(Talking about Obama's adress to the kids)
We can't keep God in school but they can put Obama in there?!? WTF?
Obama is a public figure. Public schools are, well, public. Obama has also been proven to exist, and Obama is not a deity no matter what the religious right tries to make him out as.
Ok, so we humans are more powerfull than your punny god. So, what's the point of worshipping it then?
Stop attacking Obama for being president and alive.
Just an extra little bit of information for you to help with understanding, Angie. Obama is an existing being so he can be in places, whereas God is a non-existent delusion, and it's impossible for a non-existent delusion to be in places other than in the mind. Imaginary fantasy figures can't be in physical locations. Does WTF mean, in your case, Wanting The Fantasy?
Yeah, because REPUBLICANS never made inspirational speeches to students... oh, wait, that's right, THEY DID!
Government funded schools.
God - not part of government, ever.
Obama - current head of government.
Is that simple enough for you?
The problem, as I see it, is that republicans know that if their chilren actually become educated, they will probably NOT vote republican when they grow up. Since the republican party has been losing membership steadily for the last 5-6 years, they are terrified that by the time the current generation of school-age children reach 18 there just won't be anybody left to vote for them.
This idiot has clearly never heard of First Priority or See You at the Pole--both of which are widespread Christian clubs I've encountered in both public and private schools. Nor does he realize that just about every president has spoken in our nation's schools.
Nor does he realize that most schools won't dare have any kind of student-formed religious club that isn't Christian. Or that a student is certainly allowed to pray, PRIVATELY, on the grounds of a public school (see Christian clubs above).
Yeah, well one is your president, like it or not, and the other thing is against your constitution, so STFU.
my philosophy teach carried a bible to class.
he got it out regularly. not for anything class work related though. and we were all fine with it, he was probably the only hard core christian in the class, but we were all fine with it. made for good debates.
so yeah, what's all this about anti christian persecution your so obsessed with again?
but they can put Obama in there
Yeah, and real teachers and stuff, instead of pastors and babble thumpers, what's up with that?
Obama is the president, and not teaching religion in the school. Tell me, did you whine this much when Reagan, Bush or Clinton addressed school children? I'll bet ya didn't!
They put Dubya there, why didn't you complain then?
Allthough, he ought to have spent more time there, maybe he would've learned to string three sentences together without adding fantasy words.
Obama exists.
Needed repeating.
Also, is it just me, or is it more than a little funny that they practically deify Bush, but accuse us of Idol Worship with Obama?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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