Steve Clayton #fundie

Incoming Light Energy Upgrades

An Unexpected Rest Stop

Yesterday morning in the middle of a steady rain I repeatedly received the message to go outside and mediate with the elm tree in our backyard. I did my best to ignore it but finally realized there was a message awaiting me, so out I went. After settling myself comfortably between two hostas with my back against the elm tree I relaxed into the moment. Much to my surprise I became aware of a symphony of sounds around me; the rain hitting the leaves, water dripping from one leaf to another and onto the hostas, and drips on my hat chiming in. The rhythmic cadence of the water drops almost put me to sleep. I became aware of a great joy enveloping me. I passed my hands a few inches over each of the hostas and joy radiated through me.

More Than Meets the Eye

My first thought was the plants were happy to be receiving a much needed drink after a few weeks of hot, dry weather. That was only part of it, I was told. Yes, the plants, trees, and grass were grateful for the rain but they were happier with the message that came with it. The Information Highway of the universe is Light. Light conducts more than just energy; it conducts information as well, information that affects our DNA, our brain and our intuition. We, like the universe, are made of light. It makes sense that light is able to communicate with us on many levels rather than just through our eyes. The Earth not only receives messages directly from the Sun but sunlight also infuses the water in clouds with the same information. As that rain falls down and is absorbed by the Earth this information is transmitted to roots and all life below the surface. Underground there is a huge communication network consisting not just of plant and tree roots but also of aquifers, rivers and seas. The information in the water is transmitted throughout the Earth via this network.

Hunab Ku

The plants were joyful about was the information they had begun receiving from the Central Sun of the multiverse, the Hunab Ku. This light has been traveling from the center of the universe for several years spreading its message along the way. The energetic upgrades and rise in consciousness that have been long awaited, discussed, argued about and even denied are, according to the joy filled plants, beginning to take place now as more and more of the Hunab Ku’s Light reaches us. That is definitely a reason to be excited and joyful.

What Can You Do?

According to Mother Earth, via the tree and plant network, the best way to prepare for these energetic upgrades is to be in your heart, full of love and joy for all life and to accept this new energy naturally. Do not over think this, fear it or even try to control it. Just allow it to happen. Let yourself to become one with all life on Mother Earth and enjoy this new perspective. Your life will change for the better in ways you cannot yet imagine.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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