Oh man, where to begin? I may as well do a point-by-point refutation.
Atheists do want to destroy America as a Christian Nation.
Atheists do not want to destroy America, and America was never a Christian nation (nice capitalization of the word "nation" there, you fascist) to begin with. There is no mention of God, Jesus, religion, or Christianity anywhere in the Consitution except to specifically ban the establishment of religion. Ergo, the US is not a "Christian nation" except in the purely academic sense of Christians making up the majority of its inhabitants. This is not a new idea; it has been accepted for centuries, back when Christians were even more a majority than they are now.
The way Atheists are destroying America as a Christian Nation is by eliminating God's authority to define good and evil. Atheists have legalized pornography, adultery, abortion, and homosexuality, all which are defined to be evil by God in the Bible.
First, it wasn't only atheists who were responsible for that, and second, with the exception of abortion, none of those things actually harm anybody. In the case of homosexuality, it's a case of giving people the rights that they should have had this whole time but didn't because of bigotry. If the only source for an act being evil is a religious one, then our secular laws cannot automatically condemn it.
Atheists force the teaching of the Theory of Evolution and Big Gang Theory in public school to discredit God and God's authority.
First of all, atheists do not "force" the teaching of evolution and the Big Bang (was that a typo or were you trying to demonize the Big Bang the same way as saying "evilution"? If the latter, then that is pitiful) any more than they "force" the teaching of gravity or that the Earth is spherical. These theories are scientifically accepted facts. Every scientist in the world agrees with me on this, not just the atheist ones. There are more religious scientists out there than atheist ones, and none of them reject evolution or the Big Bang. Get over it. When the best your side can give are lies, logical fallacies, and hypotheses that have been outdated for decades if not centuries (remember Paley's watchmaker argument?) then that is pretty clear evidence that you are completely wrong.
The Atheistic Liberal News and Entertainment Industry portrays evil as good and refuses to show the disease, death, destruction and poverty associated with sin/evil.
Again, atheists are far from the only people in charge of those industries. I have watched quite a lot of news and entertainment, and I don't know where you get the idea that they portray evil as good. Are you completely unaware of the Villain Protagonist and Karma Houdini tropes? Works using them do not reflect the opinions of their creators. Considering that there are evildoers in existence (mostly dictators and their impotent counterparts, televangelists) who do in fact get off scot-free, it sadly isn't the case that everyone who does evil will die a horrible death, so the media is just being realistic.
I use a two part definition to defining evil.
Well that's just your opinion. It is not necessarily accurate.
Something is evil when the Bible defines it as evil and physical reality show it leads to disease, death, destruction and poverty. There is not disease, death, destruction and poverty associated with being Left Handed, but there is disease, death, destruction and poverty associated with homosexual activity or adultery.
And you should know that "appeal to religious texts" does not get you very far in philosophy, the field which ponders such questions as morality. There is disease, destruction, and poverty associated with heterosexual intercourse in wedlock, because people are stupid and don't take all the precautions that they should. Do you seriously think that diseases are not caused by germs, but are God's punishment? That was disproved on philosophical grounds by Jesus himself (remember the story of Bartimaeus), long before Pasteur showed that diseases have a biological basis. That takes care of "disease and death", but I don't see how those things automatically lead to destruction and poverty. You must have missed a few rhetorical steps there.
I believe America is heading to the Sodom and Gomorrah situation where evil is so rampant that the only solution by God is destruction.
If that's the case, then surely Europe (which is much less religious than the US if you didn't know) would already be a smouldering wasteland by now? Here's something that should concern you: according to the Bible (in the book of Ezekiel, specifically) the reason Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed was not because of homosexuality, but because the inhabitants of those cities had no sense of hospitality, did not help the poor and needy, and cared for no one but themselves. Does that sound familiar? It should, as those are the current values of the Republican Party. Yet if (God forbid) say, the Yellowstone Supervolcano were to erupt, destroying the United States, for some reason I highly doubt that you would blame this on the Religious Right and the Republicans, assuming that you were to survive.
I believe America needs to repent, and then no Christian should ever vote for any Democrats for any office because the Democratic Party advocates and supports Socialism and Atheism.
The Democrats are not full of socialists and atheists. Sure, there are atheists among the Democrats, but that is mainly because the Republicans will not accept them. However, the majority of Democrats (and, globally, liberal politicians elsewhere) are Christians or otherwise religious. The Republicans know this, because they always say that 80% of Americans are Christians, and not even they can deny that the membership of their political parties is roughly 50% Republican and 50% Democrat. Thus, they must realize that the majority of Democrats are Christians. Most of the remaining 20% are non-Christian religious people, and atheists make up only a small percentage of the American people. (I think the most generous estimate is 9% actually claiming to be atheist.) As for them being socialists, the Democrats are not and have never claimed to be. Just ask anyone from a country with a large percentage of socialists, and they will back me up. It's actually quite embarrassing.
Too many Christians have their head in the sand, hoping and praying God will take care of things.
I actually agree with you there. Now let's focus on stopping climate change and paying off the national debt!
God did take care of things at Sodom and Gomorrah because Christians failed to take care of things.
And you had to go all reactionary on me. Curses.
Christians have the Bible to know good from evil, and the Bible should be used by Christians to teach good and evil, by praising good and rebuking evil.
So let's just ignore all the parts of the Bible which promote immorality, Bronze Age superstition, and a "might makes right" value system, then.
Christians must elect Christians to political offices.
Why? Ideally, a politician's religious views shouldn't affect their policies. They should choose what is best for the people regardless of their religion. There is no religious test for office in the Consitution. This is just a shameless attempt to trick people into voting Republican (even if they don't believe in the Republican Party platform) by claiming that all Democrats are atheists when that is patently untrue.
II Chronicles 7:14 states, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
Haven't you learned by now that spamming Bible quotes will not get anybody to listen to you? Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad quote and it states a major tenet of the Christian belief system (and I think the Religious Right needs to understand what is meant by "humbl[ing] themselves"), but in order to convince a non-Christian of your views, you can't use a religious text that is only believed by Christians.
Atheists are not going hide their head in the sand when Christians begin to rebuke evil.
So that means that atheists aren't denialists, but will try to solve the problems that beset humanity? Cool.
There is a fight brewing, but Christians will prevail if Christians use the Bible as their authority and not lean on their own arm of flesh.
I really hope that you mean a fight of ideas, and not a literal second Civil War. In a free exchange of ideas, the good ideas will always prevail, so the people here will take you up on that.