David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
Led Zeppelin is notorious for Satanism and backward masking. Guitarist Jimmy Page reveres Aleister Crowley, a sick, demonic-possessed, degenerate, who sacrificed children, stole from others and worshipping Lucifer. The self-proclaimed “World's Most Wicked Man” ate the feces of women during bizarre sexual acts involving Luciferian worship and Satanism. Crowley was a bi-sexual, drug-addict, alcoholic and pedophile. Jimmy Page bought Crowley's castle when he died. Page opened an occult bookstore in Europe.
If Alex wants to get into the poetic meaning of Stairway To Heaven, he'd better reverse the song because there's some blatant praises of Satan when played backwards. Backward masking is real, very real, and it is a very effective way of planting subliminal messages into the listener's mind without even knowing it. Here's another classic example of Backward Masking on the song 'KID'S OF THE FUTURE' by THE JONAS BROTHERS. Aleister Crowley invented Backward Masking as part of Luciferian worship. Crowley performed all sorts of psychological experiments messing with the mind. He'd often write messages backwards on mirrors that appeared as normal when viewed in the mirror.
Crowley taught to walk backwards, think backwards, talk backwards, et cetera as part of demon worship. This is why many albums covers appear in reverse such as The Police (666 is backwards), Prince (Prince is upside down with 666 on top), and Blue Oyster Cult (notice the word mirrors reversed in the car mirror). These are but three examples of hundreds of occult imagery in the music industry. You'd be shocked if you knew the depths of Satan behind the entire music industry. Led Zeppelin never had a major “hit” on the Billboard charts, but ruled the airwaves and the arenas. Led Zeppelin has become a cultural icon in America.
Proof that the backward messages from rock bands like Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath are from satanic magic is not only in the fact that they openly promote sin to their fans, but also that the religion of Satanism teaches backward tenants. Satanist leader Aleister Crowley gives instructions to the satanist in his teachings to:
". . .train himself to think BACKWARDS. . .
(a) Let him learn to write BACKWARDS. . .
(b) Let him learn to walk BACKWARDS. . .
(c) Let him. . . listen to phonograph records REVERSED
(d) Let him practise speaking BACKWARDS. . .
(e) Let him learn to read BACKWARDS. . ."
(Aleister Crowley, Magick In Theory And Practice)