The theory of evolution was only devised for political reasons (it's modern believers only believe in it for political reasons, not because of the scientific evidence).
The theory of creationism was only devised for politico-religious reasons (it's modern believers only believe in it for politico-religious reasons, not because of the scientific evidence).
Makes so much more sense.
But anyway, I'm pretty sure that Asycthian is a Poe. Read this :
And those political reasons are...?
Go on, if you're gonna put on the tin foil hat, you better be willing to go all the way.
God was only devised for political reasons. Its modern believers only believe in it out of fear, not because of evidence.
"It's" = It is. Your parenthetical ought to be capitalized or else it's just an odd form of comma splice.
He's right. I remember, Charles Darwin was standing for Parliament and he said "Let me publish this evolution nonsense - that'll get me the atheist vote for sure." So then the Labor Party jumped on the band-wagon, and next thing you know, every latte-sipping, Volvo-driving homosexual atheist liberal was running around promoting the theory of evil-lution so's they could encourage abortion and take away our guns!
The theory of creationism was only devised for religious reasons (it's modern believers only believe in it for religious reasons, not because of the scientific evidence).
FIXED! [font=wingdings]J[/font]
And so easy too.
If by that you mean that only politicians with the level of intelligence required to understand evolution, and other complex scientific concepts, should be allowed to hold public office, then I agree wholeheartedly.
If that isn't what you mean, then you are a fucktarded cock-monkey.
anevilmeme said:
It's like watching an entire group of people MST3K themselves over and over.
What the fuck is a MST3K ?
First rule when using abbreviations not in common use, don't just abbreviate, elongate!
Actually you have it backwards. Most intelligent, educated, people with political ambitions think religion is bunk, but pretend to be religious for appearances sake. It is also a great way to deflect blame for social problems. Instead of praying Jebus will save you from live in the trailer trash toilets they are living in, they would instead blame the government. I am an aetheist, but when I form a country, damn straight I am going to make damned sure there is some warm fuzzy diety for the lower class masses to pray to. I don't want them on my back.
The theory of evolution was only devised for political reasons
OK, then, I'm voting for it. Darwin for president! WooHoo!
The bible was made for political resons, somewhere in the bible it talks about the rich man going to hell and the poor man or slave going to heaven as long as he just waits it out but he cant commit sucide because the bible says not to. This keeps the debt enslaved peasent from overthrowing the rich man who makes his life miserable. Their are many other uses to the bible and religon to the powerful. Isnt it a lot easier to make someone who belives in an afterlife throw his life away as a solider for their country.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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