Computers are a form of TECHNOLOGY.
If there is any science involved please tell me
There is science involved.
Well, you wanted to be told - now exercise what pitiful excuse for a brain you allege to have and find out why that's so.
It goes like this.
Computer -> technology -> application -> science.
In short a computer runs of the technology we invented based off what scientists discovered about electricity and electrons. An inventor doesn't have to be a scientists and can be a creationist in fact, but their inventions always come from a successful application of scientific discoveries. Hell even evolution has led to applications in gene therapy and molecular genetic research. Creationism offers no real application and that is another reason why it cannot be considered science.
Just try creating or using technology, from the lever onward, without using at least some basic scientific principle. Off the top of my head, computers (being among the most sophisticated of modern techologies) build on such necessary scientific knowledge as the following:
* Electricity, magnetism, and recognition of them being facets of the same force, and of how to generate them and insulate against them.
* Chemistry, including how to make synthetic materials [e.g., plastic from petroleum, and of how to GET petroleum (i.e., the entire discipline of petrogeology and petroleum engineering and their respective underlying basic scientific knowledges)].
* Metallurgy and related chemistry.
* Glassmaking and similar work in silicates, taken to extremes.
* Microscopy and lenscrafting.
* Electronic microscopy, which requires considerable physics underpinning.
* Understanding of how light works, leading to (among other things) maser and laser emission and control (which requires another slew of physics knowledge to build up to).
That's a very superficial list, and it already is dependent on pure science a hundred times over. Consider yourself "told."
~David D.G.
@ Amanda: If you still have faith in humanity, you obviously haven't been coming here enough.
Still, it was only a matter of time until they cottoned on to the increasingly common "If you hate science, get off our internet" retort. So, as ever, they've simply redefined reality to support their arguments.
Transistors, printed circuits, capactitors, resistors.
All of them were developed by physicists based on studies of physics. Try again.
You know, I actually sort of thought this guy was joking, until I remembered that I knew a man who spouted nonsense just like this on a regular basis. And he was serious. Poe's Law in action, I guess.
Science: getting reliable knowledge about how the world works.
Technology: applying that knowledge to get something done better, faster or in an easier manner.
So yes, there is science involved in computers. Quite a bit, actually. There's also quite a bit of computing involved in science.
In other words, this is one of the most staggeringly ignorant assertions I've seen on this site yet.
I propose a Reverse Nobel (Lebon) Award.
The 'Lebon Awards'.
I like it.
Chemistry, Physics, Mechanical AND Electrical Engineering, and of course, the ever-popular, Materials Tech.
The transistor, without which computers would still use tubes and be the size of a warehouse and consume more electricity than a central A/C unit, was invented using the basic physics of electrons and crystals.
Transitor History
The Theory of Electromagnetism
Kirchoff's Rules
Ohm's Law
Heh, I'm gonna BE a computer engineer.
He is right in the sense that science and technology aren't exactly the same thing, nor is technology "applied science." But there is plenty of scientific principles behind computers, how about, say electricity?
Well for starters, semiconductivity is a scientific concept... secondly, so is electricity, and oh balls I give up. Moron.
And how, pray tell, would someone know that they might be able to amplify a signal by running it through one side of a chunk of germanium and a larger current through the other side? It's not the most intuitive concept in the world... nor, for that matter, is the point-contact diode idea it was based on...
Hmm. This thread looks like a temper tantrum to me. Fundies are starting to realise that going into certain forums and asking for scientific evidence of such and such will produce just that.
Average person's reaction: Amend worldview in light of this newly presented evidence.
Fundies reaction: Attack science itself.
Maybe if we're lucky this signifies creationist's final assault before they start rapidly haemorrhaging adherants. can get technology without science????
Wait here why I invent laser guns, teleporters, sexbots, a shot that cures everything and hovercars in seventy different colors. No need to know how it works...TECHNOLOGY is all you need!
Bad news, computers are not science or technology, they are gay.
Alan Turing , who invented computers, was a flaming queer. This is why the gay agenda has been so successful in destroying America lately, it's because there are so many people using gay computers. Even christians, seduced into using computers to spread the gospel are being infected by gay, demonstrating the diabolical cleverness of the gay agenda.
The only way to defeat the sodomite plan is to stop using computers for any reason. Get off the internet immediately and never come back.
Spreadingtheword probably thinks that giant magneto-resistance is a scene from X-Men III: Last Stand .
As Peter Grunberg and Albert Fert might say, "We have teh Nobel prizes. We win!"
God made computers, now? Cause I coulda sworn that the laptop I'm typing on was assembled by HP(tm), useing memory cards and motherboards and such from companies such as DuPont, whose formulae for creating chips was discovered through research done by scientists...
If I make my own computer, is that blasphemy because I'm doing a form of evolution (taking the strongest points from the previous "race" of computers and evolving them all into my own) or creationism?
Mister Spak wrote:
"Alan Turing , who invented computers, was a flaming queer."
As far as I know, Turing was more of a closet homosexual than an openly flaming one.
And, personally, I'd give more credit to John von Neumann for inventing anything resembling a modern computer, than I would to Alan Turing.
Engineering (technology) and science are technically distinct; but scientific knowledge makes better engineers, and engineering knowledge makes better scientists. You can't, therefore, say one's OK and the other's evil.
OMG, he is SO right! We all know science is about men with goggles, and white lab coats pouring funny colored liquids from one beaker to another, ZOMGROLMAOBBQ!
By the way, "reigning in science"? Are you shitting me? How about we rename that "reigning in medicine" or "reigning in longer, more fruitful existences" or "reigning in survival".
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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