
Gregg Prescott M.S. #ufo #magick #elitist in5d.com

Did you ever wonder why you decided to incarnate into these lower vibrations of the third density?

on the other side with Source. You wanted to make millions of soul contracts because they all seemed so easy to achieve while you are in the presence of Source. Instead, you listened to Source and ended up making thousands of soul contracts, which all seemed achievable in this lifetime.

Some of these soul contracts involved people who you would only meet for a brief minute, but somehow, they changed your life, or you changed theirs. They helped to lead you back to your path of enlightenment, or vice-versa.

While you may never personally know these people, you were best friends with them when you were back with Source.

Did you ever see someone for the first time and just know that you’ve known this person from somewhere? Chances are, you did know this person when you were back with Source.
The trick is to look at painful situations and ask yourself, “Why did this happen to me?” You might not like the answer but often times, but not everytime, we invite these situations into our present lives in order to address unresolved karmic issues from past lives.

You also wanted to come back to be part of the Great Awakening and the Shift in Consciousness. We are at a point in time where our planet is completing a 26,000 year cycle called the precession of the equinoxes. We are also at the end of a greater cycle in which our solar system has completed it revolution around its own sun in Sirius. You said to yourself, “There is no way I’m gonna miss out on this!” Besides, you forgot what it was like to experience duality and polarity.

In the end, this sh*thole has been an amazing experienced filled with an abundance of opportunities for spiritual growth.
Remember this: YOU are the light at the end of the tunnel!

Deidre Madsen #crackpot #ufo #magick in5d.com

In case you hadn’t noticed, everything, and I mean, EVERYTHING IS ASCENDING. We are awakening at a rapid rate due to the 100th Monkey Effect. We are coming out of a deep inner reflection of self-evaluation and self-discovery and emerging into great awareness. The great awakening on all levels ushers in the time of extreme spirituality. How are you affected by the great awakening?
We are in for a wild and amazing ride. These new waves of spiritual gifts (gifts from the beyond (or Spiritual Gifts from the Holy Spirit/Ruach Ha Kodoish/Great Spirit/Shekinah) will be supported and in fact fueled by our growing levels of compassion, and the mere fact of our species natural higher intelligence which will bring about tremendous scientific breakthroughs in many areas of science and technology with far reaching discoveries in space travel, free energy, quantum physics, scientific research, archaeological findings, Web 3.0, quantum financial systems (QFS), quantum thinking, and consciousness soul evolution. Great new discoveries that take us further into the multi- and parallel-universes are already being realized and recorded. And what a time to be alive!

We will begin to give birth to, or help others realize greater more esoteric/metaspiritual gifts or talents (naturally inherent to our genetic programming, yet for the most part laying dormant until awakened) that will be part of a surge of excitement that begins to grow in the collective consciousness of humanity. Here we will begin to see greater amounts of individuals with phenomenal extrasensory gifts of perception, precognition like never before, teleportation, hands-on or absentia healings en mass, and so on.

Gregg Prescott, M.S. #magick #ufo #conspiracy in5d.com

Did you ever wonder why you decided to incarnate into these lower vibrations of the third density?

When we were back on the other side with Source, life seemed so easy. We had the answers to all universal questions and lived in the complete vibration of love. There was no dissension, hatred, ego, or financial concerns, just love.

After many years of being in this vibration, you forgot what it was like to live in a 3rd dimensional vibration, yet you were fortunate enough to have been here in at least one other previous incarnation and you remembered how your spiritual progression was raised exponentially by being in a world full of duality.

You swore to yourself that this time, you would not allow the lower third dimensional vibrations to bring you down. You planned on bringing back the vibration of love with you to this planet, but your memories of being with Source were once again wiped from your immediate memories as the 3rd dimensional brainwashing began, yet again.
So, why did I decide to incarnate to this sh*thole?

Every one of these situations gave you a chance to learn and grow spiritually. For a while, you simply forgot how these challenges would benefit you. You knew that at some point in this incarnation, you would awaken to find your true self along with your purpose for being here.
You also wanted to come back to be part of the Great Awakening and the Shift in Consciousness. We are at a point in time where our planet is completing a 26,000 year cycle called the precession of the equinoxes. We are also at the end of a greater cycle in which our solar system has completed it revolution around its own sun in Sirius. You said to yourself, “There is no way I’m gonna miss out on this!”

In the end, this sh*thole has been an amazing experienced filled with an abundance of opportunities for spiritual growth. If you willingly decide to come back here in another incarnation, look for this article!

Gregg Prescott, M.S. #magick #conspiracy #crackpot in5d.com

The concept of the bifurcation of time refers to the idea that there are two different paths or potential outcomes that can occur in the future. This idea is often associated with spiritual or philosophical beliefs about the nature of reality and the possibility of different possible futures.
The concept of the bifurcation of time can also be interpreted more broadly as a representation of the duality that exists in the world, with two opposing forces or energies at play. Some people believe that the bifurcation of time represents the struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, or other dualistic opposites.

Overall, the spiritual meaning of the bifurcation of time may vary depending on the individual’s beliefs and perspective. It can be seen as a symbol of the choices that we make in life and the consequences that follow, or as a representation of the duality that exists in the world and the potential for different outcomes depending on our actions.
There are a variety of explanations for the Mandela Effect, including the idea that it is caused by a glitch in the matrix or some kind of quantum phenomenon, or that it is simply a result of collective misremembering or the fallibility of human memory. It is important to note that there is no scientific evidence to support these more exotic explanations and that the Mandela Effect is more likely to be a result of normal human memory errors and the influence of suggestion.

Most likely, the Mandela Effect represents the convergence of timelines of many realities into one main timeline that we all share. In essence, each time a Mandela Effect appears, it represents millions (or more) timelines collapsing!

Jetson White #ufo #quack #conspiracy in5d.com

What is a Galactic Human? All beings born as Humans onto this Planet are Galactic Humans...

Why? Because this Planet, like all inhabited planets, was seeded by one or more Galactic races. In other words, a Human's true ancestry is not of this world!

But why have Humans not been taught this? There are a multitude of reasons, but the most fundamental is that those born into this 3rd Dimensional experiment agree to forget upon birth who they really are.

This agreement to forget is made so that Humanity may experience a rebirth, an awakening. And it is this awakening that has the potential to transform Humanity, here and now, back into the original blueprint of our true Galactic Selves.

And what is this original Galactic blueprint? It has to do with Human DNA.

Humans started out as 12-stranded, crystalline-based beings, and this original configuration gave Humans immortality, and powers now considered astounding.

So how did Human DNA get dumbed down to its current state of 2-stranded, carbon-based?

There are plenty of stories about it, but I think the more important question is: can Humans reactivate this original DNA blueprint and become Galactic Humans again? The answer is YES! And it's totally what's happening right now...!

Naomi Cook #moonbat #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot in5d.com

'Coming out’ as Starseed is the new Gay – loads of us are doing it and it can be a healing process to do so, here’s why:

When you come out as a Starseed you are identifying an aspect of your Spiritual and perhaps Genetic journey up until this point as having occurred in another star system. Technically speaking, when going by emerging theories and histories explored in the Disclosure Movement – we are ALL Starseed to a certain extent, human life a life potentially seeded via intergalactic influence – be it Extraterrestrial DNA manipulation or accidental Asteroid Seeding, or you could just say we are made of Stardust – the same prime elements as the stars.

But something sets apart some humans from others. An Un-Awoken Starseed may struggle or have struggled with Earthly Existence up until this point confused by their suffering from issues like these (loads more listed here)

I don’t belong here
I’m homesick
I’m not like other humans
I don’t feel human
I feel trapped in my body
Home is out there
I’m here to ‘do something’
I have memories of other ways of ‘being’
3D sucks
I feel funny/sad/triggered when I look at the stars

But, until fairly recently, Starseeds were really unable to put their finger on why and how they had these feelings, that is, until the term ‘Starseed’ began to be used more and more as a common term to refer to humans who have experienced some or all of the above feelings or knowledge about their genetic or spiritual heritage. Starseed is a term that is now happily floating around in our collective consciousness and in amongst the metaphysical circles we all seem to agree that it denotes an individual’s connection and purpose on Earth being related to a mission created for or by them whilst incarnating in another star system.

The question is, how can the above complaints impact negatively on a Starseed who hasn’t yet ‘come out’ to themselves?

Rosie Neal #magick #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo in5d.com

So, this is what is playing out. Yes, election was hijacked by non-beneficial interference energy. It was expected and it happened right in front of our eyes. Most of us awaken expected this. Even President Trump knew it was going to happen.

Remember, we are now living in a inverted reality. Everything that appears righteous is not and that from a unawaken conscious perspective can only buy into the illusion of the appearance.
But these events are actually bringing awakening to many. Everything will come out in the end as a greater expansion and deeper awareness. Everything will come together in the end as the light begins to shine on it.

The greatest thing we can do is remain in a unemotional or polarized state. Continue to transmute and quantify and quarantine this non-beneficial energy and remove all effects off of this election for that of the greatest potential to come through to the surface for all the world to see. This will bring in a transparency for all the world to see.

Truth will come to the surface and all will fall perfectly into place. This will allow for a opening for all the things that will need to be deconstructed from the ground base floor to be rebuilt at a much higher frequency so we as a collective can continue on the path to our own evolution.

So much is happening in the unseen world and all that does not resonate with the highest vibrational waves will dissipated right before your eyes.

So, don’t worry or allow fear in because everything is playing out for the highest good of mankind.

The angelic realm is with you.

💙🙏💙 In Loving Grace

Rosie Neal

In5D #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger in5d.com

Have you ever wondered how the Matrix works? How did things get this way and how do you “unplug” from the Matrix? The self-appointed rulers of the Matrix don’t want you to know the following secret: the Matrix takes advantage of the balancing principle of duality, which is a mechanical law, not an ethical one. By keeping people in ignorance of the way reality truly works, the rulers can manipulate the laws of duality to serve themselves and exploit others.
Here is how it works: duality is an equation that must — emphasize must — balance, or the whole system collapses. If you throw a gross thing like obscene wealth on one side of the equation, it needs something of equal weight on the other side, such as abject poverty. But here is the real key:

The two sides of the equation must be equal in weight but not in size.

On a mechanical scale, a tiny piece of lead can balance a huge sack of feathers. The lead is small and dense, while the feathers take up lot of volume; the feathers occupy more space than the lead, but both objects weigh the same. The rulers of the Matrix use the mechanics of duality in order to maintain their position on the top of the pyramid. In their skewed version of duality’s equation, the extravagant wealth of one man is balanced by a huge amount of people who are dirt poor: the two sides of the equation are equal in weight but not in size.

In fact, in the Matrix, wealth must be contrasted by poverty or it is not considered wealth. In the Matrix Mind, the concept of universal wealth is illogical; it is a contradiction in terms. This is because valuation is one of the guiding principles that supports the hierarchical system.

Tonya Somers #magick #crackpot in5d.com

All living things that need oxygen to survive have an aura. They generate a large magnetic energy field that can be sensed, felt and even seen around the physical body. We all can tell when someone doesn’t feel good to us, like they are full of anger or if they really live in their heart and feel deeply. You do not need to be psychic to feel/read an aura.
If a person walks past, very close to you, they may unintentionally steal some of your energy. If someone suddenly reaches out and grabs your arm, they are interrupting the flow of energy around your body. An example of this might be a time when you were talking to someone and you thought they were standing to close to you. You may have even thought to yourself, “They’re in my space,” and then you backed away. Even this slight intrusion into your aura or ‘space’ can interrupt your personal flow of energy and you may feel like you have been slimed.

An aura is usually 3 feet from your physical body, however an incest or rape survivor has an aura about 50 feet around them, which means in a movie theater or a bus/train you sit in their stuff!!! I can clean this for you.

Gregg Prescott, M.S. #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut #mammon in5d.com

Several Q drops showed us two things:

1. The Gold Standard IS coming back.

2. The Federal Reserve is now UNDER the Treasury.


In my New Years Eve show on December 31, 2019, I predicted that we would be returning to a gold standard this year. I also recommended to buy PHYSICAL silver. Do NOT buy silver certificates! At the time, Silver was going for $17.14 an ounce. Right now (July 18, 2020) it’s at $19.24.

According to Financial Commentator & Former Stockbroker, Bill Holter, there is as much AVAILABLE physical silver as their is as physical gold. WHY? Because silver is used in many more different applications, especially in electronics. At this pace, silver will be rarer than gold in the not so distant future.

Look at the silver to dollar ratio (found on the US Debt Clock). Right now, the silver to dollar ratio is $3,803 per ounce.This is why we have hyperinflation and also represents what the TRUE VALUE of silver is.


If I had the money right now (please feel to gift me…lol), I would invest HEAVILY into PHYSICAL silver.

At the current silver to dollar ratio of $3,804 per ounce, it would only take 263 ounces of silver to have the VALUE of $1,000,000 at a cost of $5,060. THAT IS HOW MUCH SILVER IS BEING UNDERVALUED!!!

I’ve also changed my stance somewhat on NESARA/GESARA. While there remains no physical proof that the ACTUAL HOUSE BILL ever existed, there is enough momentum to make something like this to come to fruition, especially after Joseph Gregory Hallett (King John III) could help to bring this to fruition.

With COVID-19 being hyped by the mainstream media as being such a deadly virus, it would make sense to use that logic and BURN ALL FIAT CURRENCY to prevent this “virus” from affecting any further people.

That opens the door for a new, gold-backed currency.

In time, we’ll move away from money completely as it has always been used as a way to keep humanity enslaved but in the interim, it’s a step forward from where we were. If NESARA/GESARA gets implemented, it would be based on this new gold currency, giving abundance to all.

Sending you all infinite LOVE and Light!


Gregg Prescott, M.S. #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot in5d.com

Often times, many people have looked to the skies on a starry night and have wondered if their soul essence is perhaps from another planet or star system. Some of the greatest minds have experienced this preponderance.

For example, Edgar Cayce, known as the Sleeping Prophet, once said the Arcturians are a ‘fifth dimensional‘ life-form. They are highly advanced both technically and spiritually.
Related article: Edgar Cayce Talking About The Arcturians

If there is life in other solar systems and galaxies, then is it possible there is life in our own galaxy outside of Earth?

On TV, Venusians have been depicted in science fiction in various programs. In the video below, Venusians appear near the end of The Twilight Episode called, “Mr. Dingle The Strong”.

In folklore, Venus is a Roman goddess, whose functions encompassed love, beauty, desire, sex, fertility, prosperity and victory. Her Greek equivalent is Aphrodite.

But what about actual people here on Earth? Can anyone possibly claim that they’re from the planet Venus?

According to a declassified FBI file, YES.

An actual FBI file from their online vault revealed that Nicola Tesla was brought to Earth from his homeland of Venus!

You can find the actual FBI Vault PDF here.

According to this document, the following was stated:

“The Space People have visited the Tesla engineers many times, and have told us that Tesla was a Venusian, brought to this planet as a baby in 1856, and left with Mr. and Mrs. Tesla in a remote mountain province in what is now Yugoslavia.”

Tesla, in 1928, patented a UFO which makes one wonder if he had any plans on returning to his homeland?

Tesla, in 1928, patented a UFO which makes one wonder if he had any plans on returning to his homeland?

Tesla, in 1928, patented a UFO which makes one wonder if he had any plans on returning to his homeland?

Perhaps this story will intrigue you the next time you stare into the skies on a starry night!

Sending you all infinite LOVE and Light!


In5D #wingnut #crackpot in5d.com

For those who support Socialism, under Socialism, everything you once enjoyed will no longer be available to you, including “luxuries” such as medicine, supplements, healthcare, food, restaurants, transportation (flights, auto, boats, etc…), or even addictions such as cigarettes, liquor, etc… It’s already happening in Seattle with their “requests” for pizza, cigarettes, etc… Their chain of service delivery will be non-existent.

The top Socialist countries are China and Cuba. Does anyone really want to live like that? I sure as fuck don’t.

All of your freedom and your civil liberties will be gone under this premise. All systems of transport will cease due to no one willing to work. Then, they’ll steal from others at gunpoint until they have nothing as well. I’d rather die fighting for your civil liberties and freedom than having them taken away from me by some punks who feel they’re entitled to what I have.

This will not end well for those who follow this idea. If it comes to fruition, I’ll be exiting this planet early fighting for my AND THEIR freedom and it might, metaphorically, be them who kills me while I fight for their freedom as well as mine.

Why? Because I stand in the vibration of truth, love, and light.

A team of authors in the Czech Republic #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #moonbat in5d.com

We are a group of people from the Czech Republic interested in spiritual topics. We’ve met a very interesting young woman who turned out to have paranormal abilities. She is also able to see future events. As she explained to us, humanity could soon move to the fifth dimension: to The Golden Age of Humanity. Her message was very encouraging. She gave us the message and asked us to translate it to various languages and pass it to all the good people living all over the world.

To all the good people: Soon we will move to the Golden Age, we have instructions for you to win over the system.
The answer to the most important question of all is simple: “Why was I born and what am I looking for on this planet?”

How the system works

It all begins with the birth of a child whose soul enters the fetus in the mother’s abdomen with the help of an energy code during third month of pregnancy. This is how the game for each individual starts. Each of us has two brain hemispheres, right and left. The right hemisphere is intuitive and the left hemisphere is logical. After birth, each person begins a “struggle” in deciding between the right and the left.

Intuition usually says something completely different from logic. In most people, logic wins because it suits the ruling system that educates us accordingly. Immediately after the birth, the defenseless child is attacked by a system (we call it the “Matrix”) with a terrifying force that’s supposed to block the child’s brain, and especially the pineal gland and its intuition.

The child, who was originally born as a king and complete sovereign, is taught by its parents that it‘s completely stupid, dependent, unable to make its own decisions, therefore everything has to be decided by others for him. When the child manifests displeasure and begins to argue or cry, it‘s punished. That is a basic preparatory stage for further moronization of a little person, because in order to accept a complete program from the Matrix, it must deny himself internally first. To understand that it is unworthy, inferior, stupid and useless.

They say that we should be grateful that we have a system that tells us who we’re supposed to be, what we have to believe, and what we have to do with our lives. You are being told that you don’t have to invent anything new anymore because other people, who understood it much more than you do, have already invented everything for you a long time ago, so it would be a waste of time. Many people consider self-thinking unnecessary then, some of them are even unable to do so. They always have to go and ask someone else what to do. Taking responsibility for your life and your health scares many people, genuinely. To the great pleasure of pharmacy, church and other systems that suck energy, time, health and money out of people.

That‘s not only about how individuals who aren’t dangerous for the system are being raised, but they also form the system themselves. The individual is thrown into hands of slavery and transformed into a person that‘s perfectly suited for the system.

Do you ask why? Because they want you to be unable to escape the slavery. The whole system is pyramidal. Down there, there are ordinary people and up there, there are people who control them. There are two pyramids in the system, motherly and secondary. Both pyramids must be bypassed, you must not get lost in them. The system tries to prevent you from bypassing them in all possible ways and puts obstacles in your way – temptations and manipulative claims. It offers you loans to make you a slave of money. It steals your time so you don’t get an opportunity to fulfill your true mission and find the reason you were born here for. An Abundance of time for people is a pure poison for the system.

It offers you a tempting job or project that you can‘t reject or maybe joyful hobbies to be obsessed with and waste your time with.

The motherly pyramid is dominated by six fallen angels whose commands are received by the Vatican. The Vatican then passes them onto other levels, secondary ones. The Secondary levels are churches, governments, police, courts, schools, laws, offices, soldiers and all the authorities that control and limit humanity.

Another pitfall of the system is called “pendulums”. Now we are talking about mechanical damage to people. These are car crashes, murders and others that will prevent you from continuing your path.

You are offered poisonous foods and if you eat them, you get yourself into a secondary pyramid. Secondary pyramid is supposed to capture all the people who never got caught in clutches of money and loans, and never allowed their time to be stolen. Your body would start to fade after unhealthy food, your mind will deteriorate and you will see a doctor. The secondary pyramid is a gigantic pharmaceutical apparatus with all its hops in the form of doctors and poisonous pills. Every man is responsible for his body and must never put it in the hands of someone else.

At all times, the system is trying to steal your soul. Some people even sell it voluntarily in exchange for money and fame.

But don’t worry, this message is actually very constructive. It was created upon the request of an indigo girl, whom we met in person. She has tremendous extrasensory abilities, she is capable of levitation, astral travel, but above all – she is clairvoyant.

The girl saw the future of this planet and asked us to pass this message to all of humanity.

Michelle Walling & Gregg Prescott #fundie #ufo #magick #crackpot in5d.com

If you had a chance to vote on what subjects of study our children would have in schools on the New Earth, what would they be? A balance of true galactic history, social interaction, math, and various artistic creative outlets seems to be a good mix. Whether you are a teacher, parent, or student, now is the time to decide how we will change the education of the indigos and crystals that have more strands of DNA activated than any other humans on the planet.

The current corrupt schooling agenda

Today’s public school system is built around programming our children to obey and to think outside of themselves. Schools have become businesses that are run by education boards that answer to the top domination and control group on the planet. Creativity and flexibility has been removed from the curriculum and teachers are frustrated and tired of holding children back from their amazing potential.

The history taught in schools is mostly a lie, created to cover up the real truth of The Vatican and Queen of England’s stronghold on the world. Although these forces seem like they are behind most of the illusion on this planet, the puppet strings are actually being pulled by the interbred Draconian families of the Rothchilds, Rockefellers, and other banking pioneers that control most of the wealth on the planet.

Almost every book in our educational system in the subjects of history, math, English, social studies, and science can be thrown away because the basis of each is to teach cover up stories in every single way possible. The plan has intertwined politics, finance, and religion with education in order to keep people in the dark about the truth of who they are in order to keep them enslaved in a system of control. It has been part of a brilliant plan of control on this planet to brainwash humanity in the most formative years of their lives, but the game is over and the truth has been revealed.

Private Montessori schools are the closest thing we have in the United States to sensible education, however it is still a far cry from where we need to be. Many people have chosen home schooling over public schools which is a better choice but if a GED is desired, one must still follow a curriculum.

The system has been set up to where a high school diploma simply shows that you were programmed enough to follow orders, and therefore you would make a good employee. Paying for college in order to get a higher paying job has become a cruel trap for our young people. The price of a college education may take several years to pay off and many young adults took out student loans with high interest that can never be paid back.

The system will collapse, including education

The whole economic system supports institutionalism and when the system collapses, so will the educational system. Humanity has to be ready to create a whole new way of thinking around what kind of curriculum would benefit our children most, how long they should stay in school each day, and what kind of food they will be eating in order to stay healthy.

When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, we saw a collapse of the banking system, with the exception of the “Too big to Fail (Jail)” banks.

Pluto is known as the “Destroyer” and will tear down everything that is not in humanity’s best interests, which will allow us to rebuild them in a way that benefits humanity. Pluto stays in Capricorn until 2023. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was in the 1700’s, during both the French and American Revolutions. Right now, revolutions are happening all around the world. This clearly shows us how astrology reflects the cycles of time and gives us an opportunity to learn from these lessons.

Right on schedule, we are seeing a collapse of money, government and religion as all three are used as forms of control in order to keep us subservient economic slaves to a failed system.

We are also entering the Age of Aquarius, which brings in a new energy that works in conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn. In other words, all systems of control will implode in order for the New Age to begin.

The first forms of education will involve many of our readers as you will be needed to help awaken those who have been asleep during this transition.


Example of future studies

Although the subjects discussed in the Urantia book build a good basic foundation for education, higher learning classes would expand into subjects that will allow children will be excited about attending school. Examples of these kinds of subjects are:

Math– Geometry is the basic building block of all life. Math will take on a whole new meaning and new ways of arithmetic along with fun ways to calculate will be taught.

Cosmic Science– Identity and placement of Universes in our cosmos and the difference between free willed Universes and non free-willed Universes.

Universal Science– How planets, moons, and stars are sentient beings and how they all work together to form solar systems and galaxies.

Universal History– The history of the Universe including civilizations and placement in the Cosmos.

Creation Science– The study of how everyone and everything is connected from one Creator and how we contribute to that creation.

Human History– DNA studies, human genetics, and the history of humanity from Lyra to today, including the social statistics, behaviors, and characteristics of all humans in our Universe.

Human Rights- Constitutional Law on freedom and the Golden Rule.

Sexual Relations– The responsibility behind merging energies with another human and teaching the ability to decide whether another human body is created.

Universal Language– Learning the language of light which is understood throughout the Universe.

Universal Law– Learning the importance of Universal Law and how it relates to all sentient beings.

Astrology – Learning how to read and fully understand your birthchart.

Astronomy – Understanding the importance of stars, planets and constellations. Learning how the stars can show us the cycles of time along with how they can be used for navigation.

Sixth Sense Studies– Developing all of your innate gifts.

Meditation– Guided classes on how to safely travel the Universe with your consciousness, learning new meditation techniques, developing new ones.

Exercise– Yoga, Tai Chi, etc.

Galactic Ambassador Training– How to become a galactic ambassador, spaceship flight training.

Healing– Methods for keeping the body clear of negativity (reiki, quantum touch, etc—), responsible thinking, service to others.

Gardening– How to grow organic food and hemp for cultivation, different forms of gardening such as hydroponics, permaculture, etc—

Technological and Industrial Sciences– How to make almost anything from hemp, 3d printing, free energy technology, encourage free thinking and non competitive invention

Environment– The true importance of being stewards of the earth by living on her without making footprints and healing the environment.

Recycling– Maximizing what has been created in the past into something sustainable.

Council of Elder training– With the elimination of government, a Council of Elders training program will be facilitated to ensure that future elders will always be working in humanity’s best interests.

Music– All forms of music including history, composition, symphonic band and concert, and voice.

UFO Research – Classes on the documentation of UFOs through night vision goggles, how to interact with them, sky mapping, UFOs in Art History, etc—

Creative arts– All forms of creativity including art, dance, drama, and writing.

Community– How to contribute economically to your community through barter, volunteering, and communal caregiving for all children. Creative culinary classes and decorating houses for energy flow could be subjects.

Life Path Development – Helping people find their life path, based on their astrological charts, personal interests and past life experiences.

Spiritual Psychology– Learning how the body, mind, soul and spirit interact. Dream analysis, dream journals, counseling methods, past life regression techniques are included in this genre.


Education will need to be continuously re-created as more strands of our DNA are activated and more information is available to humans through our higher selves and our Akashic records. One of the most sought after jobs will be teaching these brilliant children and it will be one of the most rewarding careers to have. Education administrators will be free thinkers, organizers, and mediators, and will enjoy their jobs just as much as teachers.

Does this article give you any ideas about the future of education and the co-creation of the New Earth? If so, now is the time to begin brainstorming and to form groups on Facebook and other social media sites dedicated to revamping our education system. Change will have to happen on the community level by example and then spread throughout the world due to the success of one particular curriculum over another. Information and awareness about the corruption of our current system and what we are going to do about it is the key to moving forward as free-willed humans.

Meashenu #conspiracy in5d.com

Finally, it’s time a lot of the Reptilians (the negative ones) are forcefully being removed from the planet. For the last week or so there has been huge efforts made in clearing out the underground Reptilians that have been hiding down there for a long time.

How this is being done is that big pulses of Source energy are coming off from Gaia’s core in all directions. The energy moves up in a wave all the way up to space. Each energy wave hits the Reptilians hiding beneath the ground. As a result, they are having to run up away from the pulse because they can’t take that type of energy. Before they reach the surface, they are being dealt with. You don’t need to worry about them all coming up and being a problem.

The majority of the ones being taken care of now and over the next week or two (until they are all gone) are the snakes. There are all types of snake reptilian beings down beneath the surface. Giant snakes, small snakes, humanoid snake combination forms, and various other ones. There are even some that are more casters that create illusions. There has also been a lot of clean up with all of the eggs they have down there. Once they are cleaned out of the holes and caves, Gaia then fills them back in with herself. This way the ones that do run up, then try to come back down, have nowhere left to go to. Archangel Michael, the Angels, & the Lyran’s are helping with the removal of them.

If you have been walking around and feeling the ground and the energy coming from Gaia recently, you should have noticed a difference and felt the change in energy. These snakes have held such a low vibration and there’s just been so many of them, that they were significantly affecting the energy coming up to the surface from Gaia. You will also notice even more over the coming week or two when they are all removed.

On another Reptilian note, the Anunnaki ones that come through many portals all over in large numbers are being dealt with immediately as well. In the last 2-3 weeks there have been several times that they opened up portals all over Gaia and came through because they were trying to run here from their home world Nibiru (which isn’t going to be around much longer) or trying to regain control of the planet. Each time they’ve been dealt with quicker and quicker and gotten rid of.

If you ever run have any issues with Reptilians feel free to get in touch with me. I can remove Reptilian attachments, attacks, implants, and clear out entire properties of them.

Love & Light,


Angel V. Ornedo Jr. #conspiracy in5d.com

Earth after two planetary collisions of 3,400+ years interval with other planets-Nibiru-Marduk planetary system was caught by our Sol gravity eons ago. Earth is thrown out of realm-the effects of bursting suns-supernovas on collision with the planets of our Sun-Sol. These are records written in stone tablets 1x2M+ in Mesopotamia-, Mosul,Iraq-Alexandria,Egypt, sung in hymns in step buildings in Sumeria as a recital of how we were brainwashed like what we are today by belief systems. Our planet known as Tiamat was broken to half, with Earth, a moon and asteroids as resultant ‘debris’ known today. The mini-solar system of Nibiru caught by the gravitational pull of our Solar System has an elliptical orbit and loop, sling shot Sol says Physicist Kaku, Harrington and anthropologists Zitchin. It has a dwarf star and seven planets and it’s ‘moon’ or planet Kingu’ cuts thru. Theoretical- meta-physicists said that it will be around our sun in the next few years, another fear effect? Physicists say planetary star crossing is late 2017 as Nibiru approaches us that will create cataclysmic effects on our planet’s axis and operating gravitational pull. For the record says Zitchin, Nibiru has revolved around us over millennia and created biblical stories of magical religious proportions inclusive of a passing star followed by three Kings. NASA says planet X is coming back then kept silent to keep us calm. They are ‘theoretical’ physicists, made conclusions on what their thoughts and calculations tell them like us. When are they coming? Guess says NASA.while You Tube coverage alarmed us all being part of FEAR factor.

Earth’s dinosaur-reptilian age passed-extinguished leaving 65M years of skeletal forms displayed at our urban museums, London, New York—. making Earth a reptilian planet. Gigantic planets and asteroids hurtle in space like the dwarf star Nibiru whose planet Kingu collided with earth. The dwarf star must be similar to our Jupiter on the way to star brilliancy, knowledge brought by NASA.. It sideswiped Uranus and hit ‘Tiamat’ directly with one planet, Kingu says Zitchin and was back after 3,400+ years to divide ‘Tiamat’ into “FALLEN earth”, moon and asteroids, leftovers in the process of collision. This is similar to asteroid earth collision event says scientists that extinguished the reptilians and an event normal in the universe. Earth grows 200 tons a day from space dust-debris and we see this daily, meteors falling down or passing by earth. We experience the same impacts similar to Nibiru collisions discovered and analyzed thru satellite readings that relocate oceans and continents in the process. Dust, meteors-asteroids form part of our new evolving planet after we have fallen from collision, a very far description of the true nature of ‘fallen earth’ by religions, all false. If you believe dark and light Archangels falling, that is your belief. There is always light and darkness in the multi-universe. “The event could have been the provider of seeds of life to earth.” Seas-oceans-continents are replaced, transferred or created as a result of these collisions. We call these tectonic or volcanic in origin says science where .continents shift and new islands sprout. Continents moved as a result of tectonic activities.

Beautiful paradise planet Earth has this historical brief of several billion years: cut, divided, formed again to imperfect ball form- growing, still not perfect sphere by 5-miles. Dark conquerors write in stone clay tablets to propagate their conquest similar to conquest of Asia and America by the Europeans, history within humans on earth. Clear as the blue skies, they are commercials to lure us to subservience. Dark beings saw the wondrous creation of paradise complete with all the resources they need to survive and they came in alternating presence of conquest and dominion. They left their planets as we are left astray and destroyed at the 21st century. Aside they came for gold and silver to resuscitate their dying planets full of ozone holes similar to acts of the Europeans on other continents. Earth and humans are abused by over-commercialism and mining not far from the Archon conqueror’s destructive acts.

No being can own Mother Earth seeking higher planetary dimensions to 7thD. Her final destination is Solar, 8thD., perfection for planets. Jupiter is ahead in terms of climb to planetary climb to 8thD. Source Energy’s -SE creations is attained when light reaches an integrative balance point of positive and negative in all known universes. For humanity, death of carbon bodies is the living start of our spirit to reach higher consciousness. After 26000- years of the planet’s revolution, crystalline light form of our body-soul-spirit is an alternative to the death of a body, the latest of Unconditional Love creations as carbon bodies are transmuted, transformed to this light form. Live life in positive-STO ways, sharing your love-overflowing photon lights with others. What Photon light you absorbed flow outward from your loving heart and mind that overflow to all complimented by Central Suns and other Stars in terms of intense energies supplied to Earth and humanity. STS beings should change and undergo reformation as they seek light of Source. The negative part of life’s balance thru incarnations is for them to seek a flicker, a spark of light as they have chosen darkness in their ways of life. Love provides darkness the avenue to climb, reach and attach to that spark of light of Source.

The dark beings over lifetimes without energy from Source propagate dark teachings to create fear, anger and hate to make their beliefs reality in their sense of dark existence. For the seekers of light, awakened and who realized who we are, our numbers increase and we assist Gaia rise to 5D. Call it the reintegration of our spirits’ entity fragmented in 3D-4D and the head at 5D. Each individual has a different experience, a process the Creator made in His thought. The stages of spiritual development and connectivity to Source is individual, thence planetary, cosmic to universal consciousness to ONENESS that we all desire. They are specific destinations till you are ONE with Source Energy at the 11th-12thD, Unconditional Love and Free Will. I repeat, what is significant is we are all here to re-integrate our soul-spirit at 3D- 4D with 5D Spirit Entity fragmented in several vibrational frequencies. That is why you are a fragment of the Source of All That Is, a multi-dimensional being.

For 5-6D starseeds, to experience life at 3D an invitation is required. If you are strong at heart and an adventurer. Adamu says- “foolhardy” you agreed to shattering to live in 3D where no one from the higher frequencies can live without forgetting or amnesia. Such is the arrangement for those who agreed to raise the consciousness of Gaia to 5D. From 5D we fragmented to 4D to 3D and lower 3D. Intense energies are showered on us and Gaia provide us soul gifts of inspiration, intuition, enlightenment, collective consciousness and unconditional love. They are now coming to fruition. Is that not beautiful and wonderful for human souls? We are fragments of light-spirit entity, our embodiment and thru a process of reintegration we are transmuted to 5D consciousness where our 5D spirit entity resides. We all seek a vibrational dimension where the harvest of soul gifts are at hand. Grandfather Adamu, Pleiadian says: “—.But most of all we are here in great numbers because of the critical importance to the entire galaxy that Earth’s human population succeeds in the in-situ ascension process that is being attempted here. This has never been done before. And if it succeeds, it will irrevocably alter galactic relations. It will end, once and for all, the interplanetary wars that have raged since the beginning of time.”

I hope his remarks have an impact to your lives as it has done with me although mine came from Christ Consciousness-CC at an early age of 12 and reinforced by Arcturians and Pleiadians overflowing information from the Light . Imagine darkness can finally be eliminated from the universal role of evolution, monotony or perfection.

Terra Rae #conspiracy in5d.com

Atlantis really gets people’s attention these days. It’s coming through our cellular memory now, to enable us to examine and heal our role in the downfall of what I personally believe was a magnificent continent and a highly advanced civilization. It is coming up for many reasons right now. Since Atlantis became highly advanced in technology and science, there were many people who felt that Lemuria, the incredibly beautiful, abundant civilization that was in the Pacific, was “lesser than” and backward compared to the scientifically advanced Atlantis.

We don’t have a lot of records of this large Lemuria continent, since it sank completely. We also don’t hear much about it because the “powers that were” (since I believe they are finally leaving, or being taken) have not wanted people to know what we knew then, and how we lived in harmony, grace and balance on Lemuria for ever so long. My work with clients and our “Team Earth” group explores many ancient past lives. Both Atlantis and Lemuria come up a lot these days. I believe this is because it is the same “dark hats” that took these magnificent continents down that are now still working for world domination. People are now ready to come clean in their role there. This is important, since many today hold the fear that we are going to destroy Earth again, which is coming right up from a cellular memory.

Since the Crystalline Stellar Skulls (CSS) are able to go right through the timelines as well as in and out of all dimensions, they can add even more information with our work for clients and “Team Earth” – so when we get to something destructive that was set up in one of those time frames, we are able to do great explorations with important intel as well as confirming our findings. We are also able to remove implants, curses and much more that were put in from the dark wizards in those timelines and others, that have been affecting both individuals, Gaia and the masses for eons.

The other important reason is that people lost their connection with Gaia, as well as the cycles of the Sun, Moon, Planets and Galaxy – and forgot how these cycles affect everything we do. In Lemuria, and long ago in Atlantis, people understood that everything in the Stars, Planets and Galaxy and their movement, comes around again and repeats itself, just as Lemuria did. Camelot and Avalon, were on the planet Avalon in the constellation of Lyra. The first Atlantis was on Mars, and are discussed in my book. Lemuria knew how to work with the cycles, and thus prepare and prevent disasters and bring the cycles into balance.

The dark hats, or dark side, or dark Lucifarian wizards, as I prefer to call them, decided that Lemuria was just too beautiful, abundant, harmonious and balanced. So once again they had to jump in with their deception, destruction, perversion, and the usual divide and conquer. They could then bring forth their dark wizardry to hypnotize, program, separate and of course control. They tried to convince the people of Lemuria that this way with the crystals were obsolete, since they really wanted this knowledge for themselves.

Since I have read and heard of many different timelines as to when Lemuria was created, and when it went down, I consulted the Stellar Skulls about the actual timelines of its creation and destruction, along with some of their input.

Timelines of the Creation and Destruction of Lemuria

Lemuria was its own creation of planetary beings that came from all over the Galaxy. They were like-minded beings that came to create a planet, and strive for harmonic resonance. Some came from the early planets in Lyra that were blown up. It was a bit on its own and then planets and stars came into existence around it.(This is where the first form in density started. It’s explained more in my book.) Mu as in “our” and “my” is an existence of heart-centered Light Beings and Master Creators that were their own rising and birthing. They birthed their own civilization here, much like the original Mu, and embraced it. So truth be told, Lemuria was created not from one constellation, and it created its own force field.

Sinking of Lemuria

CSS: Lemuria went down when we were unable to have complete control, and the dark wizards chose to eradicate our lovely Creation of Light. This was way before Atlantis. (I asked if any of this beautiful continent survived?)

There were indeed parts of Lemuria that stayed intact ~ yet forgotten on some level.

These pieces were able to rise up again. Some actually just floated to the top. The Lemuria islands rebuilt their communities and flourished until the final take down of Atlantis, and then the remaining pieces were taken out completely. There were no remaining pieces of Love and Light!

TR: It has been said that an earthquake and volcanoes just took it down. I feel strongly that these Luciferian wizards took down our Creation of Light. Can you tell us how they did it and when the first big take down was, that left us with a few islands?

CSS: The Pacific continent of Lemuria was first taken down prior to Atlantis, millions of years ago. It was a time that the dark wizards were looking for complete control, so alas, not just one can take full credit.

They used very advanced technology of an electromagnetic resonance, to hurl planets, asteroids and space objects, bulleted forward to our planet, aiming at Lemuria, our Creation of Light. They used anything that could obliterate and create a cosmic explosion.

TR: I believe the New Earth, or Terra Crysta, will have the balance of the technology and our connection to Gaia and how we are all so connected. We are all made of stardust, after all. (Or as astronomy legend Carl Sagan used to phrase it, “star stuff.”) Working with and understanding these cycles is what kept Lemuria in balance and thriving for a very long time. They had a huge crystal cluster computer that had all of this knowledge programmed within it. Everyone had their own crystal that could connect with the large cluster to access whatever knowledge they needed or wanted.

This is now coming up for people to pay attention to the level of technology that we are opening to. As the technology comes in, are we doing a big disconnect to Gaia once more? Technology can be fabulous when it is brought forth to serve the whole, and it is not destructive to people, the planet or the atmosphere.

Crystal Moon

Earth had a Crystal Moon in the atmosphere that held up the firmament, which was a three mile thick band of water. Crystal Moon regulated not only the temperate climate of Atlantis, but it also regulated the energy grids, right down to the atmosphere of every household. Marduk (the Anunnaki son of Enki, and grandson of Anu, past ruler of Nibiru) finally got onto Poseidon after so much convincing and promises to the priests, who were supposed to oversee this magnificent second moon.

In Atlantis, the high priests were in control of the giant crystals in the Temples. They were supposed to protect them, and keep the crystals’ amazing abilities safe. They bought into the ideas of power and control and started to manipulate the people as well. Some of the same dark hats, or dark wizards, wanted to have wars, which were not allowed. Marduk and his reptilian ways worked this idea for thousands of years, since he was one of the dark wizards that believed that Earth was his. He finally made his way to the grand Island of Poseidon where the beauty and technology were very amazing. It also held many of the giant Temple Crystals and the controls for Crystal Moon.

One of the priests actually brought Marduk up to the Crystal Moon to explore, which was really a power play. He was ready, and already had others working with him. They cut the electrical magnetic connection, which pulled Crystal Moon to Earth, where it exploded. This flipped Gaia on her axis, which created an internal flipping from the inside out, and sank Atlantis, Lemuria and Uriger, as well as the Sumerian and other civilizations. (Skulls said this actually flipped Earth back and forth on Her axis.) I have heard people say, “The destruction of Atlantis was in Divine Order.” I brought this up to Metatron, since it really bothered me, and he loudly and firmly stated that, “Divine Order is Divine Order – there was nothing Divine about the sinking of Atlantis and Lemuria!” He stated this with such force, I believe the heavens shook for a bit.

So-called Gods

This massive event wiped out millions of people and animals. Thirty-three species of mammals went extinct in North America alone. It was also when the frequency on Earth and in the people dropped from upper fourth and fifth dimensions to lower-octave 3D. We hadn’t been in 3D before. People lost their knowledge of the stars. In Lemuria, people knew we were all one, and all connected. Not only was this connection to each other lost, but people lost connection to Source and All that Is. The so-called Gods, who had become very dark, now became very powerful and even more controlling. They claimed to be Gods, since they could now control what was left of humanity and continue this control right up until now. People ever since, have been warring and fighting each other, with help from the Gods, and “in the name of God.” These dark Gods and their dark followers, live off of the louche. This is the fear, horror, terror, fighting and all of the emotions that come up with these, that the dark hats feed off of, since it sustains them. As you look around Earth, you can see that this is how it has been for a very long time.

CSS: Actually, for around 13,375 years, when Atlantis and Lemuria went down.

Metatron (through Crysta): It is always longer what has been perceived to be the case. This figure is closer to the actual time frame.

TR: As people move into their hearts, and the Heart of Gaia, they are raising their frequencies. This means that every cell is vibrating faster. This brings expansion and openings into the higher dimensions – once again. It also brings up what needs to be cleared in the emotional body, which is essential for Ascension. People also lost their connection to Gaia Herself. I rarely see people connecting to the Heart of Gaia. Doing this is crucial now – since She will ground, protect, energize and calm both our physical and our Light Bodies. To relax you even more, know that the Galactic Federation of Light is on duty at all times to stop or redirect the asteroids, comets and star materiel that moves in Earth’s direction.

Grounding to the Heart of Gaia

Here’s an easy and quick way to do this for yourself. Close your eyes, breathe in a Magenta Ray into your heart with three deep breaths. Now, shoot your heart-light right down through your body and out of your feet, to the very lively Heart of Gaia.

With three more deep breaths, bring another ray from Her heart – right up through your feet to fill your own heart. Feel how delicious this is – and wonderfully grounding. It also will center and strengthen you as well. Do it a lot, and be sure to thank and acknowledge Gaia. She feels this connection. This includes talking to Her as well. Don’t be surprised if a wind, a cloud, a bird or critter shows up just then, since she can hear you and feel you.

Theeohn Megistus #conspiracy in5d.com

In the beginning of this universe Divine Creator created “Games”. The Game for this Universe was called Polarity Integration. The goal was simple: experience polarity and integrate it; once achieved, reunite with Divine Creator. The players of this game would be the Humanoids and the Reptilians. The Humanoids were given a creation myth which stated that the Humans could colonize any planet they chose, but if they find another race on the planet, they must negotiate a peace treaty and strive for harmony. The Reptilians were given a creation myth that stated that they owned the Galaxy and had the right to colonize any planet they chose. If a non-reptilian race is present, they could and should destroy it. Humans were created right-brain dominant (or feminine polarized), Reptilians left-brain dominant (or masculine polarized).

The Reptiles were given a head start so that their technology would start out superior to the Humans. Their home world was called Aln and was located in the Orion Constellation. The Reptiles already attained space travel when the humans were still swimming in the oceans. The humanoid home world was Avyon in the Vegan star system and existed initially as aquatic primates (the Cetaceans).

When humanoids became advanced enough for space travel about 22 million years ago, they colonized another planet called Avalon. Soon the reptiles arrived and a conflict resulted. They infiltrated the colony with their advanced technology and while courting friendship and trust, sowed the seeds of discord between those that wished to grow spiritually and those that wanted to grow technologically. A civil war ensued and the reptiles supplied both sides with sufficient technology to annihilate themselves. This was round one. The reptiles won.

The Founders of the Game moved some of the humanoids to Sirius B so they could be away from the reptilian interference. Over a very long period of time two groups emerged called the “Etherics” (non- physicals) and the “Physicals.” The Etherics were feminine polarized and the Physicals were male polarized. The Founders then moved the Physicals to Aln, the Reptilians home world and the Etherics were moved to Tiamat, the primordial Earth.

The Reptilians weren’t real happy about the Physical Humanoids showing up on their planet and soon the battles began and the colony was nearly destroyed. Some of the humans were forced into slavery and others went underground and formed the Black League. The Black League managed to escape Aln for Tiamat to join the Etherics.

The Reptilians eventually found out about Tiamat and decided to colonize it. When they arrived, there was a proto-humanoid civilization and the Etherics. The Etherics sent positive energy to the Reptiles in an effort to create a peaceful coexistence and get them to let go of their Creation Myth. It worked well for a very long while. It almost looked like integration had already occurred. There were snake reptiles on one side, dinoid reptiles on the other and the humanoids in the middle. The humanoids had learned farming and were growing enough food to feed the whole planet. This was subsequently called the Great Experiment, the forerunner of planet Earth. This was the first time Etherics had been used to obtain a peaceful coexistence and it was amazingly successful.

However, word got out that a planet existed that was living in peace and harmony and the ruling Orion Reptilians decided to pay a visit. This was, of course, in violation of the Creation Myth and they immediately started sowing the seeds of discord among the Reptiles in an attempt to convince them that the Humanoids were secretly planning their destruction. It took a very long time for the ruling Reptilians to work this plan through because the Etherics kept sending thoughts of love and harmony and the physical humanoids kept sending them food. But ultimately the Creation Myth won out and the Reptiles developed a plan to destroy the humanoids through germ warfare.

The proto-humanoids understood what was happening and decided that they would leave the planet and go to the Pleiades aboard the starship Pegasus and the Etherics would mutate back into the aquatic primates (whales and dolphins) and maintain the biosphere. A plan was devised to rid the planet of the Reptiles through implosions of the underground fusion generators. About 98% of the Reptiles were destroyed in the ensuing world-wide cataclysm but a few survived and were present when the remaining planet was repopulated as Earth. Another small group was given sanctuary aboard the Pegasus and went to the Pleiades. Another group fled to the planet Maldek. This all happened about 8 million years ago.

A long period of peace existed after these events. The land guardianship role was vacant so the cetaceans and spiritual hierarchy began searching for a replacement which they eventually found on the fourth planet of the Vega system, the birthplace of present-day humans. They were aquatic primates at that time but through assistance of the Galactic Guardians their evolution was allowed to jump forward to become the Vegan Humans and subsequently created a new galactic guardian group. This was about 4.5 million years ago. A Galactic Federation was created and in the ensuing migration over 2.5 million years, the Galactic Federation agreed to colonize Earth again. The Earth Colony Hybornea was created in the northern lands near present day Florida (the Earth axis has shifted since then). It was a civilization that existed for nearly a million years beginning two million years ago.

The Lyrans decided that, in order to live in complete harmony, they would eliminate the self-defense function. They did this through genetic engineering. However, it left them defenseless so they developed a warrior race which lived separate from their civilization. They were genetically engineered with enhanced adrenaline output to react more aggressively than natural. However, this change caused an imbalance which limited the ability of this altered being to connect to its creator. These new helpers were unstable and threatening to the civilization that created it. As a solution to the problem the Lyrans exiled the whole population of altered beings to a sparsely inhabited planet in a far-off corner of the galaxy. To ensure this would never be revealed to anyone, they altered all memory of this experience and no records were allowed to be taken. This new planet was called Earth. Humanity was left on this “prison planet” to work out the genetic imbalance through adaptation.

Sometime after humans were marooned on Earth, a different extraterrestrial race arrived and attempted to enslave them. However, they did not comprehend human warlike capabilities and were repulsed. They have been planning retribution ever since and now confer with the present-day hierarchy at the top of the secret societies. The planetary awareness of these beings has been in the form of the beast or Satan or the devil. If their plan is allowed to be completed, the planet could be destroyed. They don’t care, they only want revenge.

A war of liberation broke out on Lyra about 360,000 years ago during which the terrorizing army fled to the Pleiades and took possession of the Hesperides system. The name was changed to the Pleja system in honor of their leader. She led an expedition to the SOL system and took control of Mars, Earth and Malona. Conflict broke out on Malona over control of the planetary government. Earth was evacuated back to Lyra-Vega. The war on Malona ultimately pulverized the planet and caused significant destructions on Mars, Venus and Earth.

A peaceful group of Lyran-Vegans migrated back to Earth many years later and developed a high civilization of Hybornea which lasted 6000 years and was again destroyed by wars. About 53,000 years ago wars again broke out in the Lyran system and a leader named Pelegon came to Earth with 70,000 men to establish another civilization which lasted 10,000 years and ultimately was again destroyed by wars. About 100,000 people fled to the Barnard Star (Beta Centaurus) while Earth was thrown back to the Stone Age.

They returned after 7000 years under the leadership of Atlant to create the great Atlantian civilization. His wife Karyatide created Lesser Atlantis and her father Muras created the great civilization of Mu. These blossomed into a planetary civilization which lasted 18,000 years until, in 13,000 B.C., a group of scientists tried seizing power. They were trying to again create a race to support their violent tendencies. Before the scientists were subdued and escaped back to Beta Centaurus, much of the continent of Atlantis was destroyed.

Two thousand years later this same group returned for revenge under the leadership of Arus (the Barbarian) and his 200 sub-leaders. He conquered Hybornea and began to systematically subjugate the rest of the world by attacking India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq and surrounding areas. It was Arus and his men who were the “Sons of Heaven” that bred with the Earth females called the “Evas” to create the biblical Adam and Eve,the ancestors of many present-day humans. The descendants of Arus left the planet in 26 A.D. after creating Jmmanuel and implanting the Galactic laws and philosophies in humanity.

The origins of Lemuria began on a continent in what is now the Pacific Ocean around 900,000 B.C. and lasted until 26,000 B.C. It was a Lyrian/Sirian styled civilization with democratic principles of governance. It created a number of daughter empires during its existence; the most important of those was Atlantis (which existed in part, on a huge island-continent in the center of the Atlantic Ocean), the Libyan/Egyptian Empire in Africa and the Yü Empire of central China and Tibet.

Due to the influence of renegade Pleiadians / Centurians (Anunnaki), the Atlanteans began developing a hierarchical society which led to feelings of separateness and superiority. After they were granted equal guardianship of the planet 26,000 years ago by the Lemurians, they began plotting ways to grab the sole guardianship. They found allies in the colonies of Alpha Centauri and the Pleiades mostly through the Galactic Federation outpost colonies that shared the concept of a hierarchical society. They and various Pleiadian and Centaurian rebel-renegades plotted the destruction of Lemuria. Their plan was a technical success; however it resulted in the destruction of one of the Earth’s moons, the entire continent of Lemuria, cataclysmic events over the entire earth and a mini-ice-age.

The Atlantians (with the assistance of the Pleiadian and Centurian Rebels) used space ships with force fields to cause one of the Earths moon’s to spiral inward and just as the moon reached the ‘LaGrange Point’, they blasted it with particle beam weaponry. This resulted in a massive meteor shower over Lemuria with the resulting rupture of its subterranean gas chambers and the sinking of the entire continent. The physical destruction of Lemuria was so complete that nothing remained except legends. This was Great Flood #1.

Atlantis had its beginnings about 100,000 years ago. It was destroyed three times; the last time was coincident with Great Flood #3. In the second incarnation, which began 25,000 years ago, they had made great technological progress which was far greater that anything man has attained today however, it lacked sufficient spiritual development and became locked into materialistic endeavors. They wished to replace the clan structure of Lemurian society with an elite structure. This concept of governance was not well received and resulted in a series of costly civil wars across the entire planet. The clan structure is based on groups of people who all shared the same vision and goals about what should be accomplished in their respective fields. It was similar to our present-day scientist and technical trade-groups, except that these trade-groups also had limited governing authority. It meant that the most knowledgeable people were the ones in charge. It has been the elite form of governance that has been in place on this planet ever since Atlantis came to power 25,000 years ago.

They brought in one of the artificial Maldek moons to help balance the planet. The destruction of one of Earth’s two moons caused an unstable wobble in the Earth. This artificial moon was, in fact, a fully armed battle station. It was also an attempt to signal to the rebellious holdouts that military superiority was at hand which was ready and able to end all civil wars and rebellions. The rebellions instead continued over the entire 10,000 year period of this Middle Empire. There was a period of terrorism, torture and inquisitions. They created a superior ruling class which was sustained by the myth of a god-king. A single supreme god-king ruled over all.

Following the destruction of Lemuria, the Libyan/Egyptian Empire negotiated an understanding that allowed them to maintain some autonomy over their own affairs; however they did have to make some concessions to do this. The only other Empire of significance was the Yü, which refused to bow down to the Atlanteans. They even issued several decrees demanding an apology to the other empires for their careless and inhumane destruction of Lemuria and the subsequent cataclysms.

The Atlanteans, jointly with the Egyptians, countered with demands to rescind the decrees. The Yü Empire refused. The combined forces of the Atlantians, the Egyptians and the renegade Pleiadian Centurian allies forced the remnants of the Yü Empire underground. They still exist today as the Kingdom of Agharta in deep underground caverns beneath the Himalayan Mountains and under present day Tibet. The entrances from Tibet were all closed after China invaded in 1949. It is not clear, but is believed that they were searching for the entrances. Attempts to find it using modern day tunneling equipment have been unsuccessful.

Towards the end of the second Empire, autocratic rule was in full force and the remaining rebel alliance was exiled to southern Europe, to a place called Ionia (Greece) and there they would stay until they renounced their ways and complied with the ruling authority. This rebel alliance consisted of the former ruling elite as well as leading scientists. They decided instead to create a Lemurian style governance with plans to ultimately bring their government back to Atlantis. In other words, they became even more organized and dangerous than before they were exiled.

This did not sit well with the ruling authority of Atlantis. The rebels had defied them at every turn and now they were a greater threat than before. A plan was devised to end the problem by destroying Ionia by a method similar to the way they destroyed Lemuria. The plan required the assistance of the rebel Pleiadians and Centurians. This plot was discovered by the Ionians. The result was that the Ionians were able to counter the attack by interrupting their energy beam from Nibiru and the moon exploded over Atlantis instead. Atlantis therefore was destroyed in much the same manner as it had destroyed Lemuria. The Atlantean subcontinent was reduced to a few scattered islands. One of the two Firmament layers was destroyed as well. This was Great Flood #2. This happened 13,000 years ago.

This event did not completely destroy Atlantis however and attempts were made to reconstitute the civilization with what remained. They developed a crystal technology that was capable of transmitting energy wirelessly over great distances. They used the device to propel and guide airplanes, surface vehicles and submarines. They tapped solar energy and also found a way to tap the collective consciousness of the human mind. They eventually found a way to use the collective mind in harmony with the crystals and the Earth as a power source. The people became subservient to this system of mind and power control against their will (ala “The Matrix”). They also found a way to harness the power of the crystal to rejuvenate a person endlessly. One of the crystals is in the Biblical Ark.

Several thousand years before the first flood, the Anunnaki showed up in a ceremonious fashion and presented themselves as gods from heaven to the Atlantians. They started plugging into the ego-consciousness of the leaders by stimulating and fueling their base desires. New technologies were offered as gifts and in return they would do their bidding in holding influence over their subjects in rather depraved ways. They were instrumental in creating mind-Earth resonance devices and even came up with a way to alter the mind of the people to obey their wishes through a slow-pitched electro-magnetic pulse transmitted through the crystal generator network. This sound, which was inaudible to the human ear, caused a release of neurochemicals (the peptides that influence behavior) that caused irrational emotional states and submission to authority. They began attacking lesser civilizations to conquer and take their resources. Through genetic engineering they also helped develop a mutant human who was disconnected from his higher self. These humans would be unaware of their spirituality and would be much easier to control. These evolved into present-day humans.

The final destruction of Atlantis occurred sometime around 10,000 years ago. There was a conflict in the Middle East between the Rama Empire, the Egyptian Empire and the Sumerian Empire. In an attempt to end the conflict they destroyed some of the crystal temples that held up the Firmament. The idea was to open a hole just big enough to flood the enemy out of their positions. However, there was a simultaneous destruction of multiple temples on both sides which destroyed a sufficient number to cause the entire Firmament to collapse. This caused all of the water ice suspended in the atmosphere to come crashing down in a cascade effect over the entire planet. What remained of Atlantis was gone forever beneath the waves. A significant portion of Atlantis still exists at the bottom of the ocean in the Central Atlantic, off the coast of the Carolinas, the Bahamas and the south-western coast of Cuba. This was Great Flood #3.

The Firmament was created before humans existed. They were placed here by the Game Lords to allow for the development of sentient life approximately thirty-five million years ago. It has been destroyed and repaired many times. It consisted of two layers of water ice that acted as a shield against harmful radiation and caused there to be a uniform climate across the entire Earth surface. The temperature was in the high 70’s near the equator and the low 70’s at the poles. The winds were a modest 5 mph, the skies were always sunny, and there were few clouds, no hard rain, no significant winds and no storms. The ice in the Firmament created a lensing effect which made the Moon, Sun and stars all look bigger than they otherwise appear. The Firmament held about as much water as all the oceans rivers and streams on the planet, so when it came down, it would appear as though the sky was literally falling down.

Of course, the empires of Sumeria, Rama and Egypt were all destroyed in the subsequent flood. This flood spread world-wide to encompass the Americas, Asia, Europe and Africa. Every indigenous culture has a flood story. It rained for 40 days and in that time an entire world civilization was destroyed. What were left were legends and myths of gods and goddesses from an age which was completely erased from the earth. Approximately two million people survived the event on the surface. The Agharta (Lemurian) Empire also survived as they were already protected underground.

The Atlantean rulers and their associates fled to the star system of Hadar (a.k.a. Beta Centauri). The people of Hadar insisted that nothing should be done to save what was left of the human race. An argument ensued with the Pleiadians over the issue but the renegade Pleiadians won out. They intervened and restored many areas including the Middle East (Sumeria), the central valley in Mexico (Maya and other Mesoamerican civilizations), the Indus valley area of India and in North Central China near the city of Xian, and the entire Nile river basin in the land of the Egyptians.

So the restoration of life on this planet was once again in the hands of the same people who caused the problem in the first place. It was their intervention that triggered the destruction of Lemuria, the destruction of Atlantis and the entire world civilization. Through it all, it still didn’t sink into the Pleiadian rebels what they were doing to mankind. In the period 1500 B.C. through 1200 B.C. the renegade Pleiadians were forced to withdraw from direct intervention by the main defense forces of the Pleiadian Star League. This finally brought the “reign of terror” to an end.

The Spiritual Hierarchy was responsible for sending the Christ, Budda, Mohammed, Ahkenaton and other ascended masters to show us “the way the truth and the light”. This planted the seeds of spiritual consciousness. Other attempts to bring back the Sirian/Lemurian style governance included Noah and the Hebrews. Noah didn’t get very far and after the Exodus; the Hebrews instituted the concept of Judges to bring the people a concept of a society led by spiritual beings. However, these attempts failed because the human psyche was not ready for it and it was decided that planting the idea of a Christ consciousness would grow into the human psyche over thousands of years and be ultimately successful. Emperor Constantine modified these teachings in 325 A.D. at the Council of Nicea.

Because of the destruction of the Firmament, a significant amount of damaging radiation has been allowed to hit the planet surface. This causes a disastrous effect on all living things. There was no reasonable chance that humans would be able to survive over the long term independent of outside support with their spiritual selves disconnected.

Most humans don’t know that their primary mission on the planet is to be a guardian of the planet; that without their conscious support of the biosphere in concert with the cetaceans, all life on the planet falls apart, literally. The only thing that’s still holding it together right now is the cetaceans and the Spiritual Hierarchy. A guardian is one who brings in the energies of creation and regulates them for the biosphere. The Earth land guardian is man. It is a very unique process whereby the creative life energies given by the Spiritual Hierarchy are physically transmuted into maintenance life energies. Chanting, singing, dancing, ceremony and meditation are all forms of this process. A guardian must consciously and subconsciously maintain these inter-dimensional energies so that they are dispersed in a proper manner. Using Universal Law, a guardian imagines, then combines this with feeling to create. Children do this instinctively when they play and sing and jump around although this is decidedly less focused.

Michelle Walling #fundie in5d.com

What would our world be like today of these top 10 spiritual truths were taught in our schools, in the mainstream media, and in our history books? How can we change the system to introduce these topics to our future generations? What will the world be like after successfully recognizing these spiritual truths?

1. We are spiritual beings on a human journey. Before we came down into this physical body, we planned out the point in time that we would begin to awaken to who and what we are. The womb of our mother was the tunnel of forgetting, and we knew the challenge of remembering would be tough. The biggest risk we took was never remembering. We were never disconnected from our source of light, however the connection was stretched very long and thin to reach this part of the universe in density. Our challenge is to strengthen this connection and to grow our pillar of light in remembrance and recognition of who we truly are.

2. Our souls never die– we just change our focus. As a spark of light from Source, we are infinitely connected to the flow of experience. When it is time to disconnect the cord of life from our physical body, our spark rises up and out of the human physical body. We take the experience of our lifetime with us, but our focus is changed to a slightly different level of vibration. We still exist as the person we were in human form as well as the many people we have been before. Every lifetime builds experience and wisdom.

3. Everything is energy vibrating at a certain frequency. All living things on earth have consciousness, even rocks and trees. Every-thing and every-one is connected to a “tree of life” or an infinite energy source. We can connect to the consciousness of trees and rocks and can carry on conversations with them by tuning in to their particular vibrational frequency. Our bodies are 90% water and can be programmed and molded to a certain vibrational frequency via thoughts, sound, color, and love. When we understand vibration, we can understand how alternative and holistic treatments can cure any disease or ailment in the body by changing the water vibration.

4. Our thoughts create our reality. All thoughts are energy which manifest into what we see as reality. Always being aware of your thoughts is one of the first steps in responsible co-creation of your reality. It is a simple concept but takes awareness and work. If every person on earth changed their thoughts towards peace and freedom there would be no war or tyranny. Focusing on negative thoughts will create a lower vibrational frequency and focusing on positive thoughts can raise the vibrational frequency. Our reality is a manifestation of what we create through thought patterns.

5. We are the ones we have been waiting for. There are many races and dimensions of beings on the planet at this time. Cherubim angels, Seraphim angels, Archangels, Pleiadians, Orions, Sirians, Arcturians, Anunnaki..—just to name a few. We volunteered to be here at this time, answering the call from the consciousness of Planet Earth as she cried out for help. We came here from other galaxies, universes, and cosmoses. Many came here each time there was a chance to achieve a “golden age” after the “fall”. Although those times were not completely successful, they were all preparation for this time.

6. Most of us incarnated here before– many times, in order to prepare for this current lifetime. There are souls who are here to be wayshowers and leaders and there are souls here who just wanted to be here to witness the raising of vibration of the human race in concert with the planet, which will affect the solar system, the universe, the cosmos, and beyond. For those who lead by example, our schooling never stops. We had many “classes” to take in order to prepare to master ourselves in this incarnation. The scope of the effect this event will have on all of creation is one of the biggest secrets of all. Some say that the incarnation cycle has ended and this lifetime is the opportunity to release ourselves from the wheel of karma, or the need to balance our actions.

7. We are never alone. We could not exist here without help from our spirit guides and angels, or high vibrational beings of light who made agreements with us to help steer us on the path toward the goal of ascension. They exist in another vibrational level or dimension higher than ours- thus most of us cannot see them. They are always with us and are waiting patiently for us to ask for help, as we live on a free will planet. They abide by laws of interference because of our free will, but if we ask with our highest and best interest they do have creative ways of manifesting what you ask for. Most guidance comes from within- through a process of telepathy where you get an idea in your head. Messages can also come from other people- those who can tap into that vibrational level in order to hear what they have to say.

8. Time is an illusion. We have a past and we have already been to the future. The majority of our energy particles (our souls) exist in a place of “no time”. Time is created in order to experience and is part of the controlled experiment. Meditation or “going within” is the key to returning to the place of “no time” where all the answers lie.

9. Ascension does not involve going anywhere. It is a state of being, a focus of awareness and consciousness into a higher vibrational frequency. It is what we were created for- to “go forth and experience”, and return the experiences back to Source in an infinite loop of co-creation and mastery. The main reward of incarnating in the depths of “hell” at this time is rising like the phoenix from the ashes into the bliss and light of love. This is achieved by being love itself.

10. Love is all there is. Finding and reconnecting to love again is the most important thing we can do as humans. Source is unconditional love, and we are sparks of source- which means we are also love. Therefore we are that we seek. Loving ourselves unconditionally is the key to returning to source.

Change starts with each individual person recognizing these truths. We are not responsible for trying to convince others of our own truth, but instead all we have to do is to “be” truth and the rest will follow. How do we do this? Be the example by speaking your truth, and watch the world change before your eyes. By becoming responsible for ourselves, our thoughts, and our actions, we will have made one great leap toward the future of our children and the future of humanity as spiritual beings on a human journey. We have the greatest opportunity ever in the history of the earth to be the best version of a human being we can be. It is simply up to us as to how glorious we create the future of humanity existing on the spaceship we call Earth.

This article was written within the ten hours of hours of power of the author’s astrological solar return, inspired by a reading by Lavandar.

Steve Clayton #fundie in5d.com

Incoming Light Energy Upgrades

An Unexpected Rest Stop

Yesterday morning in the middle of a steady rain I repeatedly received the message to go outside and mediate with the elm tree in our backyard. I did my best to ignore it but finally realized there was a message awaiting me, so out I went. After settling myself comfortably between two hostas with my back against the elm tree I relaxed into the moment. Much to my surprise I became aware of a symphony of sounds around me; the rain hitting the leaves, water dripping from one leaf to another and onto the hostas, and drips on my hat chiming in. The rhythmic cadence of the water drops almost put me to sleep. I became aware of a great joy enveloping me. I passed my hands a few inches over each of the hostas and joy radiated through me.

More Than Meets the Eye

My first thought was the plants were happy to be receiving a much needed drink after a few weeks of hot, dry weather. That was only part of it, I was told. Yes, the plants, trees, and grass were grateful for the rain but they were happier with the message that came with it. The Information Highway of the universe is Light. Light conducts more than just energy; it conducts information as well, information that affects our DNA, our brain and our intuition. We, like the universe, are made of light. It makes sense that light is able to communicate with us on many levels rather than just through our eyes. The Earth not only receives messages directly from the Sun but sunlight also infuses the water in clouds with the same information. As that rain falls down and is absorbed by the Earth this information is transmitted to roots and all life below the surface. Underground there is a huge communication network consisting not just of plant and tree roots but also of aquifers, rivers and seas. The information in the water is transmitted throughout the Earth via this network.

Hunab Ku

The plants were joyful about was the information they had begun receiving from the Central Sun of the multiverse, the Hunab Ku. This light has been traveling from the center of the universe for several years spreading its message along the way. The energetic upgrades and rise in consciousness that have been long awaited, discussed, argued about and even denied are, according to the joy filled plants, beginning to take place now as more and more of the Hunab Ku’s Light reaches us. That is definitely a reason to be excited and joyful.

What Can You Do?

According to Mother Earth, via the tree and plant network, the best way to prepare for these energetic upgrades is to be in your heart, full of love and joy for all life and to accept this new energy naturally. Do not over think this, fear it or even try to control it. Just allow it to happen. Let yourself to become one with all life on Mother Earth and enjoy this new perspective. Your life will change for the better in ways you cannot yet imagine.

Gregg Prescott #conspiracy in5d.com

With the ushering in of Pluto in Capricorn, the breaking down of all that is corrupt has begun and these changes will allow that which is in humanity’s best interests to replace those control objects that have kept us economic slaves for hundreds of years.

By now, many of us know about the rare astrological alignment, Pluto in Capricorn, and how it brings about huge changes in society. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was in 1776, the year of the American Revolution. If you look around the world, there are many revolutions going on right now and this is not a coincidence!

Pluto is known as the “Destroyer” and it breaks down everything that is bad so it can be replaced with that with that which is good.

The society we currently live in will look like the Stone Age in the near future as all suppressed technologies are released.


•abundance for everyone
•never having to pay an electric bill
•being able to teleport anywhere in the world
•an end to all diseases, including cancer
•pure water without fluoride and chemicals
•clean, fresh air with a significant reduction in pollution
•healthy, organic food for all
•being able to follow your true, divine reason for being here
•a world similar to the Venus Project

These are absolute realities in our very near future!

Those who were in control (The Powers That Were <TPTW>) will continue to maintain their illusion of control but what are they really controlling? The One People’s Public Trust movement already has more net worth than every corporation and every person on this planet, combined, so what is left to control? Only their illusions—

When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, I originally posted a video called “Banking Collapse Announces The Beginning Of The Golden Age” on YouTube. At that point in time, many banks were collapsing and if you were to read between the lines, the message was clear. These banks, and ALL banks, were on a collision course of self-destruction.

Money has always been the product of economic slavery which has kept us bridled in debt while encouraging egoistic and materialist pursuits, many of which are based on controlled obsolescence, which requires us to buy the newest or latest gadgets with no concern about the environment.

We are at the juncture of an important era in time. As we exit out of the Age of Pisces and enter the Age of Aquarius, new energies will continue to infuse the planet which will bring about many positive changes as the old systems decay while new systems are implemented in the best interests of humanity.

Many unawakened people will want to continue holding on to the old paradigm because this is the only way of life that they know. Other people may resist change because their belief system is unable to visualize the New Earth that is being born right now.

Those who are awakened (yes, YOU that are reading this article!) will play an important role in helping others make this transition, such as helping your family members and friends understand what is going on and what options they will have.

If you are unsure what to say, you can always refer them to in5d.com to catch up on the latest news and information regarding these changes.

TPTW have known about the importance of astrological alignments for many years. It is quite possible that the reason they built numerous underground bunkers is to hide as a result of these changes. There are many people who have been complicit in keeping us all as economic slaves and while all people should be forgiven, some people may have a harder time doing so than others.

What we will be looking at is reeducation system that helps people transition into this new paradigm. Many of us will volunteer to become teachers.

Despite still being shackled in economic slavery and in the midst of numerous wars, the end is near, my friends! In the future, we will look back at these days and will be grateful for the opportunities we had for spiritual growth despite the plethora of challenges we faced.

Know in your mind that we have already won and now, it’s just a short waiting game for TPTW to relinquish their illusion of control and for us to begin a new chapter in humanity!

Gregg Prescott #conspiracy in5d.com

Have you noticed people walking around in a zombie-like state? Are star children coming to our planet with advanced metaphysical abilities? Was Comet ISON or Comet Holmes the Blue Star Kachina? If so, then all of these are part of the Blue Star Kachina prophecy by the Hopi Indians.


Look around you. We’re already seeing “zombie-like” people who are either literally drained of their life forces or are archontic A.I. beings who are programmed to mentally self-destruct in this time period.

This is why it’s so important to stay grounded while working on raising your vibration.

If you still FEEL alive and have compassion for humanity, then you’re on the right track. Chances are, if you’re reading this article, you’ll be fine as well.

We’ve all seen people who are literally “lost at sea” but as long as they have some sort of divine spark within them, then they still have a chance of making it through this shift.

According to this prophecy, we will go through a period of time where we shift in and out of dimensions. I’ve been contacted by numerous people who are already experiencing this.

Star children will begin to incarnate on this planet, similar to what Mary Rodwell was talking about in her interview with Michelle Walling on In5D Radio

Many people believe the Blue Star Kachina was Comet Holmes in October of 2007, which would mean the day of purification is upon us. Some people believe it happened in September of 2012 with Comet ISON. Others believe it hasn’t arrived yet.

Whether the Blue Star Kachina has arrived or not, the signs of its arrival are already here.

Michelle Walling #conspiracy in5d.com

Silent Weapons are being used against humanity with the intention to take control of the brain functions of humans. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the term used to describe the hive mind extraterrestrial technology or super brain computer that the controllers of this planet would like to plug everyone’s brain into. It is important to learn about this technology, how it is implemented, and what we are going to do about it.

The recent July 2015 newsletter by Lisa Renee had a keyword in it that caught my attention. “Brain mapping” is the term that Lisa used to describe one of the AI technologies that will be tested (and perhaps implemented) during the Jade Helm exercises across the United States. I also heard about brain mapping in Dr. Simon Atkins’ recent Skyaia video, and the synopsis of this video can be found in this article:

Dr. Simon Atkins- Frequency Shift Wave X Predictions: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

While Dr. Atkins just briefly mentioned the words brain mapping in his interview, Lisa Renee’s article goes into detail (very extensive and highly technological detail) about what brain mapping is:

“Brain mapping is a set of neuroscience techniques based on the mapping of biological properties onto spatial representations of the human or non-human brain that result in information maps. Brain mapping is further defined as the study of the anatomy and function of the brain and spinal cord through the use of imaging. This also includes neurological imaging, which image the neurological structure, function and impacts of pharmacology or toxins upon the nervous system. Functional imaging of the neurological system and brain allow the processing of information in the brain to be visualized directly in images and mapped. Brain mapping can be read and analyzed directly by computerized systems, and extraterrestrial or military personnel that can directly see what areas of the brain are being activated and which centers “light up” on the scan. To read brain maps and neurological imaging allows the data to be loaded into computer for analysis, or for any entity to have access to another person’s thought identification or mind-reading. This can happen in real time, in the moment, and instantaneously, if the program has accessed the person’s brain and neurological system. Both the function and the structure, along with all data content of the brain and neurological system can be analyzed. Clearly this technology can be used for positive and negative effects. The current development of brain mapping technology is far more advanced than the current medical system and science has been allowed, and it has been reserved explicitly for military intelligence programs.”

Lisa further explains how brain mapping ties into the AI technology:

“Through United States military factions, they endeavor to use brain-mapping technology to create a series of artificial intelligence networks that can be accessed remotely to easily predict and view details that allow better surveillance and control over the earth surface. These Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) networks dictate transmissions that pulse the individual human brain to be remotely controlled by an artificial global brain that links directly to off planet NAA control bases and ships. The artificial intelligence technology builds neural networks that can project false holograms into the instruction set on the ground, manifesting artificial timelines they can control. Essentially, the NAA strategy is to download computerized neural networks that eventually create one A.I. hive mind for the entire collective race of humanity so no earth human has independent thoughts. Most humans involved in these military operations have compartmentalized access to limited amounts of information and believe these military exercises are necessary, to protect our national security from outside threats of terrorism on the surface.”

I interpret this as the use of extraterrestrial technology that is being used to map our brains in order to create an AI program that will allow our brains to be hooked up and controlled. This AI program has holographic technology that can be projected through the neural parts of the brain. In essence, we would be shown a whole new reality through our eyes that is not really there, and our thoughts and emotions would be controlled as well.

In order to tap into our brain to play around with our thoughts, we would have to open the door and welcome them in. This is accomplished through many things like television, Chemtrails, vaccines, cell phones, video games, porn, Radiation poisoning, GMO food, fluoride, EMFs, alcohol, “medical marijuana”, and low vibrational energetics such as fear, anger, jealousy, greed, illness, and depression.

I have been wondering why the controllers would want to decrease the population when we are energy sources for them. Apparently they plan to plug into as many people as they can to join the hive mind AI before doing so. Then they wouldn’t need all of the bodies that are currently on the planet, as they would have a never-ending source of emotional energy by triggering low vibrational emotions in the brains of their new version of humans. They would simply hook into the brain and the emotional field to feed off of the energy that it generates.

It really does not compute with me that this would be allowed to succeed. Perhaps it is because I know that I am here at this time to affect the collective human consciousness in a way that counteracts this. If they were to succeed with a portion of humanity, it will only be with people who are already part AI/negative beings because they are the ones that will not make it through the upcoming energetic shift of “Wave X” anyway. The reason it will not succeed with the rest of us is that we are naturally waking up and raising our vibration, which makes us “off limits” to brain manipulation.

The second part of transhumanism involves replacing body parts and healing diseases once the brain is under control. This would make people “superhuman” and allow them to become better slaves.

What we do from now until the end of September (and through 2017) will drastically affect future timelines for all of humanity. As Lisa Renee describes in her newsletter, we are currently in a magnetic polarity energetic position where the split in frequencies allows a “divergence” in which multidimensional timelines can be accessed and manipulated in the past, present, and future:

“Recently our planet has received unprecedented levels of liquid plasmic light transmissions pulsing through the planetary grid network, which first enter our atmosphere through the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Several milestones have been reached in the Ascension timeline with the yield of charged particles and subsequent light emissions that result from the interaction between Cosmic Rays, Solar wind and magnetospheric plasma. The interactions between these cosmic forces have radically increased proton activity in the planetary atmosphere, which produce an incredible amount of potential energy and consciousness available to the planet and to humanity. The accelerated infusion of proton activity is reshaping the Earth’s magnetosphere, creating fluctuations in the speed, density and direction of the magnetic field, which are strongly impacting the Earth’s local space environment.

Magnetic shifts greatly amplify the polarization of forces and increase the energetic schism that exists between the spectrums of frequency that are in the environment. As the energetic schism increases, the extreme polarity of combined forces that coexist together within a collective energy field split apart. At the point of divergence within the splitting frequencies, communication links are opened into many simultaneous timelines where the instruction set and cellular memories can be accessed and read. This makes it possible to directly project consciousness into these areas for correction and intersect into many different reality timelines, traveling in the past, present and future all at once.”

If the dark forces are trying to manipulate the timelines, then we can not only combat this but create the timeline we wish to see RIGHT NOW, while we are in this magnetic divergence of extreme polarity. Esoteric knowledge has included what the dark magicians are doing so that we could use the same astrological alignments in our favor to affect the outcome in a positive way. Doesn’t that sound like what we came here to do? This includes being responsible for our own thoughts and actions because they actually can change our reality.

See related article: In5d Radio: Astrologer Jim Dellicolli- Jade Helm, Wave X, And Much More

The following is a list of things that we can do to ensure we do not give access to our brains to any other being. It is not a complete list, as many of you reading this article will already have naturally formed you own protective barrier around you in your own way.

1. Sovereignty Declaration. Be sure to add AI technology and the plan to turn humanity into transhumanists into your non consent declarations. “I do not consent to any being having access to my brain or any parts of my consciousness other than those of my oversoul or Source that has my highest and best interests in mind. I do not consent to brain mapping or the use of AI technology on my brain and I share this non consent with the collective human consciousness with the intention to free humanity from enslavement and domination and control”.

2. Place protection around you- especially your brain. This is where I would say that it’s not a bad idea to wear a tin foil hat!! Actually, you can simply envision that you have a protective shield or bubble of golden white light around your body, but especially focus on the head area in your intentions that your thoughts and actions cannot be infiltrated by anyone or anything else other than your higher self and those in alignment with Source and the plan to free the souls of humanity.

3. Frequency jam. Intend that the waves of cosmic energy coming in to the planet successfully bathe the entire planet and jam and disable all technologies that are being used against humanity and the planet. This would include microwave frequencies, ELF’s, HAARP, CERN, mind control, moon and Saturn signals, and all other electromagnetic and radio signals being used against us in the silent war on consciousness. You can even envision taking the cosmic energies into your heart, and then dispersing them with the intention of jamming all technology being used against humanity.

4. Keep your vibrations high. The only ones affected by the frequencies and technologies are those that are not doing the work of raising their vibrations and clearing out the negative energies from their energy field. If you were completely under their control, you probably would not be reading this article right now.

5. Be the neutral observer. Do not give too much obsessive attention to the negative AI agenda but know what is happening so that you can observe without freaking out when things start to happen around you. You may see people begin to “short circuit” as their brains are accessed and hotwired. As compassionate humans, our first reaction might come from empathy and the need to save people. It is essential to stay balanced, grounded, and neutral and to go within to decide how to deal with a situation. You may need to remove yourself completely from the situation when witnessing sociopathic and psychotic behavior. Stay clear of energy vampires.

6. Envision the world you want to live in. Imagine the stories of a New Earth, a higher vibrational planet free from tyranny and filled with joy and peace. Let your imagination run wild with a dream of a beautiful, healed planet and how you would be interacting and creating in such a world. The imagination truly is powerful, as the thought creates a possible timeline and the imagination magnetically draws it to your reality. You can’t mess this one up, because it seems that anything has to be better than what we are currently experiencing.

7. Rinse, and Repeat. Keep clearing your energy field every day. Put your shields up, and continue to put your intentions out to the universe as to what you see our future will be.

We are all connected through the collective human consciousness. When a small group of powerful, awakened individuals asserts their free will right to not be interfered with by AI technology and to be sovereign beings living on Planet Earth, the organic Source inherent within us overpowers that of any AI/Archontic/Illuminati technology. Only those who are already too far gone can be harvested for this evil agenda of demented negative thought form Archontic beings. Even those people will eventually be sent to “rehab” or reconstituted back to Source as the control matrix dissolves.

When something makes absolutely no sense it is obvious that it is not in alignment with the Divine Plan and there has to be a way to overcome it. We have to remember what the game plan is, and I hope I have sparked enough thought in this article for you to find that answer within yourself. Action is needed right now to offset and diffuse this insane plan to completely take over humanity and turn them into transhumanistic energy slave robots.

This is a gentle reminder that it is not the time to be spiritually lazy or to sit back and wait a savior. This does not mean that there aren’t Divine beings working with humanity. It means that they have given us the reminder of what needs to be done and now is the time to do it. If you have been searching for a way to contribute but find yourself unable to move forward on any major projects, your power could be used in this respect to help humanity. When you help yourself, you help humanity because we are connected. Therefore, spending a lot of time on yourself in clearing, meditating, resting, grounding, imagining, and being yourself will contribute and there are no start up costs involved!.

Gregg Prescott #conspiracy in5d.com

The 4 Steps of Project Blue Beam

Step One: Step One requires the breakdown of all archaeological knowledge. This will apparently be accomplished by faking earthquakes at precise locations around the planet. Fake “new discoveries” at these locations “will finally explain to all people the error of all fundamental religious doctrines”, specifically Christian and Muslim doctrines.

Step Two: Step Two involves a gigantic “space show” wherein three-dimensional holographic laser projections will be beamed all over the planet — and this is where Blue Beam really takes off. The projections will take the shape of whatever deity is most predominant, and will speak in all languages. At the end of this light show, the gods will all merge into one god, the Antichrist.

Step Three: Step Three is “Telepathic Electronic Two-Way Communication.” It involves making people think their god is speaking to them through telepathy, projected into the head of each person individually using extreme low frequency radio waves.

Step Four: Step Four has three parts:

1. Making humanity think an alien invasion is about to occur at every major city;

2. Making the Christians think the Rapture is about to happen;

3. A mixture of electronic and supernatural forces, allowing the supernatural forces to travel through fiber optics, coax, power and telephone lines to penetrate all electronic equipment and appliances, that will by then all have a special microchip installed.

Then chaos will break out, and people will finally be willing — perhaps even desperate — to accept the New World Order. “The techniques used in the fourth step is exactly the same used in the past in the USSR to force the people to accept Communism.”

David Icke calls this process the “Totalitarian Tiptoe” where civil liberties are gradually relinquished in favor of government protection from issues that they initially created. For example, after 911, United States citizens cried to their government officials for protection, resulting in the Patriot Act, which took away numerous civil liberties in the name of protection. This has further snowballed into the National Defense Authorization Act, which was written in a way where any United States citizen could be not only detained and questioned without any legal representation, they could also be killed without questioning. This was written under the guise of protection from ‘terrorists’.

It is no coincidence that our skies are being lambasted with chemtrails, which contain barium niobate. Barium niobate is a critical element used in the 3D technology of creating holographs and was specifically mentioned in the U.S. Army’s Research Lab Adelphi Report from November 1996 through August 1997 titled, “3D Holographic Display Using Strontium Barium Niobate”, Accession Number ADA338490, published in February 1998.

The abstract for this publication specifically states the following : “An innovative technique for generating a three dimensional holographic display using Strontium Barium Niobate (SBN) is discussed.”

Contrails versus Chemtrails

There is a reason why you never saw a chemtrail in any picture or featured film before 1980— it’s because they didn’t exist back then. A contrail is the normal discharge from a jet airliner. Contrails look like a short, white steam cloud that dissipates quickly.

Chemtrails are chemically induced trails which were originally dismissed by the government as contrails, only later ot be admitted that they were being used in weather modification projects. A chemtrail starts out in a similar fashion as a contrail, except the chemtrail doesn’t dissipate. Instead, it stays in the atmosphere and expands, clouding up the skies.

One of the key ingredients in chemtrails, as evidenced in numerous water samples, is barium, in various forms. As mentioned, barium is a key ingredient in holographic technology.

The Last Card

Dr. Carol Rosin warned us about the weaponization of space through her professional relationship with ex-Nazi scientists, Dr. Wernher von Braun, who warned Rosin about the following external threats that would be created as a false flag by the United States government:

“They’re inventing enemies he (Von Braun) said, against whom they are going to build this space-based weapon system—the first of whom was the Russians which was existing at that time. Then there would be terrorists, then there would be third world countries, now we call them rogue nations or nations of concern. Then there would be asteroids. And then he would repeat to me over and over ‘and the last card, the last, the last card would be the extraterrestrial threat’—you will find that there is going to be a spin to find some enemy against whom we have to build space based weapons and now we should expect the spin.”

Space-based weapon system: Reagan’s Star Wars Program.
Terrorist threat: 9-11
3rd Word Countries threat: North Korea
Asteroid threat: Elenin (while not classified as an asteroid, the apparent government psyops would assimilate Elenin into this category)
Extraterrestrial threat: to be announced—

Tupac Hologram

In other news, the late Tupac Shakur appeared at Coachella as a hologram and in a stunning finale, he exploded into nothingness on stage. If the mainstream media can make Tupac look this real, then what else are they capable of doing, such as creating false flag events that never happened?

The next future dead celebrity to be showcased as a hologram will be Elvis Presley.


Operation Osiris

On September 7 2003, all emergency services and members of London Underground took part in Operation Osiris at Bank Tube station. The hypothetical scenario was a chemical attack on the Underground.

News link

Of all names, why would they call this “Operation OSIRIS”?

Osiris was an Egyptian god, usually called the god of the Afterlife. Osiris is one of the oldest gods for whom records have been found; one of the oldest known attestations of his name is on the Palermo Stone of around 2500 BC. He was widely worshiped until the suppression of the Egyptian religion during the Christian era. The most commonly encountered family relationship describes Horus as the son of Isis and Osiris.

Both Horus and Osiris were resurrected by Isis with help from Thoth after being killed by Set the evil brother of Osiris. In one legend Osiris’s body is cut into pieces and scattered throughout Egypt, Isis set out to look for the pieces and she was able to find and put together 13 of the 14 parts, but was unable to find the 14th and most important part, his penis, instead, she fashioned a “phallus out of gold” and sang a song around Osiris until he came back to life. Thus Osiris was resurrected and so it was that Isis conceived Horus. Due to this experience, Osiris became Lord of the Dead, and the Afterlife.


When Osiris was killed, his body was dismembered. Isis found most of the parts except for his sexual organ, to which she had a cast of his erected penis made, and she sent it to all of the temples in Egypt. It was decreed by Isis that in Egypt, all of the temples had to display the male sexual organ of Osiris in an erected state in a prominent place in the temple. This is why you have steeples on your churches, today.

The obelisk is a representation of the erect penis. It stands for the power, or potency, of the virile male.

The pharoahs of later dynasties switched their obelisk erecting affections to Osiris; God of the earth, vegetation and the Nile flood that gave life to all Egypt; God of rebirth; God also of the Underworld, the Last Judgement and Life and Death.

The obelisk at the Vatican is surrounded by a circle. This obelisk is the point within a circle, representing the union of Osiris and Isis.After erecting Caligula’s obelisk in St Peter’s Square in 1586 Pope Sixtus V exorcised it, consecrated it and surmounted it with a Holy Cross.

For the record, the Washington Monument obelisk is the tallest obelisk in the world. It is 6666 inches high and 666 inches wide along each side at the base. These numbers are not a coincidence.

Did a British Airways Commercial Foreshadow the Illuminati Card, “Combined Disasters”?

The Illuminati Playing cards have prophecized many events, including 9-11. In the “Combined Disasters” card, one can clearly see Big Ben tumbling down while in the forefront while a man wearing a yellow shirt is shown to have a zombie-like appearance.

To the left of the tumbling Big Ben, a pillar is shown falling. The pillar is prominently displayed in the British Airways commercial as well.

When you trace who owns all of the mainstream media, you will find Zionists at the top of the heap. Not only that, but President Obama’s cabinet is comprised of Zionists. Keep in mind that the cabinet is selected, not elected. Both Obama and Vice president Joe Biden are Zionists.

Now what?

Whether Project Blue Beam is scheduled to occur this year or at any other time in the near distant future, the plan appears to be evolving.

While Project Bluebeam would be a fascinating “show” to those who know what it is all about, the end result will not be pretty if fully employed, resulting in a One World government, army, banking system and religion.

As evidenced by numerous high ranking military officials during the Disclosure Project, there are many benevolent extraterrestrials who are watching over us and are protecting the planet from these types of tyranny and oppression.

It is also possible that nothing will happen. Perhaps Project Bluebeam is simply a PSYOP?

In the end, I don’t think Project Blue Beam will ever come to fruition because benevolent extraterrestrials will not allow it to occur, but for those keeping track of its progression, it’s still on course to be unveiled in the near future. Just the mere exposing of this material could be enough to deter plans or prevent those plans from happening. In the event that something major occurs, you will at least understand why it’s happening and you will be an integral part of the debunking of the end results for a New World Order plan that will inevitably fail.

Gregg Prescott #conspiracy in5d.com

According to Sumerian legend, the Anunnaki genetically manipulated our genetics and created three versions of what we know as mankind, today.

The Anunnaki may have reptilian blood too, as they intermixed with their creations.

We don’t specifically know how our DNA was manipulated. What we DO know is that only 20 of the 64 codons in our DNA are active.

Imagine what you could do if ALL of your codons were activated? I address this idea in the article, “How Can We Change Our DNA Right Now?“.

Additionally, our human DNA differs dramatically from all other primates as we only have 46 chromosomes compared to 48 in other primates. The first two chromosomes appear to be fused together, which may explain part of the genetic manipulation by the Anunnaki.

The following are reptilian traits in human beings. You may recognize a few of them in you or someone you know. Please keep in mind that these are simply TRAITS and being part Reptilian DOES NOT make you a bad person as there are good and bad people of all galactic (and planetary) races.

1. The Reptilian Brain

The most obvious reptilian trait would be the Reptilian Brain, which we all have. The Reptilian Brain is responsible for the “Fight or Flight” response which is generally based on fear-evoking actions. This is what the mainstream media news targets every time you watch those talking propaganda heads. Reptilians would appear to be very paranoid and skeptical as this is the brain they trust the most.

2. Lower than average body temperatures

Reptiles are cold-blooded animals, so it would follow that Reptilians are as well. They may prefer higher temperatures or do not need as many blankets at night when sleeping.

3. Lower than average blood pressure

Compared to most other mammals, reptiles have lower blood pressure, so it’s very well possible that Reptilians do too.

4. An extra vertebra

Some people are born with an extra vertebra, which is sometimes referred to as either a Transitional Vertebra or Cauda.

5. Hypersensitivity to light

Reptiles, such as the leopard gecko, stays hidden in the daylight and comes out at night, due to light sensitivity. Reptilians would more likely prefer to be “night owls” than to expose themselves in the daylight.

6. Rh- blood type

Approximately 5% of the world’s population has Rh- blood, which was introduced to our planet around 25-35,000 years ago in Europe.

According to Dee Finney:

The Reptilians are tracking those with Rh-Negative Factor Blood. Going back into time—. the Rh-Neg Hybrids came from the Draco Caverns in the Carpathian Mountains. They were mostly red Haired, with Green Eyes and Black haired, with Brown Eyes. They tried to infiltrate themselves into the Blond/Brown Haired, with Blue Eyes, Civilization—. Rh-Negs are Hybrids. They are Part Reptilian/part human. If two Rh-Negs try to have a baby it will usually die or be born a “Blue Baby”, because it is not processing oxygen properly. Thus “Blue-Bloods”, if they survive. 5% of the Earth’s population are currently Rh-Negatives. But, they are 15% of the population of the England and the USA.

There may be an exception to this, according to Vera Hill:

” When a Rh negative mother has a baby fathered by a Rh positive father that you will have a blue baby as the mothers negative antibodies will try to kill the positive antibodies of the baby. This usually only happens with the second born child as the positive antibodies dont get a chance to mix with the mothers blood until the birth.”

7. Lack of empathy

Some reptiles will kill and eat their own if comes down to it. Reptilians may do the same. We’ve all heard about numerous abductions and how people have tied them to secret societies and the Roman Catholic Church. Reptilians have little to no compassion for life and exist strictly to survive by any means possible.

8. The ability to shapeshift

Shapeshifting is a well-known trait of the Reptilian. In the following video, Arizona Wilder talks about the shapeshifting Queen of England

It’s obvious that we all have at least one reptilian trait, the reptilian brain.

As I mentioned in the article, “Starseeds And Our Human Origins,” it is very possible that we were seeded here on this planet by various star nations, which would explain the differences in ethnicity, race, blood types, and Rh values.

In this writer’s opinion, we are a huge conglomerate of extraterrestrial origins who were seeded here as a galactic experiment to see how we would all get along with one another. Despite those in power trying to push the “Race Wars,” many of us have risen above that mentality. The one thing those in power fear the most is having us all come together as one. I’ve often said that once the bottom of the pyramid unites (ALL of us), the rest will collapse.

Gregg Prescott #conspiracy in5d.com

Was Jesus An Extraterrestrial Or Possibly An Annunaki Hybrid?

The Jesus Anunnaki Connection

Is it possible that Jesus was an Anunnaki hybrid? From what we’ve seen over and over again, the truth is always hidden under a pile of lies and is twisted and turned upside down until what little truth remains is so obscured that we don’t know what to believe any more

Jesus and The Council of Nicea

From my studies of theology, I have learned that the figure known as Jesus was created by the Council of Nicea in the year 325 AD as a way to bring together all of the Yeshua ben Yosef cults via Emperor Constantine. The council added the supernatural abilities of Mithra, Horus, and Osiris to the Jesus entity they created and from that point forward, Christianity was created. You can read more about how this came to fruition here.


The bible has missing chapters such as the Book of Enoch, The Book of Jubilees, the Book of Numbers and the Book of The Wars of Jehovah, so one must question why any books would be eliminated and why. What we know through these missing books is that Jehovah (El Shaddai and eventually called, YHWH) was known as “Lord” and was a god of vengeance and wrath. Is it possible that when Jesus replaced Jehovah that people are unknowingly worshiping the same god of vengeance and wrath?

What is known about the bible is how it was written in perfect, reverse astrotheological order as we move through the precession of the equinoxes, which explains the reverse order of the astrological signs.

For example, when the Israelites idolized the Golden Calf when Moses went to the mountains, it symbolized the Age of Taurus. When Moses blew on the ram’s horn, it symbolized the Age of Aries. When Jesus fed the masses with two fish, it symbolized the Age of Pisces. When Jesus said to follow the man bearing the pitcher of water, it symbolized the Age of Aquarius. If nothing else, the bible teaches us about how astrotheology was used to control the masses because the bible’s timeline brings us to an artificial “end time” right now, which is why we’re seeing those in power trying to evoke the “Revelation” chapters when we could be living in a world of peace and harmony instead of chaos.

The Anunnaki timetable

What if the bible is an encrypted timetable for the return of our galactic family? Is it possible that the ruling elite know this and are trying to create the end times to prevent humanity from ascending in order to harvest our energy for their own, archontic reasons while keeping us living in fear as economic slaves to a broken system of fiat currency? Perhaps these times will bring us the return of the Anunnaki, the creator gods?

It’s interesting that in Genesis 1:26 (Genesis = The Genes of Isis), it says, “Let US make man in OUR own image“. The “US” are the Elohim, who were the creator gods in the bible, but is it possible that they are the Anunnaki as well?

Secret society influences

What we do know is that name “Jesus” never existed at the time of his alleged birth because the letter “J” wasn’t invented until the 1500’s. This also means there was no official John, Job, Jacob, Jeremiah, Jude, Joseph, etc— The King James version of the bible wasn’t written until the year 1611 and was edited by Rosicrucian and Free Mason, Sir Francis Bacon. With ties to secret societies, is it possible that the truth was twisted and/or encrypted? What we do know is that there is a Christian bible on the main floor of any Freemason lodge, but when you get to the 33rd degree of freemasonry, the Luciferian Doctrine is followed by those who have been initiated into this level. Additionally, the 33rd degree mason motto is “Ordo ab chao” which means “Order out of chaos”.

You can do all these things and more

According to the work of Gregg Braden, we only have 22 of the 64 codons in our DNA turned on. Imagine what we might be capable of doing if all of our codons were activated? Perhaps this is what is meant when Jesus said that you can do all these things and more? John 14:12, KJV: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”

Is it possible that our DNA is about to fully activate after being genetically manipulated by the Anunnaki? Is this something we can do for ourselves?

I’ve been experimenting on myself by trying to find ways to activate these codons and fully activating my DNA in humanity’s best interests. You can read more about my experiment in the article, “How Can We Change Our DNA Right Now?”

Is Jesus the same as the Maya’s Kulkulkan and the Aztec’s Quetzalcoatl?

It seems many things that are in humanity’s best interests are suppressed. Look no further than Stanley Meyer’s invention of a water powered car that could go from coast to coast in the United States on 22 gallons of water. He was offered $1 billion by the automotive industry but turned it down because he wanted this invention to go out to the people. Shortly afterwards, he was poisoned to death.

There was a blonde hair, blue eyed man by the name of Kulkulkan who visited the Maya and taught them about astronomy, agriculture, medicine, and mathematics. It is believed that he came from the Pleiades to help the Maya civilization and promised to return at some future date. The same entity is described as Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs.

Could this story be the same as the story of Jesus? Is it possible that Jesus was an extraterrestrial from a neighboring planet or star system?

We know very little about Jesus from the time of his birth until his 30’s. If the star of Bethlehem was a UFO, then is it possible that Jesus went back to his mothership to prepare himself for the teachings he would give to the masses until the time of his alleged death?

As Michael Tellinger points out, the most compelling argument against the mythological gods theory is that roughly 9,000 years BC prior to the appearance of Sumer, the Mayan civilization suddenly emerged and astoundingly showed the same predilections towards agriculture, planting, harvesting, social organization, trade and commerce as Sumeria, all attributable to the teachings of the gods. It is possible, even likely, that more than one ET group or groups have left their mark on earth.

In this writer’s opinion, the story of Jesus was created by the church as a means of subservience, control, and conformity to religion and government. While it’s definitely possible that an entity with supernatural abilities existed, he was most likely an extraterrestrial or possibly an Anunnaki hybrid.

Gregg Prescott #conspiracy in5d.com

How is it possible to have so many different races and ethnicities if we all allegedly came from Adam and Eve? How is it conceivable to have 4 different blood types (A, B, AB, and O) along with 2 different Rh values (positive and negative) from two people of origin? Even if you look at Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, there wasn’t enough time for genetic mutation or evolution of the species to create such different diversity amongst our population.

According to Zecharia Sitchin’s work deciphering the Sumerian texts, our DNA was manipulated by the Anunnaki in order to create a slave race that would mine gold for them and their home planet, Nibiru. This is a very feasible proposition because it explains the importance of gold on our planet along with how we’ve been economic slaves for millennia, but it doesn’t explain why the Anunnaki would create a number of different races instead of one master slave race.

The second possibility is that we were seeded here by various star nations as part of a galactic experiment. In this scenario, race, ethinicity, blood type(s) and rh values are easily explained. It might also explain why there are so many different languages.

What if every race and ethnicity has a specific galactic origin other than Earth and their language is that of their “home planet”? For example, what if “Spanish” is the official language of the star Maia (as in Maya/Mayan) in the Pleiades?

The one thing I question most often is why only 22 of our 64 codons are turned on? Why are 42 codons not being used? this question supports Sitchin’s theory of genetic manipulation by the Anunnaki and may suggest that we were either genetically manipulated by the Anunnaki or those who were seeded on this planet were genetically manipulated as well after the Anunnaki arrived.

I highly encourage people to ask questions and to look within for answers, because what we’ve been taught by academia about our human origins is utter hot air and bullshit. Just because Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is being pushed down our throats in school doesn’t mean it’s the truth.

Look no further than academia clinging on to the theory that oil is a “fossil fuel” from decayed dinosaurs. really? How many dinosaurs were there and how did they appear in places such as the Middle East, where it is predominantly desert? What we’ve learned is that oil is abiotic, which means our planet reproduces it on a constant basis. the problem is that we’re using it faster that our planet can create. It’s no different than sea water. If sea water was a commodity, eventually we would use all of that up, too.

Here are some questions that I highly encourage everyone to ask themselves:

•How did the differences between the races come about on Earth?
•How does science explain racial differentiation in such a short span of time?
•What are the missing links and gaps in the Darwin Evolution model?
•Was man genetically manipulated by an alien race of beings known to the ancient Sumerians as the Anunnaki?
•Why are only 22 of the 64 codons in our DNA turned on?
•How can we have so many different blood types and rh values emanating from two people in the creation myth?
•Where did our languages truly come from?

The truth is, we are capable of being so much more if we can figure out a way to turn on those 42 dormant codons. Some may argue that they’re turned off for a reason, but if Source only creates perfection, then it seems highly possible that our DNA was manipulated in order to keep us in subservience, control and conformity.

This is why I am experimenting on myself in ways to turn on these dormant codons.

How can we change our DNA right now?

Dr Masaru Emoto’s research has concluded that water has consciousness. Based on this premise, I have decided to experiment with water, Ho’oponopono, sigils and positive affirmations.

In February of 2012, I started drinking distilled water.

I also drastically changed my eating habits from your typical processed food, GMO-ladened diet to virtually all organic, including grass fed meat, fresh squeezed juices and homemade smoothies. Initially, I noticed an immediate change in my complexion as well as energy levels but after 7 months or so, I also noticed that I was losing my hair and wondered if that was attributed to drinking distilled water, so I stopped doing this but soon found something even more amazing.

After researching the benefits of ozone water, I decided to buy an ozone generator to infuse my water with extra oxygen. In addition, as per Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research into the consciousness of water, I added affirmations and Ho’oponopono.

Ho’oponopono is the Hawaiian Code of Forgiveness that follows 4 simple mantras:

1.I love you.
2.I’m sorry.
3.Please forgive me.
4.Thank you.

Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research show us that water has consciousness, so I combined Ho’oponopono with positive self-affirmations.

My affirmation is:

•My pineal gland is fully open.
•My chakras are clear and balanced.
•My DNA codes are fully open to allow me to heal myself and others in the best interests of humanity.

I decided to take this one step further after researching the power of sigils. A sigil is an inscribed or painted symbol considered by many to have magical powers.

Many corporate logos use symbols as a way to subconsciously influence us. A perfect example would be the Shell logo, which innocently looks like a shell, but it actually represents the sun and sun-worshiping, which preexisted before many religious belief systems.

Exxon uses symbols and sigils as a way to represent Saturn. In astrotheology, Saturn is Satan. Did you ever wonder why we exchange rings during wedding ceremonies? The rings represent the rings of Saturn (Satan). Look no further than the pre-Christian Christmas-time celebration of Saturnalia, which was a week of debauchery and drunkenness.

In this world of polarity and duality, the same practices can be done with pure intent.


I buy 5 gallon jugs of BPA free spring water from Zephyrhills and dispense it from a water cooler. Even my dog drinks this water! I have an ozone machine by the water dispenser.

The particular ozone machine that I use is a A2Z Ozone Aqua 6 Multi Purpose Ozone Generator because it gives me the biggest bang for the buck with a 600 mg/h ozone output.

After pouring water into my sigil glass, I speak my affirmations to the water, then I apply Ho’oponopono. I finish by saying, “Please send these messages to every cell in my body. Namaste.”

It is important to keep in mind that the ozone leaves the water relatively quickly, so your best bet is to drink it as quickly as possible. Some reports say that it only lasts up to an hour or two before dissipating.

Since writing the above excerpt, I have also added a picture that includes what I looked like at a younger age along with the binary code that says, “All of my codons are open”— which looks like this:

011000010110110001101100001000000110111101100110001000000110110101111001 001000000110001101101111011001000110111101101110011100110010000001100001 01110010011001010010000001101111011100000110010101101110

I have also eliminated the first two affirmations and only say, “All of my codons are open” both forward and reversed (Nepo era snodoc ym fo lla). Those in the occult sciences use reversing as “black magick” in numerous ways against us. I decided to try reversing as a means of “white magick” to help humanity as well as myself. I still use ozone water and my sigil glass.

Perhaps I’m wasting my time but if people don’t experiment like this, then we’ll never know. I know of other people who are doing various experiments to unlock their DNA as well.

Since doing this water experiment, my hair went from predominantly gray back to its original color. It may be coincidental to using the John of God Crystal Healing Bed Therapy, but my chronic sciatica issues are now gone as well. While I may not be turning back the hands of time as I turn 55 years old in a few months, I seem to be slowing down the process.

If anything else changes for the better, the readers of In5D will be the first to know!

Gregg Prescott #conspiracy in5d.com

Majestic 12 (MJ-12) is the code name of a secret committee of scientists, military leaders, and government officials, formed in 1947 by an executive order by U.S. President Harry S. Truman to facilitate recovery and investigation of alien spacecraft after the Roswell, NM UFO incident.

When President Truman was informed about the crash, he authorized Defense Secretary James Forrestal to set up a committee to investigate and deal with the situation. In 1952, when Dwight Eisenhower became President-elect, he was briefed on Operation Majestic-12. The briefing paper listed a 12-man committee and gave details of the UFO crash in Roswell. The final paragraph stressed the need to ‘avoid public panic at all costs’, confirming that the government was covering up the truth about UFOs.

n 1954, in conjunction with the US military, a ship landed to recover the deceased aliens from the Roswell crash. These ET’s made a pact that assumedly still stands today.

According to the work of Dan Burisch, a treaty was created by a group of beings who stated they time traveled from 45,000 years into the future AND 52,000 years into the future in order to obtain our DNA due to a cataclysm on Earth that wiped out most of humanity. Because they were living in underground bases at the time, only some of these people survived. This treaty is known as TAU-9 and involves the exchange of advanced technology for a limited amount of abductions. As part of their agreement, any abducted person would have amnesia and would not remember any part of the abduction or being aboard any spaceship. Terms of this agreement were set to be renewed every 9 years and has been ongoing since 1958.

Because of his involvement and concern for where America was heading, President Eisenhower warned the world of the power of the military industrial complex in his exiting speech in 1961:

It is estimated that there are at least 200 deep underground bases (DUMBs) throughout the world.

According to Phil Schneider, one of these DUMBs is located in UFO hotspot, Dulce, New Mexico.

Because these bases are so secretive and information about them is hidden from the public, it is assumed that they are created for nefarious reasons, including the preservation of those who have kept us enslaved for thousands of years. Supposition has inferred that once underground, the female menstrual cycle becomes irregular and reproduction would drop off significantly. Additionally, many of these people who have been assured underground base privileges come from similar bloodlines, which would be genetically deficient through inbreeding amongst themselves.

If these are they types of beings who returned from the future to harvest our DNA, then do you really think they are benevolent people? I seriously doubt it. Chances are, THEY were the ones who were responsible for whatever cataclysm that became their demise somewhere in the future and are turning to humanity as we know it today to bail them out.

Gregg Prescott #conspiracy in5d.com

On June 29th, 2015, a UFO “cube” was seen emerging out of the clouds by multiple people in Texas.

The video of the photo compilation was released by YouTube user secureteam10.

Walter C. Lance of El Paso, Texas was the first person to submit the photographs to secureteam10. Lance stated he took the photographs on June 29th, 2015 around 1PM central time during his lunch break.

According to secureteam10, Lance stated that it began to get very windy outside when a portion of the clouds began to “swirl and circle in on one another forming this portal shape”. The area within this circular vortex turned “jet black” which is when Lance took out his cellphone to take the following pictures:

[similar images]

The first thing that comes to mind is the cube shape and how the cube is tied to Saturn, which in astrotheology is “Satan” which I go into a lot more detail in the article, “Saturn – Why Are We Worshiping The Cult Of EL?“.

The following is an excerpt from that article:

Semitic civilizations referred to the god Saturn as “El” who is the supreme deity and represented by a black cube.

If you look at the etymology of the word Kabbalah, Kabba = cube and alah (allah) means God, so you get the Cube of God.


•Saturn is the Cult of EL
•the Kabbala is the Cube of God
•Saturn is the Lord of the Rings
•there is a hexagonal cube on the north pole of Saturn
•Pan is the God of Saturn
•Saturn is Satan in astrotheology

— then who are we truly giving our energy to?

A third image captured on film shows a rectangular shape to this UFO:


A second eye witness also saw this cube shaped UFO about a mile away from the first eye witness as she was returning back to work from her lunch break. She noticed a “square shaped figure moving through the clouds and thought it was a balloon but after watching it, she realized the enormity of its size with designs around it and a “faint, magnetic oscillation-type humming” that seemed to emulate from the craft.


Cubes and Spheres?

In recent news, contactee Corey Goode speaks of the Blue Avians, who are benevolent extraterrestrials that are watching over our planet in blue spheres, which is in sharp contrast to the cube shape:

Are benevolent beings here watching over us and helping us to a new level of spiritual evolution? Goode has a Facebook page called Sphere Being Alliance, where you can follow his latest news.

At the highest level of Freemasonry, the motto is “Ordo ab chao” which means “Order out of chaos”. It’s apparent that we are being set up for the “end times” to which we are living in right now and this is all based on chaos because when we live in fear, we can be easily manipulated.

Is it possible that we’re being set up for a false flag alien invasion via a Project Bluebeam type scenario?

Are malevolent, archontic-type beings here siphoning our energy through fear?

It’s quite obvious that an official UFO disclosure is imminent but one thing we can be assured is that it will be skewed towards the viewpoints of the church and military industrial complex. Unless benevolent ET’s can broadcast their message on every channel, in every language, and in every country, you can be assured that the mainstream media will twist any official disclosure to benefit those in power who have kept us in subservience, control, and conformity for thousands of years.

As for the cube shaped UFO, it is unclear whether this is a real UFO or possibly a PSYOPS hologram created by those in power as a test to see how we would react to this anomaly.

What my gut is telling me is

If this is a real, cube-shaped UFO, then it probably is not here in humanity’s best interests based on my research of the cube and its ties to Saturn/Cronus/Satan.

Most likely, it’s some elaborate hoax, a marketing ploy, a hologram, or a PSYOP designed to classically condition our minds in preparation for an “official” UFO disclosure.

Heru Tehuti Re #conspiracy in5d.com

Niburu was not the planet whose atmosphere needed repair. Niburu was the planet-sized craft the Anunnaki used to travel the heavens in search of gold.
Also,the Anunnaki did not come to Earth to specifically make humans to mine their gold. At first, they used machine craft to dredge through ocean water here on Earth,but the process was taking too long and not yielding satisfactory amounts of gold. Then they decided tomine it from the Earth. They used the lower ranking crew members to do this manual labor. The Anunnaki society had not done any work like this in thousands of years and their bodies weren't built to take the hard labor of mining. The lower ranking Anunnaki rebeled. One of the Anunnaki remembered an old and almost forgotten technology. The idea was given to Enki and he consulted the medical officer Ninti to take Annunaki blood and use that DNA and graft it onto a hominid species native to Earth to accelerate its evolution to a smarter more capable being that could do the work for them. This creation became homo sapiens.
Enlil was brother to Enki and on this mission. Enki (ruler in ki, 'ki'/'qi' is earth) was in charge of the gold harvesting tasks on the planet. Enlil (ruler in lil, 'lil' means skies) was incharge of the orbiting craft in space. Enlil did not approve of Enqi's decision to make the humans. In the To'rah, is the force or G-d that helps humanity and Enlil is the G-d that tries to restricy human evolution and accumulation of knowledge. At one point, Enki is the serpent in the garden introducing the Adamite people to a sexual tantric technique to open their third eye so that they can learn things for themselves much faster without the Annunaki. The verse that says 'Now man has become as us TO KNOW the good from the evil" states how 'to know' things how the sole province of the Anunnaki and not man,unless it was given to the man by the Anunnaki. So they cut off man from the Tree of Life which is most likely a euphimism for the higher brain functions that would enable telepathy, clairvoyance, prescience and the like. This was the decision of Enlil and not Enqi. Enlil wanted to destroy humanity because he thought our existence was unethical in the greater scheme of things. In the great flood to destroy the giants (fallen Watchers and Nephilim) man was also slated for destruction too.It was Enqi who warned Noah, as Noah was one of his descendants. Noah still had retained the higher brain faculty of prophecy.
Nimrod was a mighty seeker (of knowledge) and was an affront to Enlil. Thats how the translation should have gone. The word for 'mighty' which was 'gibor' is the same word used in Genesis 6:4 describing the Nephilim as the mighty men (or some translations say 'heroes' instead of mighty men). Nimrod was of the 'giborim' and he sought to use the ley line structure of the planet. He built megastructures across the globe on the 30th (or 33rd or 34th, I forget) parallel to capture this energy. The Tower of Babel in Genesis 11 is his doing. Apparently he was able to reactivate the telepathic omponent of higher brain functioning so that this was the one language everyone understood and communicated with. Nimrod was building a ziggurat array (think of Joseph Farrell's Giza Death Star Great Pyramid meets HAARP). Enlil and his retinue in orbit around the Earth would have none of this so they came down to the planet's surface and did whatever they did to make the telepathic function that Nimrod had reactivated defunct.
The Bible has more than one G-d in it. It is the English mis-translation and ignorance of the Babylonian influences the Hebrews practiced and recognized. The To'rah was written while in Babylonian captivity. And as has been found out, hostages or captives begin to take on the beliefs of their captors and start to sympathize with them (this is known as Stockholm Syndrome). The Hebrews were no different. The Hebrews come from Abraham and Abraham was right out of Ur of Chaldea.The sacrifices mentioned through out the Old Testament involving fire and flesh and blood come right out of Chaldea. Anyone can easily research the matter on how the Chaldeans or Babylonians sacrificed humans and animals and see it in the Torah. The part in the Torah where it says having one's sons or daughters pass through the fire is the child sacrifice. This was to deities like Molech and Baal. When one of these deities visits Abraham in Genesis 18 he is afraid for his life so he has everyone scurry to hastily get them some flesh to eat. In the King James Version it says the calf gotten was only dressed it didnt say cooked. So here G-d is sitting and consuming raw flesh. Probably not Enlil/Enki, but was one of the nephilim from Genesis 6:1-4.The Book of Enoch goes into detail how these nephilim or giants ate everything in sight, animals and people. The 200 Fallen alo brought knowledge of various kinds which the forces of Enlil (which is the conservative voice of church doctrine) says this knowledge is evil and wicked.