Your right its stupid and horrible for unjust killings and destruction.
Yet there good wars.
No, there are just people who use war in opportunistic ways. Admittedly, some good comes of wars (New technology, for example) but wars in and of themselves are never good.
The bible says people deserved destruction here and there.
The Bible also said beating your slaves is okay so long as they didn't die within 24 hours.
The incas and other people in the new world were evil.
And you know Because they sacrificed the odd virgin? Honey, I hate to break it to you, but Christianity has a fair share of blood on it's hands, too...let's look at KKK, Timothy McVeigh and the Salem Witch Trials. Just to name a few. All three have killed innocents in the name of God, too. So if the Incas were evil, guess what? you guys aren't much better, if at all.
They did evil things to other people. So, without me knowing for sure, its possible God brought on them the spainards to give just punishment.
Or, it could be that the Spaniards found some primo real estate, and decided to...ah...evict with extreme prejudice. No God involved.
They were not racists. there is no such thing as racism.
There's no such thing as's just a word invented by them uppity niggers when we tell them how lazy they are.
There's no such thing as's just a word invented by the fags when we kindly tell those sodomites how filthy and sinful they are.
There's no such thing as sexism. It's just a word invented by feminazis who refuse to acknowledge their place.
Need I go on? The more someone decries the presence of discrimination, the more likely they are to practice it...and generally love to play the victim when called on it. Oh, and boy howdy, if anyone so much as questions a Christian point of view, you guys are quick to pull the oppression card...hypocrisy much?
Its just a word used to deny the moral right to see other identities in a bad light.
Bob is evil = An least, assuming you know Bob.
Bob is evil because he's black = Racism.
Blacks are evil = Racism.
Identities are one thing. But the moment you tie a particular trait to a person, overriding their personality in the first place...yeah. Racism. Get that through your bedsheet cloaked head.