Even Almighty is of the Devil. At one point Steve Carell says the line, “God thought it would be funny.” As I recall the story of Noah and his ark, it’s about an angry God who decides to kill nearly everyone on earth. Apparently the idea of God drowning the wicked for their sin and rebellion is a big joke to movie producers. The Word of God is not a laughing matter, and should never be taken as such.
The advertisement for Evan Almighty (as seen in the picture to the right) states... "A COMEDY OF BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS"! The implications are clear... the producers of Evan Almighty think the Bible is one big comedy. But they won't be laughing when they're cast into the Lake of Fire (2nd Thessalonians 1:8,9; Revelation 20:11-15).
Note: Please notice the Washington Monument (a freemason illuminati symbol) in the lower left corner of the movie poster to the right. We are seeing New World Order symbolism in everything nowadays, showing people's allegiance to the forming Beast system of the coming Antichrist.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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