Stephanie Relfe #conspiracy
1066 is the most famous date in British history (along with the date of the signing of the Magna Carta), when the French Norman ‘William the Conqueror’ successfully invaded that country.
Is it possible that this date is so famous because the French now still secretly rule from behind the Wizard’s curtain?
In fact, 1066 may have been only around 400 or 500 years ago. Anatoly Fomenko, a genius Russian mathematician, in his book series History, Fiction or Science, has shown conclusively with statistics and mathematics that the Dark Ages never existed. No document from before around 1600 can be authenticated!
In Hollywood Movies, Richard the Lionheart, is depicted as the epitome of English courage and Englishness. In fact, he was a barbaric thug, and he spoke ONLY FRENCH his whole life!
Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine (in France) was the wife of two kings: King Louis VII of France and King Henry II of England. She was also the mother of three kings of England, including Richard I, so-called “Richard the Lionheart”, who spoke no English – only French. Eleanor was one of the wealthiest and most powerful people in Europe.
She did a ceremony with her husband King Henry II of England that is little known, and yet is quite possibly one of the most important events in history. From Eleanor of Aquitaine;
“In 1158 in Worcester Cathedral, the King and Queen took part in a curious ceremony in which they renounced their crowns, taking them off and laying them upon the shrine of St. Wulfstan, solemnly vowing never to wear them again.”
The really, really big question is – who (or what?) did they hand the power of the crown to? The answer is of immense significance both legally and spiritually.
Knowing that the Illuminati control the world through media, one begins to get hints of which people helped get the world into the mess it is currently in. Two people were forced upon our minds:
1759 – 1821
The Illuminati seem to have a veritable passion for Bonaparte, which is strange when one considers that he lost the war to England at the Battle of Waterloo.
(Maybe it’s not just a coincidence that this was the very same battle that is rumored to have given the Rothschilds the massive haul that enabled them to be the world’s richest family, by finding out who won the war before anyone else, possibly by carrier pigeon, selling all stock and thus causing a bear run – and then buying up tons of stock at rock bottom prices just before the real news that Wellington actually won).
The Illuminati believe in “survival of the fittest”. There is no room for losers. Even normal people hardly ever remember who came second. Bonaparte lost, but the Illuminati seem to just adore this guy.
For example, they stuck him on the 2015 Magazine Cover for the Economist (his head is just under the word “the”)
With hundreds of famous people in history, why make a big deal about a loser?
Yes, Bonaparte did a lot, and managed to kill a lot of people. But he still ultimately lost and was supposedly locked up as a prisoner by the British. So, since the Illuminati just love this guy, we assume that he really won at something that was really, really important to the Illuminati.
This ‘something” was probably something that was pivotal in their goal (which we, the people of earth, intends will fail) of a suppressive One World Order under their control.
We don’t know exactly what Bonaparte did that was so special, but we can guess. On researching history for clues as to what it might be, this fact fairly jumped at us:
He invaded Egypt with 400 ships and 54,000 men. That wasn’t the important bit. The important bit was that he also sent 150 scientists and archaeologists, to dig up and find whatever they could.
Through them, ancient Egypt was discovered; the temples and tombs of Luxor, Philae, Dendera, and the Valley of the Kings. Each of these sites was measured, mapped, and drawn, recording in meticulous detail a pharaonic Egypt never before glimpsed by the outside world.
We believe that Napoleon discovered hidden occult secrets that are the key to the power of the Illuminati, because real power comes from spiritual power, that is greater than anyone can possibly imagine.
It is this kind of power, for example, that made a statue come to life, in front of an English mansion, during a ritual attended by a group of men in robes who included Steven King.
Another example of how it is hidden occult power that rules earth is the story of a being coming through a life-size mirror, and offering a young man immense wealth and fame if he would “join them”. The being was a solid, 3-dimensional figure, wearing a robe and quaker hat (Read more here).
For more information on how real black magick is, please listen/read Interview with an ex-Vampire; A true Story).
The occult power of the Illuminati and Freemasonry is based on things in Egypt. That’s why they put pyramids on everything, including the US dollar bill and the Louvre, and stick Egyptian obelisks (phallic symbols) near places of power.
The obelisks are to worship the “Holy of Holies” – the penis. This is the same reason why Freemasons wear aprons. This causes increased lust, and is a major cause for pedophilia, because getting life force from children is one of the ‘secrets’ at the top levels, and every man who joins a lodge becomes spiritually tied to the pedophiles at the top levels.
Going back to Bonaparte, he did something to give the oligarchs, the military aristocracy, immense power.
There is no doubt to us that what Napoleon really discovered in Egypt were things of immense occult significance, and maybe even technology from ancient astronauts. Because of this, the power of the Illuminati was greatly strengthened, and that is why they idolize him today.
To free the world, we must understand the source of this power, and dismantle it with prayer, spiritual warfare and our spiritual swords. The power that God gives his people is infinitely greater than Satan’s power.
Father of the Secret Service
“Give me six lines written by the most honest man and I will find in them something to hang him.”
The other ultra-significant Frenchman is not nearly as well known as Bonaparte. He is Cardinal Richelieu. As you can see from his quote above, he was supremely evil.
We were first clued in to his importance when we watched in 2015 a DVD one of the original movies of The Four Musketeers, as I had fond memories of that movie as a child. My! What a difference twenty years of conspiracy research does when watching a movie! We saw it with completely different eyes! We were shocked!
The movie was SO much against women and feminine principals of nurturing and family and SO much in favor of men-only, that we realized it was a part of the propaganda to promote homosexuality. Please keep in mind that homosexuality, like many mental aberrations is that – an aberration from nature, and that every time a civilization has given power to the homosexual agenda, that civilization ended soon after.
Major causes of homosexuality have been found to be sexual molestation as children, and also from mercury, which includes vaccines.
Hollywood absolutely adores “The Three / Four Musketeers”. They have made at least 39 versions of this film! You’d think there were no other stories to tell!
We suspect that a reason for this is as a tribute to Cardinal Richelieu, who features prominently in the film.
The other clue that we got that Richelieu was supremely powerful in his day, was that author Georgette Heyer indicated that he was as important as the king, if not more important, in one of her novels (which people call romances, but in fact are closer to historical fiction. She was a master at using accurate historical details in her books).
In addition to being a Catholic Cardinal, Richelieu was also King Louis XIII’s Chief Minister, in 1624.
Because of these things, we suspected that Richelieu was extra important to the Illuminati. We didn’t have to go far to find the reason:
“Richelieu is — notable for the authoritarian measures he employed to maintain power. He censored the press, established a large network of internal spies, forbade the discussion of political matters in public assemblies such as the Parlement de Paris (a court of justice), and had those who dared to conspire against him prosecuted and executed.
The Canadian historian and philosopher John Ralston Saul has referred to Richelieu as the “father of the modern nation-state, modern centralised power [and] the modern secret service.”
A few other things that this supremely evil man did are:
•By restraining the power of the nobility, he transformed France into a strong, centralized state.
•Richelieu sought to suppress the influence of the feudal nobility. In 1626, he abolished the position of Constable of France and ordered all fortified castles razed, excepting only those needed to defend against invaders.[30] Thus, he stripped the princes, dukes, and lesser aristocrats of important defences that could have been used against the King’s armies during rebellions. As a result, Richelieu was hated by most of the nobility.
•Richelieu encouraged Louis XIII to colonize the Americas by the foundation of the Compagnie de la Nouvelle France in imitation of the Dutch West India Company
•Controlled the king partly through providing him with young men to have sex with. (Was this the beginning of the later plan to control political figures through sexual blackmail?). We assume that he was a homosexual, as he was a highranking Catholic, and therefore never married. Satanists who are homosexuals which seek to destroy families run the Catholic Church. God decreed that:
A bishop then must be blameless, husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach; 1:Timothy 3:2
•Enlisted the Jesuits in colonizing French North America. (Note that the Jesuits gained power over the USA through the Federal Reserve, by sinking the Titanic, with the the main opponents to the Titanic on board). The Federal Reserve is not, as most think, a public institution, but is in fact a private institution.