I think since we are a Christian Country, people who are going to become Doctors need to be put through a series of faith based questions to see where they stand on life and the creation of it. If you do not believe in any higher power, then you should not be a physician, nor be permitted to practice any kind of medicine. You are dealing with peoples lives and that has to count for something. I know that I will not let any doctor that is faithless touch me. If he is not even sure that God Exsists then they are not going to work on me period. If I die, then it was time for me to go!!!
I think since we are a Christian Country,
people who are going to become Doctors need to be put through a series of faith based questions to see where they stand on life and the creation of it.
Because only the faithful should get medicine.
If you do not believe in any higher power, then you should not be a physician, nor be permitted to practice any kind of medicine.
Medical schools weep for you.
You are dealing with peoples lives and that has to count for something. I know that I will not let any doctor that is faithless touch me.
Feel that Christian love!/b]
If he is not even sure that God Exsists then they are not going to work on me period. If I die, then it was time for me to go!!!
Then die already. You'll be with Jesus in no time.
All that will accomplish is that you will have a lot of lying doctors. Since, unlike you, most doctors actually want to help people, and lying on some idiotic 'faith test' should not stop them from doing so, just to satisfy your lust for discrimination.
To be fair, as a bi woman married to another woman, I avoid fundie doctors because I've had bad experiences. If he wants to boycott an atheist doctor, that's his call.
As for the "faith test" bit for all doctors, well, I will restrain myself.
"I think since we are a Christian Country"
"If you do not believe in any higher power, then you should not be a physician,"
More fail.
"I know that I will not let any doctor that is faithless touch me."
You'll let a priest touch you :)
"If he is not even sure that God Exsists then they are not going to work on me period."
Horay for Christian love.
"If I die, then it was time for me to go!!!"
*Pulls out gun* Say Ah.
A doctor of whatever faith should use whatever medical means he/she knows to cure a patient, rather than rely on God. If he does, that's a shaman, not a doctor.
I know that I will not let any doctor that is faithless touch me. If he is not even sure that God Exsists then they are not going to work on me period. If I die, then it was time for me to go!!!
Oh, to be a fly on your wall when you get appendicitis, Sammy. What if your christian dr. says; "Hm, Sam's pretty sick, maybe it's just his time. Hey, Sammy, God's calling you, bye bye. Write if you find work."
"Sam's sick alright, too bad he isn't a "Real Christian", he's on the doorstep to Hell as we speak. Naaah, can't save this one."
I'd prefer a Dr that was going into the business to help people, but I haven't met any. The Drs I worked with at the University were all about the money collection and their "by" lines.
The two med students I know are:
A wife that abuses the crap out of her husband so he'll continue to be completely subservient and pay her student loans. She wants to be a Dr for the prestige, barely passed the MCAT on her final allowed try after taking two of those classes and has threatened suicide before to manipulate family members. (Oh, she's atheist but lied to have a church wedding because it was "prettier.")
The other one is a fundie who has been popping out kids all through med school, is now an OB/GYN resident and refuses to prescribe any form of birth control to any patients for any reason or even refer patients to other doctors. (Which, BTW is illegal in most states.)
I think since we are a Christian Country...."
BBBBBBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!! Oh I'm sorry that answer is incorrect, but thanks for playing and here's a look of what you would have won if you weren't a fundtard.
I think since we are a Christian Country...
i refer you to the Constitution:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion"
When the hell did we become a Christian country? We were secular when I got up this morning.
Scene: Savage combat. Shells exploding. Constant stutter of machine guns. Camera pans in.
Soldier lies near shell hole, his left arm blown off. "Medic! ... medic!
Combat medic crawls over. "You're going to be OK, soldier. I'm going to put a tourniquet on. I'll give you a shot of morphine. And I'll get you out of here.""
Wounded soldier, grimacing in pain. "OK, thanks. Thanks. But first, where do you stand on the God question?"
"I think since we are a Christian Country"
Well, if that's how you start your argument, you're getting an automatic F.
Treaty, bitch.
"I know that I will not let any doctor that is faithless touch me."
Funny. I'm just the opposite.
I sure as hell don't want to be on the operating table and the jackass with the scalpel decides not to save me because it's "God's Will".
As a Canadian, I found the following line from the CNN article amusing:
When it comes to saving lives, God trumps doctors for many Americans.
Could it be because of the state of American health care, where most Americans are at the mercy of their insurance companies (should they be lucky enough to have any)?
I think since we are a Christian Country,
people who are going to become Doctors need to be put through a series of faith based questions to see where they stand on life and the creation of it.
If you do not believe in any higher power, then you should not be a physician, nor be permitted to practice any kind of medicine.
"If we could only convince the fundamentalists that ALL medicine is evil, it would decrease both their population and influence."
Direct them all to this page.
I would give everything I own to a televangelist if Samuel has ever found a single QUALIFIED doctor who believes in creation.
Personaly, I think all athiests and agnostics should agree to boycott thier jobs one day so all these stupid people would realize that we are the doctors, teachers, and anyone else possessing an education that they need to live.
I know that I will not let any doctor that is faithless touch me
In the ER after a car accident or other serious injury to you or any close family member, I'll bet you won't be to terribly worried weither the doctor is christian or not
Keep your rosaries out of my ovaries!
Also, give me my goddamn medicine. I don't need your prayers and voodoo. I need some fuckin' meds.
My last surgeon was a Christian (I saw his dogtags--Lutheran), but he did his damn job and didn't say a word of it, and I was happy for it.
"If you do not believe in any higher power, then you should not be a physician, nor be permitted to practice any kind of medicine."
First section of the Hippocratic Oath, anyone?
"I swear by Apollo, Asclepius, Hygieia, and Panacea, and I take to witness all the gods, all the goddesses, to keep according to my ability and my judgment, the following Oath..."
Oh Noez! In the oath they pray to Heathen Gods! All doctors must be pagan!
"If I die, then it was time for me to go!!!"
Then don't bother to go to a doctor in the first place, moron.
Actually, I would rather go to a secular, trained professional doctor who knows what s/he is doing and has a PhD in medicine, and who is not going to be judgmental. I would prefer this to someone who got their doctor's license from the back of a cereal box and thinks a tumor is a judgement from god, and that a blastocyst is an "innocent hwuman wyfe!"
FYI to Princess Rot:
Doctors in the US get MDs, not PhDs. You can get both, but then you are talking a researcher most likely. MDs don't do a thesis, which actually makes it more of a law style degree and that is what is needed to practice...
... which actually makes me a little nervous because you can't fail out of med school, but you can fail out of a PhD program. (I've been considering a switch myself, but can't come up with the $.)
Actually, it would be a good idea to have doctors answer a series of faith-based questions so the religious ones can be avoided. When I'm sick, I want to be treated by someone who's up-to-date on the latest medical techniques, not some one who believes in woo.
I'm more than a little concerned that they didn't once mention any OTHER tests that physicians would have to pass.
I mean, alright, they don't have a clue how to use a scalpel, or what any of the drugs do, but at least they like to think that their invisible friend can help them out.
What about Muslim doctors? Would that work for you?
(My one bad medical experience was with a Muslim dentist who wanted to pull my impacted wisdom tooth without novocaine. That was when I discovered you can climb out of a dentist's chair backwards.)
@Epic Wolf. You are right. When I was in med school you had to play the game. In my third year I sat in on an applicant being evaluated. She was highly qualified but marked her religious preference (I'm sure they don't ask this now), as "atheist" and they turned her down for this.
@Painful. Of course you can fail med school. I can think of a couple in my class that flunked out and one who had to repeat a year.
Ironically I'd be a bit nervous about a Christian doctor working on me since if he fucks up then it's no big deal, right? I'd be going to a better place after he kills me, right? Secularists realize that people have only one life and its important. I'd prefer someone who values actual life more than a fictional afterlife to be my doctor.
wow,, great logic there, miss! I sure am glad modern medicine isn't based on something as unclean as EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY, because that would really throw a damper on things!
Ooh, I want a doctor that is committed to the science of medicine, unaffected by magical thinking. Besides, my doctor's a Muslim.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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