I once went to a psychiatrist once and demanded she find a way to stop the demons from chasing me....I was desperate. She went into this "Oh, you had such a rough childhood... Your brain is allowing you bits of information it knows your ready to handle bla bla bla. I'm going to give you this...(Med) in which I said....Meds don't take them away...I want to know WHAT DOES?!?!?! Little did I know....CHRIST does!!!! YAY
Sure, if you prefer brainwashing yourself over medication that's fine by me, just don't go around trying to brainwash other people, ya hear?
While this OP might just be lying for Jesus, the sad fact is that there are plenty of fundies ignoring either their, or a loved one's, mental illness. They labor under the misconception that demons are at work and all they need is a strong enough faith in god and plenty of prayer.
In severe enough cases, they wind up killing or maiming someone.
Personally, I would hold their minister or pastor criminally liable for any actions they commit while insane.
This is from the same thread:
"Wow you do the same thing I do lol, cool. God did tell me to anoint my house last night and I said okay, but I forgot."
So god actually spoke to her and told her to do something, BUT SHE FORGOT.
Holy crap! So, if I understand the jist of this, you go to a psychiatrist complaining of demons, totally shrug off the advice they give to you and an explanation of what could psychologically and biologically be wrong with you. Then, after spending a session twiddling your thumbs and disregarding everything they tell you, you say that the medication they want to give you can't possibly help, and run out the door to pray to the psychosis away.
You. Are. Dumb.
So, she prescribed you meds...
You didn't want her to take them away..
And you want to know what does..
But then you realized... Christ does?
There's code in my salad!
Mental illness is not something to be ignored. Sweeping it under the rug of Jesus doesn't make it go away. You will need to deal with it eventually, and the sooner the better, for the sake of everyone around you.
The demons are chasing you because you're a paranoid schizophrenic.
It's probably been said already in the comments to this post, though.
I never liked psychoanalysis. If I were a psychologist I'd prescribe schizophrenia, not repressed memories (which most psychologists agree actually don't happen).
Me, I say this is a case of lying for Jesus.
I think someone has been reading too many Frank Peretti novels again.
They can make you paranoid as fuck over everything from yoga to something in your house falling over without a visible reason...
I know, I am an e-fundie, I left the "flock" when I was 15, and then, miraculously, all the demons disappeared...
But then, I am just an evil satan worshiper, so what do I know right?
those books are just fiction, meaning NOT REAL!!!!
¬_¬ the sky pix....i mean, god, just spoke to me.
he says you are batshit crazy and need to stat taking those meds again.
"Christ doesn't take them away...I want to know WHAT DOES?!?!?! Little did I know....MEDS do!!!! YAY!
there. fixed!
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