Crustaciouse #fundie

[Serious] My political aspirations are rising

I haven't felt this way in a while, I was reading some cucks and sluts get triggered at Donald trump on Twitter and I started having my desires again.
I used to desire world domination, but I eventually realized that's a far off and pretty much impossible goal to achieve.
But now I realize, I must start small and work my way up.
I will win over the public's votes with false promises and slowly but surely make my way up.
I will employ a brand of political nuance not yet seen in our time, and at some point I will get what I want.
Even if I die in a civil war to gain power.
I realized nothing will change in this cucked bluepilled society unless an iron fisted leader takes charge and wipes out all the degeneracy, now I know that I must be that person



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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