A Friend (Troy) #fundie fstdt.com

[In response to the "How could Adam and Eve know what they're doing wrong without the ability to discern right from wrong. I used a robot for an example]

Man is not a robot, He is made in God's image with free-will. The man God made as a sovereign being knew to obey and trust in God so he had no excuse. You misread the Bible. We are all biologically born into sin, it is unavoidable for sin moves down through the act of procreation. That which is born of the flesh is flesh: flesh is sin of the body and self of the soul: this is reality: deal with reality! No man has never not sinned except the man who was also God. This is spiritual reality. You want fantasy, but God deals in reality and the righteous way of doing things. Either God does not create at all or as it turns out we are all born into sin (except Adam and Eve) due the sin of one man. The latter is better for you would not be able to have this conversation.



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