You see, you all seem so confident, but I think the theory of evolution is's nothing but smoke and mirrors. There is no substance what-so-ever to it. NONE. And let me prove it to you.
Natural selection is THE creative force to the theory of evolution. In fact, the whole theory was dreamed up around this one concept. The thinking man would assume that a theory that has literally billions of hours of thought and thinking behind it would have a premise that was TESTED at least once! But you know what....the little theory that has hoodwinked a large part of society has a little secret...and that secret is that the chosen mechanism isn't worth a dime. And that mechanism is called natural selection.
Now see, I can call natural selection worthless, as evolutionists define it, because it truly has NEVER been tested/confirmed on animals in a controlled setting. And just like the creationists they love to ridicule for living on faith, evolutionists are also living on faith that natural selection works on the level of the organism like they claim.
This is a very simple challenge. And my prediction is that you will be able to show me nothing. Indeed, science for the past 100 years has relied on a concept that they just don't have the guts to test. And the reason they don't have the guts to test it is because they KNOW it's a fraudulent premise.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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