Don't use your "logic" with me. I have no use for it.
Out of context and with the quote marks around 'logic', this isn't fundy at all.
It could be a reply to anything, like.. "Hey, crazy christian, your bizarro-logic doesn't apply to the real world!"
Voted a 1.
"Dumber than a breeding pullet, wronger than a loco's motive. It's a nerd, it's got no brain, it's supersport"!
Fundie Debate Tactics Award!
Also, was anyone else reminded of Saruman from the Return of the King Extended Edition?
Yeah, you've made it quite evident that you have no use for logic, by stating that you have no use for logic. Ironic, ain't it?
Oh its just Supersport.
Supersport says that "evos" secretely want to be monkeys. Another user says that by that same "logic" (he is the first one to use the quotes around logic), creationists secretely want to be dirt. This is where this is coming from.
By the way, it seems that CARM doesn't accept FSTDT as a referrer.
"Don't use your 'logic' with me. I have no use for it."
Nothing more needs to be added, really. This just says it all.
~David D.G.
Oh dear, it's StuporSquirt.
Wondered where he'd got to.
I'm still mystified as to how an individual as bereft of functioning brain cells as this managed to learn how to use a computer and connect to the Internet. We haven't seen much of him at RDF of late, presumably because the going got too tough for him. But then my tropical fish could conduct debate in a more intelligent manner than this jerkoff.
-Jim Carey
seriously, I have no idea why people put their brains to waste like that.
We know.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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