Has Russia confirmed the Great Flood? Their cosmonauts might have found sea plankton on the outside hull and window of the International Space Station. How else did those sea plankton get there, except from the breakout of the Fountains of the Great Deep?
Right, and 4,000 years later we have sea plankton floating around in space.
You'll excuse me if I wait for confirmation from NASA who says they have no information from ROScosmos about this. What the Russians were checking for is normal residue buildup.
Oh damn. If only you'd said "If the Great Flood is real, we can predict there will be plankton in space" before it was found. Then you'd look like you were dealing with reality, rather than superstitiously creating a post hoc 'just so' story.
So close and yet so far.
Oh wait, no- just wrong. So very wrong.
I'm pretty sure nobody claims that the water went all the way up to outer space.
I've even seen fundie claims that all the extra water went to Mars , and that's what made the "canals" there.
Plankton... in space.
Contamination, dumbarse!
Nozzle size.
Even if there were evidence for this (there isn't), why is it that when science might not have an answer for something, your kind always tries to fit it without questioning into your 2000-year-old book of mythology? Why can't you just say "We don't yet know what it is, let's keep looking"?
Your kind always plays the argument from ignorance card, saying, "We don't know what it is, it must be jeebus!". If you don't know what it is, that's where you should shut the fuck up; you don't then go on to say "it must be" anything, because didn't you just say you didn't know what it is? You could just as well say, "I don't know what it is, it must be The Invisible Pink Unicorn!"
"Science can't explain it yet" DOES NOT MEAN "goddidit"
Even by Conservapedia standards that is pretty moronic. In fact I think that this is the most stupid thing that I've ever heard. Even Ray Comfort's "Banana: The Atheists worst nightmare" is pure genius compared to that. How the hell can someone that stupid be able to breathe, let alone use a computer?
@ Mark Poe
TerryH's proof of the Great Flood:
(edit: dammit, doesn't show up. Just type it in and go to it, I guess)
Why Russia? The International Space Station is called that because it's, ya know, international; more countries than one has contributed to it and are visiting it and working there.
Also, the station was made on Earth, the planktons might have been there from the start.
All the planets in the solar system fit between the Eart and Moon, and no; water did not flood that far.
"How else did those sea plankton get there"
Challenge accepted!
In an exponentially decreasing order of likelihood:
1. There was no plankton and you have been lied to.
2. You are lying.
3. The astronauts thought that the plankton came from the space station, but it was in fact with them when they left the earth.
4. There was indeed plankton, but it was already on the hull, when it left the Earth.
5. The astronauts are telling this story for shits and giggles.
6. Aliens put it there.
7. Incredibly coherent many-body quantum tunnelling effect got them there.
8. Your shit about the Great Deeps.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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