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B+ Blood Type: what it means spiritually – Beta 6th Thunder
B positive according to the Church of Smyrna in the 7 Churches of Revelation are interpreted as YAHudah’s progeny (Jews) but under 1st commandment curse. Progeny of Eve (ha Wah) before flood & Japheth after the flood
Smyrna – Myrrh for burials. Because of Eve’s adultery with SamaEL- Zeus (XES) in the garden she must die though the faithful will not die the second death. “Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die”
1) Reminding them that he, YAHshuWAH died but lived.
2) Your works tribulation and poverty are known (But you are rich) reference to Japheth
3) Also known are the blasphemy of those O’s calling themselves Jews, but do lie. True Jews are the progeny of Ashkenazi the grandson of Japheth.
4) Fear not the Devil will put some of you in prison (FEMA concentration camps just like Nazi Germany)
5) You will be tried with tribulation 10 days be faithful unto death and receive a crown of Life.
6) The overcomers will not be hurt by the second death.
8, And to the angel of the in Smyrna assembly write! Thus says the first and the last, who became dead, and lived. 9, I know your works, and affliction, and poorness, (but rich you are) and the blasphemy of the ones calling to be Jews themselves, and are not, but a synagogue of Satan. 10, Do not fear the things you are about to suffer! Behold indeed, is about to throw the devil some of you in prison, that you should be tested. And you shall affliction days ten. Be trustworthy unto death! and I will give to you the crown of life. 11, The one having an ear, hear what the spirit says to the assemblies! The one overcoming, in no way should be injured by the death second.
What happened to the House of YAHudah’s progeny through Shuwah’s daughter historically?
Here’s the connection: B+ are the Progeny of haWah (Eve) whom at one time going back to the beginning were RH- meant to live in a B- body. Then after the reboot of the flood they entered the matrix through Japheth and later brought in under YAHudah through the Daughter of King Shuwah (B‘s). Over the course of incarnating here over thousands of years they failed to love the creator in a manner in which YHWH could receive. Since YHWH will not share his glory with another (as he shouldn’t have to) the B+ allowed themselves to worship Satan. The reasons why or how don’t matter. Today you are referred to as Gentiles. The A, B, and AB positives are the fulfillment of YHWH’s first Commandment. They are the result of the Law in which YHWH says; “I AM a jealous God Visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the children to the 3rd and 4th generation for those who hate me and offering mercy to those who love me and keep the Law”. The only way this can be interpreted is as a generational curse. Blood barriers of Genesis 3:15 apply here. Rhogam is a drug that breaks these barriers and helps fulfill Mat 10:34-36. The assembly of ha Wah’s (Eve) Temple- blood type has been blended with Satan’s seed.
See: B- blood type and what it means spiritually and the other blood types for more info.
Each of the blood types has generous clues as to who they Biblically are. It’s coded if you know the Bible 7 Churches of Revelation can be easily understood. Here are the B’s:
Now the clues for the B+’s are similar. YAHshuWAH observes that they also enjoyed Japheth’s blessing of being rich. And assures them he sees the Blasphemy of those claiming to be Jews but are in fact the congregation of Satan. There was no V or J in Hebrew so if we closely look at the name Eve a better translation would be Ewe in modern English. A ewe is a female sheep. Therefore the name Jews should be Ewes a reference to B- ha Wah, (Eve) who also had the blessings of Japheth.
YAHshuWAH tells them the Devil will put some of them into FEMA camps, that they are to be tried 10 days and to Hold onto his NAME, YAHshuWAH (not jeZeus- Xes = 666). These Overcomers will receive a crown of LIFE and will not by any means suffer the second death.
The B-‘s (2nd created Thunder) are reminded that they are neither hot nor cold but lukewarm as was ha Wah (Eve) was with YHWH’s commandment about eating the forbidden FRUIT of a certain Tree of animals (Book of YAHshur 1:20). Now picture the 7 candlesticks and on the right side from the middle, the B-‘s are in the midst of the right side between Adam and Cain exactly where YAHshuWAH says they are neither Hot nor Cold.
The B-‘s of Laodicea are urged to remember that though they have the blessing Noah had given to Japheth/Ashkenaz (Gen. 9:27) of being enlarged-increased they are in fact actually blind, like Isaac who despite all he had inherited from Abraham ended up blind because he loved Esau’s venison (Gen. 27:1-5). And naked because of Eve’s not following YHWH’s commandment of a certain forbidden FRUIT that causes death. She had not been tempted with an apple it was animal flesh that causes cancer (Rev. 16:15).
YAHshuWAH tells the B-s if they don’t clean out their eyes and learn to sit at his Passover dinner table of mercy (bread) and not continue to eat at Satan’s table (fool sacrificed to Idols), they will be tried in the fire and temptation of the Great Tribulation to earn their white garments so the shame of Eve’s nakedness (Gen 3:7) may not be seen. These B-‘s having to choose death over the NWO Mark of the Beast as seen in Nazi prison camp photos with some burned in ovens and others laid out for burials in mass graves. These Overcomers will sit with him on his throne.
I would like to point out when I received my blood type testing kit from Dr. Adamo’s Eat right for your blood type website it arrived with a pamphlet. According to this pamphlet there was not a single blood type B amongst the Native Americans, proving the awesome power of YAHshuWAH to separate the House of YAHudah Betas from the House of YAHshurun Alphas. Science knows this that’s why they have already given convenient accurate blood types ABO labels.