Dave Blount #conspiracy moonbattery.com
Obama Splashes Gasoline on Trayvon Violence
No intellectually mature adult could consider it appropriate that this irresponsible demagogue is President of the United States:
The president delivered extensive remarks during a surprise appearance in the White House briefing room. He went far beyond his remarks a year ago in which he stirred controversy by saying if he had a son, he’d look like Martin.
“Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago,” Obama said.
Somebody get this guy an I Am Trayvon Martin shirt.
We already know that Obama was a pot-head like St. Skittles, but does he mean he was also a violent hoodrat with a penchant for burglary who was suspended three times, who referred to people with lighter skin as “creepy ass crackers,” and who apparently assaulted bus drivers as well as neighborhood watch captains? Of course not; the red diaper baby spent his teen years at a hoity-toity prep school. He means that all blacks (including half-blacks like himself) are the same; they must remain united against their racial enemies.
His purpose is classic Alinsky. The Community Organizer is doing what community organizers do — he is getting people riled. “The worse the better,” as Machiavellian left-wing revolutionaries like to say. In a country that would work fine if the government and media would just leave it alone, you can’t exploit a crisis without first creating the crisis, or at least the perception of a crisis.
By whipping up mobs that are already out of control, while simultaneously denouncing stand-your-ground laws that had nothing to do with the Trayvon Martin shooting, Obama appears to be setting up a row of dominos that will inevitably fall when one of the sociopathic punks he so openly identifies with attacks someone with a gun who defends himself. The aftermath will be Newtown + St. Skittles, hyped to the last extreme of absurdity by the cultural Marxists who run the media, with the short-term goal of attacking our fundamental right of self-defense and the long-term goal of creating a social divide so deep that liberals will be able to keep exploiting it indefinitely.
A leader attempts to unite his people. A ruler divides and conquers.