---I do understand what he said. He said that because I don't believe in his god, I deserve to have my beloved pets die a horrible death.---
Then you didn't get it. He said God was trying to drive you to him, by killing your ducks.
Which to a Christian means, God is personally trying to extend his love to you.
The "Which to a Christian means" makes me think this person is saying that this is WHAT a Christian would say, not necessarily that they're saying it...
...but I'm probably wrong. Not voting, just in case.
I say it again: your God really needs to brush up on his people skills.
@Neserit: it would work if God followed through on it: "Okay, I love you, God. Therefore..."
I love how self-centered these poor bastards are. Every little thing in the universe, good or bad, is "god's way of personally showing you his love."
Newsflash: the universe is oblivious to the Earth as a whole, let alone one petty human being.
I think I'll manage without that kind of love, thank you. If someone killed my cats, I would sue him for all he's got, not join his gang.
God is so powerful he can fuck a duck !
Jesus the Duck killer
That will teach him to love ducks more than god
this is just so sick it is sad
God shows you love by killing those you care about? I hope you don't mind me saying, but this god of yours sounds like a sociopathic monster.
I never understood how christians are able to believe that god is all-powerful and then in the same swing believe that he needs to use all these strange and largely ineffective methods of coercion to make you believe in him. It's just so weird.
I heard fundies in a church I used to go express this stupid theory, that God was bringing someone "to their knees" to get their attention. Never any explanation from them as to why they thought one person would be made to suffer tragedy so they'd turn to God, while others would skip off scott free. I always thought it was sadisic blaming of the victim.
The first three quotes on this site today amount to;
1. God is a bastard
2. God is a lying bastard
3. God is a duck killing bastard
Therefore you should love him?
Doesn't this make him a bunny boiler? so really 'Fatal Attraction' was supposed to have a happy ending where the husband ends up with the crazy woman and continues to live a life of constant fear?
And THAT'S christianity.
Wow, what a prick. But, to be fair, at least he is consistent and not giving credit for good stuff to God while blaming bad stuff on Satan. Kind of makes me think, perhaps, the two are really the same character?...
Can't be that good of a PR for Christianity, though.
God wants to be your friend, so he killed your pets. Makes perfect sense.
I really hate it when Christians try to rationalize this or that because "everything happens for a reason" meaning that God did it for a reason.
But if God is going to kill pets to make you want to be his friend, he's more fucked up than a stalker. And then you're supposed to get into a "relationship" with him in which he threatens you with eternal punishment if you don't do what he says. Yep, God is a psycho stalker.
God was trying to drive you to him, by killing your ducks.
Is God a moron? Why would He think that would work? In fact, it doesn't work. While firm believers may turn to God to help them through hard times, disaster and senseless suffering have created more atheists than anything else. The great New Testament biblical scholar, Bart Ehrman, who started out as a devout Christian fundamentalist, credits this with his eventual loss of faith and descent into agnosticism. If he, after studying and believing the Bible all his life, can be driven from God by the question of suffering, why would God think He's going to draw in anyone else with that tactic?
Good argument for abortion, there.
I mean, how does a woman know that after she gives birth bible-god isn't going to extend his "love" by killing the baby?
She'd be much better off having an abortion so she doesn't get attached to the little bugger.
God: "It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again!"
Reminds me of a scene from the Swedish film "Nybyggarna," where Swedish immigrants to Minnesota are crossing the Atlantic by ship; a young girl gets sick and dies, and her father says it's his fault. He loved his daughter more than anything, so God killed her because God should be what the father loved most.
And my father turned to me and said, "This is why I'm an atheist."
So if I want to go out with someone, I should kill something they love?
God really doesn't understand relationships.
If gawd were really trying (you mean gawd cant....he is trying unsuccessfully) to "extend his love", then why doesnt he just appear in the living room, have a seat, and discuss his love for them? That would remove all doubt (I mean, if I had an animal die, I wouldnt think gawd had anything to do with it). Just an idea......
In the real world, when someone tries to get you to love them using threats, coercion, blackmail, and murder, we call that person a PSYCHOPATH.
On a somewhat-related note... All those people who like to say, "Lord love a duck!" ...I'm afraid it isn't gonna happen. :'(
I'm trying to imagine how putting the quote back in context would make it less disgusting.
After the sentence, "Which to a Christian means, God is personally trying to extend his love to you."
Inviolable explains that it was the wrong thing to say. He was quoting someone else.
Kere, the person who submitted this quote by him/her, got the thread removed
by putting the admins in a position to remove it. So it couldn't be verified by the admins here at fstdt.
Check the source, the thread isn't there any longer.
God's idea of love is dead animals. Huh. So god is Glenn Close, then? And humans are Micheal Douglas?
If somebody gave me dead animals, my first thought is not going to be, "wow, what a loving and gentle person, I think I love them!".
There are movies about psycho obsessives who kill the ones their object of obsession love, so as to remove any perceived "competition". Your god would make a good villain in one of those movies.
@Dionysus: No. As others have pointed out, this god is more like Glenn Close from Fatal Attraction .
@Various CF anons: The statement is pretty clear. The only potential error is in attribution of the original quote. The quote itself is disgusting. kthxbai
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