Brain_In_A_Jar: Granted, my explanation was simplified pretty much to the point of taking the piss. I could give you a longer, more-detailed answer as to why I see things the way I see them, but it would be convoluted at best. I don't have much of a way with words, and trying to explain things I can't fully put into words confuses not only the person I'm trying to explain it to, but me as well (I get tongue-tied rather easily, and it tends to make me sound unsure of myself even if the view I'm trying to explain is strongly held).
And hell...I'd be fooling myself if I thought for one instant that nobody would think my belief in reincarnation is crazy. I wouldn't expect anyone to accept it out of hand, just as I wouldn't accept what they believe in that way. It's okay - diversity is a good thing, especially when people with differing opinions/outlooks aren't pressing said opinions and outlooks on you. And I'm certainly not.
It's okay - I view a good many aspects of Christianity - especially the warped fundie version - the same way. Crazy. Maybe in time my views will change. Maybe in time I'll come to accept the inevitable. Maybe. But I'm still young enough - thirty two - to want to hold onto life, such as it is, be it this one or any that follow it.
I like, though, that you called me crazy in so many words without being confrontational. Take that comment in the spirit in which it was made - it actually amused me. :)
Let's agree to disagree, shall we? I'll continue to not yell at you for not believing (wouldn't do that anyway, but you know), and you can continue to be civil though you think I'm nuts. I've found that works out quite well for all involved. :)
ETA: Also, a quote for a quote:
I never told my own religion nor scrutinized that of another. I never attempted to make a convert, nor wished to change another's creed. I am satisfied that yours must be an excellent religion to have produced a life of such exemplary virtue and correctness. For it is in our lives, and not from our words, that our religion must be judged.
- Thomas Jeffersin, 1816, in a letter to Mrs. H. Harrison Smith
Nice, that. I view you based on your actions, rather than the religion (or lack thereof) you follow. If only everyone looked at it that way. :)