Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
What is coming is not the end of the world, but it is the apocalypse
For those who know, Apocalypse means "the great revealing".
It is the time when all that has been secret, clandestine and occulted is unveiled and known.
Trump becoming President is not the real story here, but he is being used to facilitate what the white hats in every agency and levels of government have known for years but couldn't speak about out of fear of retribution, loss of occupation and assassination.
Pizzagate is 100% true, but as horrifying as it is, there are layers even deeper and more sinister than Pizzagate. Pizzagate is the tip of the iceberg. The Pandora's Box that the Pizzagate revelations has opened hints to the very fabric of world (perceptual) control. Hollywood and the entertainment industry (including and most importantly the NEWS MEDIA) is so heavily involved in it they are absolutely panicked that the entire truth about them and their role in covering up and also PROMOTING it is being exposed they will do anything to stop it. The constant defamation of Trump is because if Trump gets into power, they are ALL GOING DOWN.
Hollywood and the entertainment industry in general is nothing but a giant interconnected network of money laundering, drug trafficking, lucifer worshipping pedophiles and degenerates. They have become so out of touch with reality in their "safe spaces" of drug induced, moneyed megalomania they actually started believing the lies they spun and narrative they created was real.
Trump has abruptly put the mirror up to their faces and they are TERRIFIED.
The cultural rot created by Hollywood and the politically connected in D.C. has come full circle.
Trump's administration is poised to bring down the entire SUPERSTRUCTURE of the politico-entertainment complex. And the entire ILLUSION they have created for Americans over the last 50 years. It's not just 'clearing the swamp" in D.C., it is much bigger than that. It is dismantling the entire LIE of REALITY that has been spun by these sick, psychopathic degenerates who have been "constructing the American REALITY" via television, movies etc for decades.
So hold steady and steadfast. Because for the 50+ years they have spent building this false reality, it will take time on the other side to bring us back into the truth. It can't happen quickly or suddenly. It will come in stages.
But know, when Trump's administration takes over, those who have participated, covered up, promoted and partook in the depths of what Pizzagate has uncovered will be brought to justice. And every federal agency, from the FBI to the CIA and the justice department are all fighting each other and within their own organizations to bring down the perpetrators within their midst and bring some semblance of order and credibility to their agencies and the federal government itself. Be patient.
This is the great revealing.