Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Breaking. The year of "military cunning" still. The WAR will start in less than two days.

Your present governors think that Russian are foolish.

Now NATO collects tanks in Poland.
Same time:
a) the British do not bury their queen (the elite can't lose time for funeral);
b) Stephen Frand Cohen (the jew Stepan Kogan) said recently on national USA TV that NATO wanted to start a war with Russia 01/11/17 but changed its plan so as became scared in the last moment (once same poker trick worked when Hitler had cheated Stalin);
c) Barack Obama made his last farewell speech (just to relax Russians military).

So now we know exactly that the war will start in few days.
Now is year of Monkey still. The motto of it is "the year of military cunning".

Tomorrow Russia will celebrate so called the Old New Year.
NATO is sure that Russians will be drunk and they will start carefully planned invasion without serious resistance.
But we are waiting for them and will destroy their plans completely. After it we will clean the Europe from the Zionists forces.

Happy New Chinese Year. The Fire Cock will burn all plans of Russians enemies entirely. And we will build real Communism based on Justice and Christianity.



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