*gay marriage*
You don't see cohabitating couples living without a marriage certificate barging into churches saying don't call this sin. Funny, the ones that can marry don't, the ones that can't, want it. Ok, let a few of them get ordered to pay spousal support and they'll be wishing it had stayed banned. They'll drop it like a hot potato.
"Funny, the ones that can marry don't, the ones that can't, want it"
Is this supposed to be part of some sort of argument or something?
Ok, let a few of them get ordered to pay spousal support and they'll be wishing it had stayed banned.
This is generally part of the deal/risk with getting married, and some gays would still like to get married. You don't see straights 'dropping marriage like a hot potato' because of this issue. Argument fails.
Ok, let a few of them get ordered to pay spousal support and they'll be wishing it had stayed banned.
Fine, I agree with this totally. Let them get married, that will show them.
"You don't see cohabitating couples living without a marriage certificate barging into churches saying don't call this sin."
Quick question: what's the ratio of gays being beaten to death for being gay versus premarital couples being beaten to death for sex before marriage?
*interracial marriage*
"Funny, the ones that can marry don't, the ones that can't, want it."
same argument, different bigotry.
Because the cohabiting couples can get the marriage certificate?
The equivalent would have been how white and black interracial couples burst into churches in the 1960s asking people if they thought it was a sin...
"You don't see cohabitating[sic] couples living without a marriage certificate barging into churches saying don't call this sin."
That is because most people don't think it's a sin. Only fundies do. Sigh. Why do you need to be heterosexual and joined by a piece of legal paper before you're considered a real person in this world?
"Ok, let a few of them get ordered to pay spousal support and they'll be wishing it had stayed banned. They'll drop it like a hot potato. "
Is that why the divorce rate is higher in fundieland?
Um, there have already been a few same-sex divorces in Massachusetts. In fact, some activists argue that having a clean, legal way to divorce available to us is even more important than marriage itself--and those of us who want to marry or already consider ourselves married want that *bad*. These people try so hard to minimize that.
And of course, the cohabiting mixed-sex couples can, you know, get married, either in a house of worship or the courthouse. Most LGBTs I know want the courthouse and don't give a rat's ass about the church.
He's got a point - if we want marriage, we must accept the bad parts of it too.
Other than that, I see little merit in this batch of verbal diarrhoea.
Ok, let a few of them get ordered to pay spousal support and they'll be wishing it had stayed banned. They'll drop it like a hot potato.
There have been court cases over spousal support, and LGBT activists haven't dropped the issue as a result. Next!
You don't see cohabitating couples living without a marriage certificate barging into churches saying don't call this sin.
And any homosexual I know, myself included, could care less what you call a sin. THAT! IS! NOT! WHAT! THIS! IS! ABOUT!
Funny, the ones that can marry don't, the ones that can't, want it.
And you hold yourselves as the sole arbiters of who should and should not...why again?
Ok, let a few of them get ordered to pay spousal support and they'll be wishing it had stayed banned. They'll drop it like a hot potato.
Yeah...we're totally looking at the glorified image, not thinking that the same tragedies that occur in straight marriage will never occur in a gay marriage. You got us.
"Funny, the ones that can marry don't, the ones that can't, want it."
Completely ignoring, of course, that there are numerous straight people who do want to get married, and gay people who don't. What was your point again?
"Ok, let a few of them get ordered to pay spousal support and they'll be wishing it had stayed banned."
Is this the old "we're prohibiting something because in some cases, somewhere, someone might regret it, and we're protecting them from themselves!" argument? You use this argument against abortion, too. And recreational drugs. Apparently, these grown gay people need the government to be a babysitter. Let them make their own mistakes, dangit!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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