"The 15-year-old public school gunman has died in Wisconsin, and 'the lamestream media do not disclose the title of the movie that his class was being forced to watch when he pulled out a gun to shoot at the projector'."
At school, we were shown the BBC drama-documentary "The War Game" (about the after-effects of a nuclear attack on the UK):
A film that was banned from being broadcast until 2003 (and released on DVD around the same time).
Precisely because it was seen as being too realistic; especially in that period (1960s - early 90s). All the governments (both Labour and Conservative) banned it, as it could've given CND's cause greater credibility - and even created & harboured subvertive thoughts in the populace, resulting in insurrection.
Maybe even causing people to shoot more than a mere projector.
But then, I wonder why we at school were shown that film in the late 70s...?
...oh yes, that's right. The school's headmaster & teachers considered we pupils to be mature and intelligent enough to discern fiction from fact. (it certainly generated much discussion, both in & out of class; again, making us think for ourselves). But then, that's a British state education for you: it encourages you to think for yourself.
Now if only that dickhead with a gun (thank fuck for the anti-gun legislation here in the UK, post-Dunblane) was able to have the same discernment faculties, eh, Andy Schaftafly? And he could, just like you...
Open your mind.
If only. Then he wouldn't have reacted the way he did.
Here endeth the lesson...