stop there....but you are assuming that the lightwave has to travel to us....why can it not be that my eyes travel to it?...
*holds gun to Stuporsport's head* Blammo!
*nothing happens*
Just as I thought, no brain in residence. (And light-ray eyes not available with this model).
WOW I never seen so much condensed concentrated stupid in one fundie I sure hope it isn't dangerous , contagious or infectious .
Perhaps this fundie should be quarantined and under go to bible detoxification and force fed strict diet of logic and common senses for 7 days.
NO bad Idea to much common sense and logic might kill him or damage his physic beyond repair .
It best to let the stupid run it course.And hope for the best .
Because if your eyes travel to whatever you looked at when you glanced around the room your eyes would be zooming around at superspeed, and I think people would notice that. Also, if your eyes travelled to something you were seeing really far away, how would your eyes tell the rest of you what they were seeing? They couldn't use semaphore, because they don't have arms, and morse code wouldn't work either, because -- you know what, forget it.
Please, please, look at the thread! It is unbelievable. SS is suggesting that sight is something that is disconnected from the movement of light. Sight, as he thinks it works, is something that is instantaneous, opposed to the concept of speed of light. For a working password and user name, check bugmenot.
Supersport is deeply troubled and is perception of reality is dim at best.
And so, to prove his point, supersport spoons out his eyeballs and throws them [at the speed of light, no less] at an incoming ray of light. "That will show them!" - he exclaims inside his head, desperately trying to get back home by means of feeling his way along pavilion walls.
(The stupid, it burns!)
Supersport is not only a real, dyed-in-the-polyester-blend fundie, but also an alt-med Koolaid drinker. You really get the sense he's the sort of person who would bluster for hours about the New Age conspiracy and then say he's got to log off to go to his Christian Reiki class.
Ummm, quite simply supersport, in the case of most people - their eyes are solidly tethered in their skull by an optic nerve attached to their brain.
While this isn't true in your particular case, unfortunately due to our understanding of EMR, and Einsteinian physics, it's impossible for anything with mass to travel at the speed of light.
Originally Posted by supersport: is there any way to delete this post? I have a feeling it's going to come back to haunt me forever. At least if it was deleted no one could prove that it happend.......
We still know, Supersport. We still know.
Why can't your eyes travel at night supersport?
...and how do they pass through glass and other transparent media?
...and how do they only partially pass through semi-opaque or translucent materials?
...why don't they get diced up passing through flyscreens?
...why do only your red cones passs through rose coloured glasses?
...and why do they change direction when passing through different media?
...and please explain what your eyes have to do with optic fibre?
...or ultraviolet light.
...or infrared light.
...or x-rays, microwaves, radiowaves etc.
How do your eyes power teh internets?
I used to think the same thing as you, supersport. When I was four. Then again, I also thought that eating watermelon seeds would make a tree grow in your stomach and that a magical being paid me for my teeth.
I've met people who have asked this same question.
Mind you, they had smoked a mind-boggling amount of illicit substances beforehand...
You're kidding, right?
We know that light travels at 186,000 miles per second relative to the observer, in this case, you. If your eyes moved at this speed past a stinding wave, giving the illusion of light, their mass would increase, and approach infinity as their speed approached 186,000 miles per second. Because of the increased mass, it would take more energy to move them, the way it takes more energy to move a truck than a bicycle. As mass approaches infinity, the energy to move them approaches infinity. So your eyes are moving at a low speed, along with the ground you're standing on, and massless light is moving at light speed. Understand? No, this was a waste of time. It's supersport.
Pew pew! Eye lasers! I thought we saw enough of this with the other young Earther. The one who thinks the sun is 32 miles in diameter, that gravity is the Earth moving up, and light's transmitted by instant eye-lasers. Forget his name. Stupidity isn't all that terribly memory-worthy.
What. What. What? WHAT?
Seriously, WTF???
Because if they are, then you are Andross and will soon be killed by Arwing pilots.
Natasha: Boris, why goof gas work on squirrel not moose?
Boris: Simple, no brain, no effect!
Goof gas wouldn't work on supersport, either. No brain, no effect.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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