AmIMK? #conspiracy

Can You Tell Me if I'm MK ULTRA?

Okay, as crazy as this might sound, what I'm about to tell you is absolutely real. I read about the MK Ultra program from the 50s. I think I might be a programmed victim. Can you tell me if you think I am? What can I do?

Several times when I have been very, very high on marijuana I have gone into a trance state.

In this trance state I enter into a "computer mode" of sorts where I ask my friend for a password. I repeatedly state something like, "Please state password."

He gets it wrong repeatedly, as I stubbornly resist this for a time, but he eventually enters into the program. While in the trance, I can actually remember and perceive what's going on. There are different commands and directories he tries to enter.

Ultimately, I keep giving him errors. I repeat "command not recognized." "Command not recognized." "Command not recognized." He tries various other methods to get through, but I say something about being "hacked" and unable to comply with commands, speak of lockouts, and he eventually quits.

At one point I remember saying something like, "Activation mode off. Turn on activation?" His answer was, "no."


Now, I am not psychotic or schizophrenic to my knowledge. In my field of study, I have done extensive psych evals that have found me normal.

Yet, I have been having trouble with some relatively insane thoughts for several days now and it's really bothersome. I have to meditate, pray, or take special measures to suppress them. (I know this sounds crazy.)

.... In any case, I believe I may be dealing with something beyond myself.

Could this be MK?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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