Andrea Daley Utronebel #racist
Re: Israel Is Having Far More Babies Than Any Other Developed Country
Ethnic identity and solidarity. Patriarchy, esp among the Orthodox who have most children. Social-Nationalism where the elites feel closer to national folk than to elites around the world. A nation that tells each person that they are precious member and citizen of the state bound by blood, culture, and history than an expendable economic unit to be replaced by foreigners. A tempered elitism that says even though people should strive to succeed and move up, they should regard their national kin as fellow brothers and comrades than ‘losers’ and ‘trash'(to feed with opioids). A national elite that is autonomous than cuckily in service of another elite(that is actually hostile).
In Minnesota, idiot Scandinavian Americans are cheering that they elected the first non-white Muslim woman to be a Congressman. In Ireland, they cheer their first homo hindu prime minister. I don’t think Jews will cheer for the first Palestinian leader of Israel. Yes, a first! a first! A first Palestinian leader of Israel!!!! Nah, I think Jews want to keep it a nation ruled by Jews forever and ever.
Now, imagine if some Polish Catholics enter Israel as immigrants. Suppose these Polish Catholics are hyper-pushy and have an IQ of 150. Though only 2% of the population, suppose they take over Israeli banking, media, academia, and etc. Suppose they buy up Israeli politicians and tell them to repeat ‘diversity is our strength’ and welcome a future in which Jews will be a minority. Suppose these Polish Catholics control media and make TV shows about the evils of Nakba and Zionist oppression of Palestinians and fill Jewish kids with ‘Jewish guilt’. Suppose they make endless movies about Holodomor and Jewish involvement in communism and deaths of millions and erect Slavocaust momuments all over Israel. Suppose endless commercials and shows on TV tell Jewish women that Jewish men are dorky losers and patriarchal oppressors and that Jewish girls should go with Muslim, black, Palestinian, and Iranian men and have mixed-race babies who are Muslim or Christian than Jewish. Suppose most Israeli politicians are cucks like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and suck up to Polish Catholics minority elites. Suppose Polish Catholics tell Jewish elites to look down on Jewish working class as losers who should be drugged and killed off with opioids. And if any Jewish elite person shows any sympathy or expresses any solidarity with Jewish masses, it is denounced as ‘racism’ and ‘Jewish supremacism’. OMG, how care Jewish elites care more for Jewish masses than side with Polish minority elite globalists.
Hmmm— I wonder what would happen to Israel.