U.S. defense security protocol and help by people in the U.S. intelligence community. It should not come as a surprise that war games were used as a cover for the real attacks, but the games were never announced.
Bush administration created false intelligence reports showing Saddam Hussein was in possession of WMD’s and, committed every imaginable crime to justify invading Iraq. If this wasn't bad enough, these same criminals are now writing books trying to cover each other’s ass. With all these books out, it resembles a circular firing squad, where no one takes responsibility.
In my opinion, Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice, Gonzalez, should be tried by International Criminal Court for War Crimes, Treason, Genocide, Crimes against Humanity and Terrorism. 9/11 was a fucking crime, Iraq war was a crime and like all criminals that commit crimes, they should pay consequences but, because the United States has the most corrupt legal system of any civilized nation Bush, Cheney, Rice Gonzalez have got away with murder!
I plead with you whoever you may be to research the preponderance of evidence indicting the Bush Administration and the Council On Foreign Relations in the 9/11 attacks. They didn't just know, they made it happen!!! They are expect liars. The mainstream newsmedia sport themselves in hiring paid professional liars. America is a land of liars! Judges, lawyers, politicians, corporate executives, Federal Reserve bankers, mainstream news media... all liars!!!
That's the truth!