mighyt_yt #racist stormfront.org

*On potential riots after the Zimmerman trial*

Where I live I don't expect riots to occur. But none the less I always carry a handgun in my vehicle. Out of the Rodney King riots the one scene that stands out in my mind the most is Reginald Denney being dragged from his truck and busted in the head with a brick as the negro danced a jig and laughed. So the ability to protect ones self while in a car/truck is essential. My house is too secluded to be in danger I believe. I keep a stockpile of food and water so I'm alright on that. But now the people living in big cities like Miami, Atlanta, New Orleans, Chicago, Detroit, etc. Ya'll better prepare to stay inside and not leave home for at least a week. If you do have to travel try to take a route that doesn't go anywhere near black areas and keep the handgun within easy reach. I predict that this is going to get ugly. The prosecution has not proven it's case by a longshot and in my opinion an aquittal or at least a hung-jury is inevitable. Remember what John Bernard Books said, "Some people hesitate or draw a breath before they pull the trigger, I won't." If you are threatened don't take the chance of being killed because you are afraid of going through what Zimmerman is going through. Better to be tried than died. If you are stopped on the street by force and they try to open your car door shoot the living s*** out of them.



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