Originally Posted by thechich81
I have a serious question for everyone. My daughter, who is 3, is seeing a "monster" in the corner of the room at night. She describes it as sitting and staring at her with scary eyes. This has been happening over a period of a few months and is starting to get out of hand and really making it hard for my daughter to get a good night's sleep. How, if possible, can I rid this "monster" (which I assume is a demon) out of our room so we can rest peacefully and not be tormented. How can I "cleanse" our room?
thechic81...a suggestion...check out what is actually IN the room. Any scary books, or witch type stories or even scary toys. I know that sounds kind of weird but I have had experiences with evil forces and my pastor told me to do these things. I don't know if you are a Christian and maybe you don't believe what I am saying,,,but it's worth a try. Poor little girl, she is in my prayers too..Coconut PS It wouldn't hurt to check out the whole house for unwholesome things. I threw out some nasty old videos I didn't even know we had.
Ayeayeayeayeaye. Instead of talking to other parents about child raising techniques and checking out books from the library that could be of help to her, or hell, even posting on a fucking parenting forum to see what the Internet mummies have found, she makes it Biblical.
I want a tshirt that reads "You're not important enough for Satan to torment 24/7, jerkwad". That would be very cool.
check out what is actually IN the room. Any scary books, or witch type stories or even scary toys. I know that sounds kind of weird but I have had experiences with evil forces and my pastor told me to do these things.
Heh, I can just imagine the exchange.
Coconut: Pastor, whenever I go to bed, monsters appear in my closet!.
Pastor: *sigh* Coconut, have you been watching horror movies again?
Coconut: How did you know, Pastor?! Those movies must be dark and evil forces! If I get rid of them, then the monsters will go away!
Pastor: *SIGH* Sure, kid, whatever. Just stop watching the damn movies.
It is probably just a trick of lights, shadows, and reflections that makes her think there is a "monster" there. Moving things around in her room may actually help change those things so that she no long sees what she thinks she sees.
One thing is certain though; it ain't demons.
Yeah, that's the most logical explanation. There's a demon there tormenting your kid. It has nothing to do with fear of the dark, or shadows on the wall, or the fact that you have failed to tell her that monsters aren't real (except for the human kind, of course, but I don't think you need to mention that). Perhaps if you stop scaring her with all of your Biblical hoohah, she'll be able to sleep easier.
That the 3-year-old thinks monsters are real is perfectly normal. That the adults in this exchange treat them as real is downright insane and a cause for serious concern.
My son saw ghosts in the room when he was 3 years old, and had nightmares.
He finally overcame his fears when he took his Mummy action figure to bed with him to protect his dreams from nightmares. Instant cure.
That's right -- he used one type of monster to protect him from other monsters. Sounds logical to me!
~David D.G.
Sigh . . . get the kid a plush animal. Tiggers are good. When I was three, my Guard Tigger could totally whup the green yetis that kept getting into my closet. Fight imagination with imagination, y'know?
The problem is, fundies seem to be pretty opposed to imagination.
If you REALLY want to cleanse your room, I find that Lemon Mr. Clean works very well.
You can also try a solution of 9 parts water to one part bleach for porcelain surfaces.
I've found that a solution of distilled vinegar and water works WONDERS for windows. You'll have clean, streak-free windows!
Finally, if you use a solution of Murphy's Oil Soap and water on wood surfaces and floors, you'll end up with clean surfaces AND a nice-smelling room.
Does that help?
When I was three, I went through a similar phase. My parents eventually traced it to light coming in through one of the windows in the next room. Fortunately, they took my fears seriously and figured out what was causing them. If they had suggested it was evil forces in the room, I'd probably be in therapy now.
OMG, your child has an IMAGINATION! Quick, snuff it out!
Geez. I remember thinking there was a pile of snakes in my room when I was a little kid. My mom turned the light on and showed me that it wasn't snakes, just the blanket I'd pushed off the bed. She didn't immediately think it was a demon manifestation, for crying out loud.
Morons should not be allowed to breed.
I feel so sorry for that poor, abused child. Instead of having parents who can comfort her and help her get over her fears, they cram her head full of this kind of crap. She should be taken away from them and placed in a decent home.
It's called being a child. Children always see monsters in their rooms, that's because the world is largely alien to them, and they have overactive imaginations. Get the kid a night light, or a nice stuffed animal and stop filling her poor head with nonsense about demons. Your fairy tales are probably hurting the situation more than they are helping.
Of course, it´s the first child of this idiot. All kids, not only my kids, but also myself, believe that there is a monster either in the closet(no pun intended), under the bed and so on..........this woman must be a troll, or just stupid.
When I was that age I freaked out because the bathroom light made my stuffed animals' shadows dance around every time someone walked in front of the light source. I thought it was an army of monsters. I was terrified, until my dad convinced me they were baby monsters coming to tickle me. Empower the child, fight imagination with imagination and the problem's solved.
And these "nasty videos" Coconut mentioned..... I wonder what they were?
Too options
1) Young kids are more sensitive to parnormal activity. It might be a ghost. This dosn't mean that there is anything evil in your house, just something wierd.
2) It's just some normal object that looks completly different at night, which is then hightened by the kids active imagination. This used to happen to me all the time.
1) Young kids are more sensitive to parnormal activity. It might be a ghost. This dosn't mean that there is anything evil in your house, just something wierd.
That's extremely idiotic.
Kids that age are very open to suggestion, whether for good or bad. Our son used to be very afraid of the dark. We had an old woven blanket that his dad had had as a kid, which had Native American designs on it, including a couple of warriors. We convinced him that the warriors would protect him at night and he slept much better after that. Maybe that poor little girl just needs a stuffed dog and some non-hysterical parents. Oh and...OUR room? Doesn't she have her own bedroom?
Or maybe your daughter has a rather overactive imagination. Never thought of that, did you.
Child psychologists recommend to parents that they encourage their son(s)/daughter(s) to have 'Imaginary Friends'; to go along with such, as this helps in their development as a fully-realised individual, and how they associate with others.
By pre-pubescence, they grow out of it, as they reach pre-teens and start developing into proto -adults. Most children do, that is.
But some never develop beyond the 'Invisible Friend' stage, though.
Fundie Christainity: Invisible Friends for those who never grow up.
I notice this quote is from 2007. Coconut and thechic81: the proto-Nightmares of Dumbass.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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