none of ur business #racist

ok if u think indians smell good ur fucking crazy! yeah! i finally found a place where i can express my opinion. first off, thank u poolooo or however u spell it for bringing up this particular topic. curry is probably one of the shittiest smelling shit in the world, as well as the other spice crap that they eat now a days. i pretty much passed out in the hallway thanks to the odor of one of them. i hate walking through the halls in school having to have their curry stench ruin my american eagle cologne stench! i just find it ridicoulous. its not that hard! jump in the fucking shower and wash urself. i have proof that most of them dont take showers because of all the pimples all over them. i try so hard not to be racist toward them but its just crazy. im not saying all indians r like this, just some. i cant even walk past the indian joint down the street without putting my face in my hands and running(to avoid the smell) now im not trying to be mean here either but the way u people talk is fricken hilarious. i mean, when an indian boy (im in junoir high) stands up in front of the class to read a paper and starts talking. my face turns as red as a cherry and i literally have tears running down my ya there is another thing. im also not saying that u guys r bad people. u just reek of smell and thats pretty much it. and dont make fun of blacks either u camel jockey's becuz they'll kick all ur curry filled asses. peace out.



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