"Ask an atheist if he or she believes in the existence of aliens? If they answer, "no," then ask them how do they know that?"
Very few atheists would say that, the universe is in tecnical terms, fucking huge. the probability of life evolving on an individual planet is small, but what with 100 million galaxies, with a 1000 million stars each? yeah the huge numbers help. An atheist may say that we simply doo not know...
"Have they gone to all the other galaxies throughout the universe? The truth is that no atheist can reasonably deny the existence of alien life. To do so would be utter ignorance."
yeah okay, with you there... although not believing in aliens isn't ignorant.
"If an atheist answers, "yes," then they have contradicted their claim that there is no God. Is not God an Alien?"
"By every definition of the word, God is an alien, i.e., He is not of this earth."
Definition of God: An intelligent being that exists outside of this universe, yet who created the universe and all energy and matter within.
Definition of alien: A living organism which has deveoped on another planet independent from earth.
"For an atheist to profess believe is alien life, while simultaneously denying the existence of God, is utter hypocrisy and foolishness."
Oh, I see the foolishness, but not where you think it is.
Have to admit though, it is an original argument. at least it's not Payley's watch or pascal's wager, that we've heard 1000 times before.