AfricanAmericanAintAfrican #conspiracy
Just running the numbers. From the start of the slave trade until 1800 only ~130,000 Africans were brought to the United States. From 1800-1864 only ~130,000 more were brought. Yet, the Census from 1800 and 1860 show 1 million and 4 million black slaves respectively. How is this possible? Some more questions:
1. Where are all the slave ships?
2. How did they navigate the stormy Atlantic with wooden boats for 1-3 months?
3. If you run the numbers, in order for the 'millions' of Africans to be brought to the Americas, they would need to be running 3-400 people PER BOAT multiple times per year in order to reach that number over 400 years.
3a. Where are all these boats?
3b. How would it be possible to transport all those people cramped up in the hull of a ship over stormy waters for 1-3 months? Especially since you can't travel during hurricane season?
The answer is the greatest conspiracy of all time. They don't care if you talk about aliens, the Fed or anything else as long as you don't talk about this: African Americans Ain't African! They are the native peoples of this land.
Remember something, the 'New World' wasn't new at all! It was inhabited long before Europeans arrived in 1492. The Olmec-Xi were most likely a black civilization living in Mexico. The reason they 'disappeared' is because they didn't; their descendants are the black peoples all over this land.
Why lie? Because from the beginning they knew that conquering and stealing this land was ILLEGAL. So they tried their best to make it look serendipitous; all the while erasing the history of this people. Don't believe me? Google 'ar.noldus mon.tanus ame.rica' They knew that if caught the natives would reclaim their rightful territory under international law.
Common sense should tell you that the Transatlantic slave trade is a big ol' lie. The numbers are WAAAY too high. But they had to be because they failed to kill all the natives in their genocide pogrom. So they made something up so that the millions of blacks living here would have a plausible excuse for their great number. There are nearly 80 million blacks living in the Americas today. If you count abortion, there would be at least 100 million. So how did they get here?
They weren't brought over on boats. They were born here. As were their ancestors. Google gi.ovanni da verra.nzo. Look at how he described the 'indians'. Look up the act of Virginia that renamed Indians to NEGROS (!) in the 1600s. Realize that the term 'Africa American' has only existed since the 1960s with the cointel pro civil rights movement. Sell-out blacks like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton pushed that lie. Notice that Africans have no knowledge of slavery or the slave trade. When asked they say they learned it from white missionaries. If they participated wouldn't they have an oral history of the events?
If that many million Africans were stolen from that land, wouldn't Africa be a demographic desert (Africa was much less populous in the past)? How did they manage to take TENS OF MILLIONS OF AFRICANS from Africa over the 1600s-1800s and not have the population crater? Simple. Its all a big lie. You think they JUST started that false flag bullshit? It works a lot better without the internet, where all you have to do is falsify some logs and claim some ancient castle is a slave trading post.
Oh and don't forget that according to official numbers only 14% of the 'Africans' brought over were females of child bearing age. So how could the black population skyrocket from ~130,000 over time to 1,000,000 in 1800? Especially considering the harsh conditions that slaves were said to have lived in? Whenever you ask these questions you get stone cold silence, because the answers don't make sense. Just like 9/11, the Gulf of Tonkin, the Lusitania, 'weapons of Mass destruction'. Honestly, ya'll whites (and brainwashed blacks to a degree) have been falling for this stuff for so long that they don't even bother to cover it up very well. 220 of the ~230 years of 'the U.S.'s existence you've been at war. ALL OF THEM started by false flags. NONE OF WHICH you've protested or called out. You have protested the wars but never the causes or the lies that were used to justify them.
There were no terrorists, no weapons of mass destruction, and no transatlantic slave trade.