What if they put ebola in chemtrails and create a false flag like that?
What would u be able to do?
This is just so stupid, I have trouble believing this is a real comment. And once more, the meaning of 'false flag' has been reduced to 'something vaguely sinister I don't understand but must surely be a terrifying sign'.
AnonCow is a false flag for the ancient Illuminati-Bilderberg-Fourth Reich-CIA-Jewish-Free Mason-Walmart global conspiracy to contaminate our precious Christian bodily fluids! He's trying to deceive and misinform us into beleiviating that the New World Order is putting Ebola in the chemtrails.
The reality is that those satanic evil-doers are actually putting 0bama's DNA in those chemtrails! It's like how a dog pisses on a mailbox post to mark its territory. OBAMA IS MARKING US AS HIS WHITE SLAVES!!!!1!! But it gets worse than that, my fellow awakened sheeple! Barrack Hussein Dahmer Hitler 0bama wants to turn us into...HIM! If his plans are not stopped by the year 2012 (no, the other 2012, the real 2012 - not that false flag 2012 two "years" "ago"), soon we will all mutate into 0bama clones! Yes, even women will wake up one morning to find his evil black cock housed between their legs! And it's all part of the global elite's plan to silence all opposition! Literally! Because, as 0bama clones, we won't be able to talk without using TELEPROMPTERS!!!!
I know this because there are dwarves from the Crab Nebula living under my kitchen floor who told me so!
WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!!!!!!1!!!11!!!!!!1!!!!!!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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