KABOOM THE MOON #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com
Be Warned! The Elite is Preparing a Staged Alien Invasion to Provoke an Interstellar War! Don't Become Fools!
Lunar agents ghrees had informed of the galactic police to have arrived on our solar system and soon to wage war on the lunar scum.
This subliminally is verified in the jupiter movie where the lunar boss is scared shitless of losing earth and plans to harvest the whole earth completelty before it's taken from him/her.
I have mentioned many times in the soul traps thread of the countless movies that portray all aliens as bad and the plan of the elite to unite all nations and that is to use earth united to defend the moon against the galactic police.
There are many scientists that are baffled by the amount of military satellites that surround earth and all looking to outer space like expecting for someone to show up.
So that's why most hollywood movies portray aliens as bad so when the good guys show up to kill or arrest the scum that have infested our solar system we will fight to protect the lunar scum from their enemies/our friends.
There's intel of the first alien invasion on earth not to be alien at all but made by the secret governor of earth with the assistance of the moon too, that way they hit 2 birds with one stone and that is at the same time they unite all nations against an alien enemy and earth now will be angry and ready to die fighting the real aliens that will be coming soon after to bring justice to the galactic criminals that are already here and been here for a very long time!
This satanic plan that will be played on humanity is shown to our face in the movie "wanted" with angelina jolie.
Where the criminals got to the son(symbolizing earth/humans) before his father(symboilising galactic police) and tricked the son who had no memory of his father believing that his father was murdered by a specific guy and they trained him to take revenge and kill that specific guy.
That specific guy was the son's true father who was coming to save his son from the criminals/lunar scum. The criminals were no match for him so they had this evil genius idea to train his son and brainwash him to kill his own father as they knew his father wont have the courage to kill his own son and that way they will have the advantage to kill the father through his son!
And they succeeded!
Them training the son symbolizes all the technology the lunar scum have given to earth and slowly program us for a star war and to view all aliens as bad who will come to take our precious earth. Those bad aliens in hollywood movies are already here and they are milking/mining the crap out of our precious earth down to our very souls and memories for a very long time!
So whoever comes from space with bad attitude it will not be for us humans but for the parasite moon and its fleet!
Recently i've become more cautious and trust nobody as even if the real good guys come from space there's no way for us to know for sure, so it's better not to trust anybody, not to sit on our eggs and wait for help from space but try to solve our problems ourselves!
One of my plans is for us to use the technology and training the criminals have given us to protect them, against themselves, against the freaking moon!
Which is something the son from the movie "wanted" did too after he found out who his real enemy was!