
Stephanie & Michael Relfe #conspiracy #ufo metatech.org


The aliens have been with us for hundreds of years, in hiding. The aliens understand humans well, and especially know about marketing and propaganda. Marketing is all about associating good FEELINGS with a product or idea. This is called ‘anchoring’.

What better way to get a person to like aliens than have them see fun TV shows as a child? It has been shown that a person’s brainwaves are in a hypnotic trance within just one minute of watching television. How many people have been hypnotized to expect Mr. Scott of Star Trek to “beam me up Scotty” when in danger?

You learned from The Mars Records that it is simple for the aliens or military to open a portal into anyone’s bedroom, abduct them and then give them some scopolamine and hypnosis. The person will then do whatever they are told.

The excellent book Secret, Don’t Tell; The Encyclopedia of Hypntosism shows with records from court proceedings that anyone can be made to do anything with hypnosis and drugs, including rob a bank, prostitution and murder. Influencing a scriptwriter or an author is child’s play.


The Satanists in Hollywood have done much to help the aliens prepare for this harvest, at least since the release of “E.T.” in 1982. If you analyze this movie, you will see that while at first it appeared cute, in reality it had some very evil messages.

First of all, you have an alien who is similar in appearance to the grays, the same ones who regularly take people without their permission and operate on them. How would people feel if humans took them at night, without their permission, and operated on them, and removed body parts, without even paying them for it? This is evil beyond imagination.

E.T. also taught children to hide the truth from their parents, and that parents are not to be trusted. The whole movie was filmed from low down, from a child’s point of view – making adults look like tall, scary people, instead of the only people in the world who really care about that child.


Alien propaganda will have the best marketing, and will be in the most popular shows, such as:



Maybe I’m stretching a point there – but note the giant eyes, almost non-existent nose and monkey friend who is about the right size for a gray alien.


These almond shaped creatures do not look like anything like ponies. But they make some very colorful aliens.




When I was growing up, animals were my passion, so I was aware of everything animal around us. Naturally, as a warm blooded mammal, my main interest was in mammals, but also in birds, with some interest in reptiles. It would make sense that most children are like this.

Therefore, I was shocked when around 2006 we started visiting a lot of Science Museums. In the children’s section, museum after museum would have out 80% reptiles, and only 20% mammals and birds, or less, when it should be the other way around.

Dinosaurs were everywhere.They seldom ever even mention the dozens of different species of extinct mammals, many of which were larger than today’s mammals. Most of these went extinct suddenly 12,000 years ago. (Ref: Not by Fire, but by Ice)

Many people do not know that besides the woolly mammoth, there were at least 19 other species of prehistoric elephant, and many other species of giant rhinoceros, giant bears, giant camels, giant cats, giant sloths, giant kangaroos, giant wombats and many other strange mammals quite different from today’s mammals. Yet hardly a word of these at the museums. Do they perhaps not want us to realize that human giants existed then also, and right up until quite recent times?

Even when they had a live animal display, it was all snakes, turtles and lizards. Where were the guinea pigs, mice, rabbits, chickens and other warmblooded animals that are cheap to look after and show to children? It was this wild skewing towards all things reptilian that made us begin to see an orchestrated attempt around the world to get children to love reptilians and aliens.



“Knowing” was a creepy movie. It came out at the same time as the even creepier “Melancholia”. Both had a similar message – something is coming from outer space that will kill everyone on earth, whether a sunburst or a large planetary object.

If you want to control people through a message, the most important part of the movie to place the message is at the end of the movie. Knowing had an extra evil message thrown in right at the end – It showed a man who loved his child handing over his child to the aliens, who looked rather like fallen angels or Nordic aliens. He didn’t even question if that was a good idea or not.

You should not hand your child over to a strange human, and the same thing goes for strange aliens, no matter what promises (lies) they make.


Proving to people that aliens are real, before they make public disclosure, is difficult for many reasons including:

Aliens hide.

Aliens use mind control to stop people remembering when they get abducted (all that is needed is some scopolamine, plus hypnosis).

Hundreds of UFO researchers have been murdered. This has removed many of the best researchers, and is a major discouragement to further research.

Our school system is designed to make us think that ‘we know everything’ and not to think for ourselves or find new knowledge.

The government covers up evidence regularly. Most of the really good information is well hidden, but even when people have asked for them through the Freedom of Information Act, most of them come back looking like the image below. The Black Vault posted a lot of these on the internet. If there is nothing to hide, why do they have to black out everything?

Stephanie & Michael Relfe #conspiracy metatech.org

This is the most important article you will ever read. The alien ships are coming and when they do, you must not get on, no matter what, no matter how great their technology is, no matter how beautiful they are, no matter what they say or what they offer you, because if you do they will eat you and harvest you for raw materials that help them to live hundreds more years.

That will be after they have tortured you. They are coming to harvest humans, for profit.

They especially want children; as of 2016 they have actually admitted that serum from young people reverses the aging process.

To make sure you don’t go on the ship, it is vital that you get rid of all wireless and your cell phone (here’s how and why). If you won’t do that, at least wrap your cell phones in metal and store them away, immediately you hear that the ships have come out in the open. Technology has been put in the phones to transmit frequencies which interact with the brain to give it orders.

We are deadly serious about this. Many people will laugh at this – until it happens. We have decided to face public ridicule because the importance of warning people of the plan to trap them is so great.

The above video tells you what is coming. They did that because there is a legal spiritual law that the evil ones keep to – They have to tell us what they intend, before they do it. Evidence that this is true is the many, many instances of the public being shown what was intended for 911 before it happened. See pictures here.

Many celebrities and important people will help the aliens to herd millions of people onto the ships. Don’t fall for the scam.

While most people still struggle with wondering if aliens are real, Michael and I have known from our own experience for years that they absolutely are real, and much more varied and evil than is generally thought. Our research is unique because we have used the biofeedback meter in addition to muscle testing. This cuts through the mind control of the aliens.

Because of our research, we moved on from wondering if aliens are real or not, to studying them. One should only take advice from someone who has direct experience with something, and we believe we have earned that right, by studying aliens since at least 2000, through our association with a wide range of people who contacted us via our website. Most of these people were intelligent, professional and did not take alcohol or drugs.

We have gained unique knowledge about aliens from our own experiences, doing clearing sessions on numerous other people, and by conversations with these many very interesting and highly intelligent people all over the world.

We are not saying that all aliens are bad. Good ones do exist, but the ones that come in the ships to ‘save’ you and who get the approval of the government and celebrities will be lying and evil beyond imagination.

Yes, there are good extraterrestrials out there, but if they decide to rescue you, they do not need your permission to do so. Good extraterrestrials will transport you aboard as quickly as a ship’s crew would rescue a drowning man. Their technology is much better than that of the evil ones. Only the evil ones will want you to agree to come aboard.

If good extraterrestrials had wanted to save you, they would have given you years to learn about them so you can decide if you trust them or not. The ones that are coming are going to be as trustworthy as a used car salesman with a “Hurry – last one in stock!” sale. They will give people almost no time to think, let alone find out if they can trust them or not.

Trust only those who have kept all their agreements with you, and with whom you have had many agreements in the past, as a test.

Do not visit the ships. Do not go for a tour. Do not go on board for any reason. Stay totally in your home (“A man’s home is his castle”).

When the ships come out in the open, do not go aboard. Do not get harvested. Do not get tortured. Do not get eaten. Don’t give them your DNA, hormones and children. It is possible that they won’t turn up until catastrophic events happen on earth.

No matter how bad things get here on earth, there are worse things than death. Everyone dies, everyone leaves their body, but you don’t want to die in excruciating pain and while suffering the emotional turmoil of knowing you will be eaten and cut up for your meat, hormones, DNA and raw materials for life extension. For example, there are at least 70 hormones in the body, and science does not fully understand what they are capable of. (eg They only recently discovered leptin, the most important one of all!)

Learn how you don’t ‘die’ when you leave your body, because you are an immortal spirit, by reading stories of Near Death Experiences.

People who have officially died said when they left their body and became a spirit only, they looked the same, only they were able to pass through objects, and they felt absolutely wonderful! (Except when they committed suicide, when they felt even worse than when they were alive). Most near death experiencers did not want to come back to their body.


Besides, we are coming to believe that the apparent earth changes have been engineered by advanced technology, and would not normally happen at this time. Once all the evil people, perverts and morons leave earth, this place will be extremely wonderful (See Dream #3 below).

Start thinking about how and where you would like to live if earth were perfect, and no one had to do meaningless work for a living, but instead worked to serve the people of earth and to give meaning and purpose to life.

We believe that when the alien ships come to pretend to save people, no one will be forced aboard, with one proviso: It’s possible that having an EBT (food stamps) card, and taking free food and water from Walmart etc., will count as legal permission to take you. That is why it is so important to have food and water stored so you absolutely can stay away from large buildings after the aliens show themselves.

It’s very possible that this event will happen directly after something stops supplies of food and water.

We believe, and hope we are right, that the evil aliens who will come out in the open with the blessing of the government, military and celebrities will want you to come aboard willingly. We do not know the reasons for this, but one reason is that there is some kind of legal rule they have to follow. We are in a spiritual battle, and there are rules like a chess game. Sometimes even when the heavenly side wants to help people they can’t.

It’s quite possible that when you are passive, they consider that as permission. Them taking you to “save” you is just an excuse. To save you they’re not bound by a law to ask. If their intentions were good, they’d take you to safety just as a rescuer saves a drowning victim. They wouldn’t ask. The fact is, if the aliens wanted to take you to save you, they could. But that’s not what they want, so they need to coax you to go with them.

They can lie to you all they want. All it takes is for you to agree to go. Or rather, to not object. That’s more accurate. So, object to going.

The correct way to phrase it is “I decline your offer to contract.” This is because all governments and organizations are corporations, and everything is done by contract, just like in Jupiter Ascending where it was all about law and profit.

This is a huge subject. Unknown to most people, we are currently under Admiralty Law in a Military Dictatorship, under National Emergency. If you wish to look into this further, please read all 100 articles on this website at annavonreitz.com, (by a former judge) and then you will know more about this than 98% of the so-called Patriot movement. Most of the information out there on this subject is either incomplete, lightweight or wrong, and can get you killed in the wrong situation.

If you fail to say, “I decline your offer to contract” your silence may be considered as permission.

Another reason for tricking people to come onto the ships will be that when a human realizes they have been tricked aboard and will be eaten, they get overwhelmed and release extra hormones which makes them even more delicious to the aliens.

Yet another reason will be that they will be more successful in herding hundreds of millions of people onto the ships, if they entice them in with bait, rather than herd them in by force.

I hope that we are right when we say ‘no one will be forced aboard’. However, we believe that the temptation for most people on earth, especially young people, will be great. Free food and water and wonderful opportunities will likely be offered as bait. It is possible that catastrophic earth changes may hasten the desire of people to go aboard. This is why it is crucial that you store at least four weeks’ food, water, cash and supplies right now, and assume that electricity will not be working.


We believe that the main way that the aliens will coerce people to go aboard the ships will be through cell phones, especially smart phones and also smart TVs. They will put out frequencies which affect the brain.

It is almost guaranteed that instructions of where to go ‘in the case of an emergency’ will be given through cell phones. This is why the government has been so eager to give cell phones to starving people in Africa, and homeless people in America. Please get rid of all smart phones and smart TVs now.

We got this realization from various sources including reports that chemtrails have been used to infect people with certain metals and nanotechnology, with the goal that at some time in the future, a signal will go out from the cell towers, to make the nanotechnology take over people’s brains.

Please read: Chemtrails, Wireless and You

Michael & Stephanie Relfe #conspiracy metatech.org

The Lacerta Files

Interview with a Reptilian


Question: Can you tell me something about the natural history and evolution of your species? How old is your species? Have you evolved from primitive reptiles as mankind has evolved from apes?

Answer: Oh, this is a very long and complex story and it sounds certainly unbelievable to you, but it’s the truth. I will try to explain it in short. Around 65 million years ago, many of our unadvanced ancestors from the dinosaur race died in a great global cataclysm. The reason for this destruction was not a natural disaster—an asteroid impact as your scientists believe falsely—but a war between two enemy alien groups that took mainly place in the orbit and high atmosphere of your planet. According to our limited knowledge about the early days this global war was the first alien war on planet earth but it was definitely not the last (and a future war is coming soon, while a “cold war”—as you call it—between alien groups is ongoing since the last 73 years on your planet).

The opponents in this 65 million year old war were two advanced alien species, whose both names are again not pronounceable for your tongues. I’m able to say them but it would hurt your ear if I tell you the names in their original way. One race was humanoid like your species (but much older) and was from this universe, from a solar system in the star constellation you call “Procyon” today in your maps. The other species—about which we know not so much—was a reptilian species, but they have nothing to do with our own species, because we have evolved from local saurians without exterior influence (except the successful manipulation of our own genes by us. More about that later). The advanced reptilian species came not from this universe but from a—well, how should I explain it to you. Your scientists have not really understood the true nature of the universe, because your illogical mind is not able to see the easiest things and relies on wrong mathematics and numbers. This is part of the genetic programming of your kind to which I will come later. Let me say, that you are nearly as far away from the understanding of the universe as you were 500 years ago.

To use a term you will maybe understand: the other species came not from this universe but from another “bubble” in the foam of the omniverse. You would call it maybe another dimension, but this is not the right word to describe it correctly (by the way, the term dimension is generally wrong in the way you understand it). The fact you should remember is, that advanced species are able to “walk” between bubbles by use of—as you would call it—quantum technology and sometimes in special ways only by use of their mind (my own species had also advanced mental abilities in comparison to your species, but we are not able to do the matterstring/bubble changing without technology, but other species active on this planet are able and this looks to you like magic as it had to your ancestors.)

Back to our own history: the first species (the humanoids) had reached Earth around 150 years before the reptilians and they built some colonies on the former continents. There was a large colony on the continent you call “Antarctica” today and another one in the continent you call “Asia” today. These people lived together with animal-like saurians on the planet without problems. When the advanced reptilian species arrived in this system, the humanoid colonists from “Procyon” tried to communicate peacefully, but they were not successful and a global war started within months.

You must understand that both species were interested in this young planet not for its biology and undeveloped species, but for only one reason: raw material, especially copper. To understand this reason, you must know that copper is a very important material for some advanced species (even today) because it is—together with some unstable materials—able to produce new stable elements if you induce a high electromagnetic field in the right angle with a high nuclear radiation field to produce an over-crossing of fluctuating fields. The fusion of copper with other elements in such a magnetic/radiation field-chamber can produce a force field of special nature that is very useful for various technological tasks (but the base for this is an extremely complex formula you are not able to discover because of the restrictions of your simple mind).

Both species wanted to have the copper of Planet Earth and for this reason, they fought a not very long war in space and orbit. The humanoid species seemed to be successful during the first time, but in a last battle the reptilians decided to use a mighty experimental weapon—a special kind of fusion bomb which should destroy the life forms on the planet but should not harm the valuable raw materials and the copper. The bomb was fired from space and detonated at a point of your planet you call “Middle America” today. As it detonated in the ocean, it produced an unpredictable fusion with hydrogen and the effect was much stronger then the reptilians had expected. A deadly radiation, an over-production of fusion-oxygen, a fall-out of different elements and a “nuclear winter” for nearly 200 years were the results. Most of the humanoids were killed and the reptilians lost their interest on the planet after some years for (even for us) unknown reasons—maybe because of the radiation.

Planet Earth was on its own again and the animals on the surface died. By the way, one result of the fusionbomb was the fall-out of different elements and materials created in the burning process and one of that materials was Iridium. Your human scientists today see the Iridium concentration in the ground as an evidence for an asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs. That is not true, but how should you know that?

Well, most of the dinosaurs died (not all in the detonation but in the bad things which came after the war, especially in the nuclear winter and in the fall-out). Nearly all dinosaurs and reptilians were dead within the next 20 years. Some of them—especially those in the oceans—were able to survive for the next 200 to 300 years even in this changed world, but these species also died, because the climate had changed. The nuclear winter ended after 200 years, but it was colder on earth then before. Despite the cataclysm, some species were able to survive: fish (like the sharks), birds, little creepy mammals (your ancestors), various reptiles like crocodiles—and there was a special kind of small but advanced dinosaur which had developed together with the last large animal-reptilians like the species you call Tyrannosaurus.

This new reptile was walking on two legs and looked at little bit like your reconstruction of an Iguanodon (it originated in this family) but it was smaller (around 1.50 metres tall) with some humanoid features, a changed bone structure, a larger skull and brain, a hand with a thumb which was able to grab things, a different organism and digestion, advanced eyes in the middle of the head like your eyes and—most important—with a new and better brain structure. This was our direct ancestor.

There are theories that the radiation from the bomb took part in the mutations of the organism of this new breed, but this is not proven. Nevertheless, this little humanoid-like dinosaur evolved during the following 30 million years (as I have said earlier, a species need generally more time to evolve then you think, if the evolution is not artificially induced like in your case) from an animal to a more or less thinking being. These beings were intelligent enough not to die in the next millions of years, because they learned to change their behavior, they lived in caves instead in the cold nature and they learned to use stones and branches as first tools and the use of fire as help to warm them—especially to warm their blood which is very important for our kind to survive. During the next 20 million years this species was divided by nature into 27 sub-species (unfortunately, former reptilian species were prone to divide themselves in a more or less illogical way into sub-species during the evolution process. You can clearly see this in the unnecessary high number of animal-dinosaur species in earlier times) and there were many (mainly primitive) wars between this sub-species for dominance.

Well, nature was not very friendly to us and as far as we know from the 27 sub-species, 24 were extincted in primitive wars and in evolution, because their organism and mind was not developed enough to survive and (as main reason) they were not able to change their blood temperature in the right way when the climate changed. 50 million years after the war and after the end of Dinosaurs, only three (now also technological) advanced reptilian species were remaining on this planet together with all the other lower animals. Through natural and artificial crossbreedings this three species were united to one reptilian species and through the invention of genetic manipulations, we were able to “eliminate” the dividing-prone genes in our genetic structure.

According to our history and belief, this was the time when our final reptilian race—as you see me today—was created by use of genetic engineering. This was around 10 million years ago and our evolution nearly stopped at this point (well, actually there were some minor changes in our look toward a more humanoid and mammal-like appearance during the coming ages, but we have not divided again into sub-species). You see, we are a very old race in comparison to your kind, which was jumping around as small monkey-like animals in the trees at this time while we invented technology, colonized other planets of this system, built large cities on this planet (which disappeared without a trace in the ages) and engineered our own genes while your genes where still those of animals.

10 million years ago the small simians started to grow and they came down from the trees to the ground (again because of the change of the climate—especially on the so-called African continent). But they evolved very slow as it is normal for a mammal and if nothing extraordinary had happened to your kind, we wouldn’t be able to sit here and talk because I would sit in my comfortable modern house and you would sit in your cave clothed with fur and trying to discover the secrets of fire—or you would maybe sit in one of our zoos.

But the things had developed differently and you believe now you are the “crown of creation” and you can sit in the modern house and we must hide and live beneath the earth and in remote areas. Around 1.5 million years ago, another alien species arrived at Earth (it was surprisingly the first species since over 60 million years. This would be more surprising for you if you would know how many different species are here today).

The interest of this humanoid species—you call them “Ilojiim” today—was not the raw material and the copper, it were to our astonishment the unadvanced ape-humanoids. Despite our presence on this planet, the aliens decided to “help” the apes to evolve a little bit faster, to serve them in the future as some kind of slave-race in coming wars. The fate of your species was not really important for us, but we didn’t liked the presence of the “Ilojiim” on our planet and they didn’t liked our presence on their new “galactic zoo” planet and so your sixth and seventh creation was the reason for a war between us and them. You can read about that war for example partly in the book you call “Bible” in a very strange way of description. The real truth is a very long and difficult story. Should I continue?

Question: No, not now. I’ve made some notes about your history and now I have some questions.

Answer: Please ask.

Question: First of all, you handle with a very large time scale. You claim that your primitive ancestors lived together with the dinosaurs, survived the—as you called it—artificial cataclysm and evolved then over 40 million years and your evolution was completed 10 million years ago. This sounds very unbelievable to me. Can you say something to this?

Answer: I understand that this must sound absolutely unbelievable to you, because you are a young and genetically engineered species. Your historical horizon ends at a scale of just some thousands of years and you think this is right. But it isn’t. This is impossible. Your programmed mind is obviously not able to handle with such large time scales. Our evolution time may seem incredibly long to you, but this is in fact the original way of nature. Remember, your early mammal ancestors developed together with dinosaurs and they survived the bomb like us. They evolved slowly during the next millions of years and they divided into various species and shapes, some of them larger, some of them smaller. This is evolution of the body.

But what about their mind and intelligence? They were simple animals. The mammals evolved since—let us say—150 millions of years, but only in the last 2–3 millions of years they were able to become intelligent and thinking. And within this small period beings like you were created. From nature? 148 millions of years time for the evolution of animal-like mammals, 2 millions of years time for the development of (more or less) intelligent beings like you? Ask yourself: Do you really think this accelerated evolution is natural? Then your species is more ignorant then I’ve thought. We have not evolved wrong but you.

Question: I understand. But I have another question. You’ve mentioned many facts about the ancient war between the aliens 65 million years ago. This happened very long before your kind became really intelligent (as far as I have understood you). Why do you know so many things about that “first war” and about the evolution of your species?

Answer: This is a good question (much better then the previous) and I have not explained it properly to you. Our knowledge about the first war comes completely from an ancient artifact, which was found around 16,000 years ago from our archeologists on the continent you call North America today. They found there a round plate with a diameter of approximately 47 of your centimeters The plate was made of an even for us unknown magnetic material and inside the plate there was another smaller crystal plate which contained an enormous amount of information coded in the molecular structure of the crystal.

This “memory plate” was manufactured from the last bomb survivors of human race from “Procyon” already 65 million years ago but it was completely intact when we found it. Our scientists were able to encode the messages and data and so we heard the first time about the events which took place in the distant past and which led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. The plate contained detailed descriptions of both species (but more about the humanoids) and about the events and weapons, including the fusion bomb. It contained also a description of the animals and saurians on earth, including our pre-intelligent ancestor species. The rest of our knowledge about our evolution comes from skeletons and from the back-reading and de/encoding of our DNA. You see, we know the real truth about our roots since 16,000 years. Before that time, there was a more religious idea of our creation.

(Note by Michael Relfe: Assuming that this female is providing accurate information, from what she has been taught, it now becomes apparent that everything the “reptilians” understand about their history is from an unknown alien artifact, created by an unknown alien group at an unknown time for an unknown purpose. Just as the reptilians enjoy subjecting humans to propaganda and disinformation, it seems that some other group is “running a game” on the reptilians as well. So this “advanced” reptilian race has no hard facts on their history, contrary to what they would have humans believe.)

Michael & Stephanie Relfe #conspiracy metatech.org

The Lacerta Files

Interview with a Reptilian


Question: First of all, who are you and what are you? Are you an extraterrestrial species or can your origin be found on this planet?

Answer: As you could see with your own eyes, I’m not a human being like you and to be honest I’m no real mammal (despite my partly mammal-like body features, which are a result of evolution). I’m a female reptile being, belonging to a very old reptilian race. We are the native terrans and we live on that planet since millions of years.

(Note by Stephanie Relfe: Those who have read the Mars Records will recognize this as true. We found by muscle testing that the body does not consider Reptilians as “aliens”, because they have been here long enough to be considered native.)

(Note by Michael Relfe: Some Bible researchers believe that when YAHWEH gave the order to replenish the earth, He was referring to a previous race that had dominion of earth. And it is clear who the new owners are.

“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth”. Genesis 1:28)

We are mentioned in your religious writings like your Christian Bible and many of the ancient human tribes were aware of our presence and worshipped us as gods, for example the Egyptians and the Inca and many other old tribes.

(Note by Stephanie Relfe: Yes, interesting, isn’t it? This is true- there is so much evidence from stone statues all around the world that in the past humans did worship them as Gods. Now, most of these people also practiced human sacrifice. Which means that that was done with the approval of the reptilians. Did they eat us? Do they eat us still ? Some people have reported that they do.

My question is, what happened? Why don’t they want us to know that they exist? Let alone worship them? Michael and I believe (and, of course, this may not be true), that each time, humans worshiped them as gods only for a while. Familiarity breeds contempt and after a while we think that humans lost their awe of the big lizards, and got sick of them torturing and eating us (human sacrifice). And rebelled. And with our superior metaphysical abilities, we won every time. Which is why the lizards now stay in hiding.

However, we think they are starting to want to come back and get worshiped again which is why there is SO MUCH programming of children in books, TV, toys and museums to love dinosaurs and reptiles. We visited a Children’s museum in a major city one day. The play area for children had about 90% plastic dinosaurs and reptiles! Only about 10% mammals and birds! What happened to dogs and pandas, pelicans and penguins? An area with live animas was the same – about 80% reptiles. No bunnies, guinea pigs and parrots. Just lizards, snakes and tortoises. And have you ever noticed how many, many children’s books ALWAYS have a reptile in them? And how “d is for ‘dog'” is now replaced by “d is for ‘dinosaur” (a much tougher word to read)? ).Continue with interview—

Your Christian religion has misunderstood our role in your creation, so we are mentioned as “evil serpent” in your writings. This is wrong. Your race was genetically engineered by aliens and we were just the more or less passive visitors of this accelerated evolution process. You must know (some of your scientists have already supposed this) that your species had evolved in a naturally completely impossible speed within just 2–3 millions of years. This is absolutely impossible, because evolution is a much slower process if it’s natural but you have not understand this.

(Note by Stephanie Relfe: Wrong again. Evolution is not slow. It’s VERY fast. I am not saying that God did not create everything in the beginning. Or that aliens have not interfered in DNA since then. But one thing is clear. Evolution continued AFTER the Bible’s Genesis. Please read Robert Felix’s Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps to learn that immediately after the many major extinction events that earth has experienced, thousands of new life forms appeared, with no previous evidence of them in the fossil record. This has happened many, many times.)

Your creation was artificial and done by genetic engineering, but not by us but by an alien species. If you ask me, if I’m an extraterrestrial, I must answer no. We are native terrans. We had and have some colonies in the solar system, but we originate on this planet. It’s in fact our planet and not yours—it was never yours.

(Note by Michael Relfe: Please understand that predatory species of all types continue to get quite a bit of mileage out of the “you were created by aliens” scam. This is an attempt to steal the heritage of and undermine the confidence of humans as well as preventing people from having a personal relationship with their creator. As previously described, it is clear that humans were created by, and in the image of, YAHWEH, Creator of ALL things. This is a powerful secret that Lucifer and his operatives do not want you to know. Lucifer and the dark powers of this planet want humans to think they are animals, with no spiritual heritage. YAHWEH wants people to understand that they have infinite, eternal life through HIS Son YaHuShua (Jesus Christ) and that they have the ability, duty and honor of destroying the creations of Lucifer. And that includes everything that the cannibalistic reptilians have created. And that is what the reptilians are scared of.)

(Note by Stephanie Relfe: Maybe that’s why this planet belongs to Lucifer. We know that earth belongs to Lucifer because when he tried to tempt Jesus by offering him the whole world, if he would only worship him, Jesus did not rebuke him. Lucifer (Satan) is head of the fallen angels and there’s a strong connection between fallen angels and reptilians. While there is a spiritual Hell, there is another Hell of fire and brimstone deep within the earth, full of pain and terror, and that’s the home of the reptilians.)

Question: Can you tell me your name?

Answer: This is difficult, because your human tongue is not able to pronounce it correctly (and a mispronunciation of our names is very offensive for some of my kind). Our language is very different from yours, but my name is—I will try to say it smoother by use of your human letters—something like “Sssshiaassshakkkasskkhhhshhh” with a very very strong pronunciation of the “sh” and “k” sounds. We have no forenames like you but only a single but unique name which is divided and characterized by the way of speaking and which is given not to children (who have an own children-name) but only in a special procedure in the adolescent age at the time of either religious or scientific “enlightenment” or awareness (as you would call it). I would appreciate it if you don’t try to say my real name with your human tongue. Please call me “Lacerta”, this is the name I generally use when I’m among humans and talk with them.

Question: How old are you?

Answer: We measure the time not like you in astronomical years and in the revolve of the earth around sun, because we usually live beneath the surface of the planet. Our time measurement depends on periodically returning cycles in the earth magnetic field and according to this (and said with your numbers) I’m today—let me calculate—57,653 cycles old. I have reached my adult phase and my awareness 16,337 cycles ago (this is a very important date for us). According to your human time scale I’m around 28 years old.

Question: What is your task? Do you have a “job” like us?

Answer: To say it with your words: I’m a curious student of the social behavior of your species. That’s why I’m here and talk to you, that’s why I have revealed my real nature to E.F. and now to you and that’s why I give you all that secret information and why I will try to answer all the questions on your many sheets of paper honestly. I will see how you react, how others of your kind react. There are so many crazies and liars of your kind on this planet who claim to know the truth about us, about UFOs, about aliens and so on and some of you believe their lies. I’m interested to see how your species will react if you make the truth (which I will tell you now) public. I’m quite sure everyone of you will refuse to believe my words, but I hope I’m wrong, because you need to understand if you want to survive the coming years.

Question: I’ve read your full statement (which you have given to E.F.) about this, but can you give me now just a short answer: are UFOs real flying objects piloted by extraterrestrials or do they belong to your species?

Answer: Some observed UFOs—as you call them—belong to us, but most not. Most of the “mysterious” flying objects in the sky are not technological devices but mainly misinterpretations of natural phenomena your scientists have not understand (like spontaneous plasma flares in the high atmosphere). Nevertheless, some UFOs are real craft belonging either to your own species (especially to your military) or to other alien species or at last to us (but a minority of sighted craft belongs really to us, because we are generally very careful with our movements in the atmosphere and we have special ways to hide our ships). If you read a report about a sighting of a metalish bright-gray cigar-shaped cylindrical object with a length of—there are different types—let me say between 20 and 260 of your metres and if this object had made a very deep humming sound and if there were 5 bright red lights on the metalish surface of the cigar (one at the top, one in the middle, two at the end) then it’s likely that someone of you have seen one of our ships and this means that it was either partly defect or that someone of us was not careful enough.

Note by Stephanie Relfe. That’s interesting. I have always had an especially negative feeling from every single recording of a cigar-shaped craft.

We have also a very small fleet of disc-shaped craft, but such UFOs belong usually to an alien species. Triangular UFOs belong generally to your own military but they use foreign technology to build them. If you really want to try to see one of our craft, you should have a look at the skies over the Arctic, the Antarctic and over Inner Asia (especially over the mountains there).

Question: Have you a special symbol or something like that with which we can identify your kind?

Answer: We have two major symbols representing our species. One (the more ancient) symbol is a blue serpent with four white wings on a black background (the colors have religious meanings for us). This symbol was used from certain parts of my society, but it is today very seldom—you humans have copied it very often in your old writings. The other symbol is a mystic being you would call a “Dragon” in the shape of a circle with seven white stars in the middle. This symbol is much more common today. If you see one of that symbols on a cylindrical craft I’ve described in my previous answer or on some underground installation, this thing or place belongs definitely to us (and I would advise you to go away from there as soon as possible).

Note by Stephanie Relfe: I cannot agree too much with her last statement!

Stephanie Relfe #conspiracy metatech.org

One blessing of having a website like this one, with such extraordinary information, is that we get to talk on the phone with some very interesting people, many of whom have had really unusual and paranormal things happen to them. That’s often what brings them to this site. This is one reason why we are able to believe all the weird stuff we write about, and have a much better understanding of it, than isolated individuals can.

These are generally not crazy people. They are intelligent, well spoken, from an enormous variety of backgrounds and trainings. Many are, or were, professionals in the business world. A number of them have connections to very famous people.

Many of the people who have talked with us felt that they were going mad with the strange things happening to them, and no one around them believing in such stuff, and therefore it was a great relief to them to find us and learn that similar extremely strange happenings have happened to thousands of other people. While each case is unique, it is amazing how many people who we have talked with often have two or more of the following characteristics:

Metaphysical abilities, even if they had only a glimpse of what was possible, from a few experiences.
Interesting bloodlines, often including a famous or aristocratic person in their background.
Close family member in the military, often the father, and usually not something simple like a soldier, but often a high-ranking officer and/or member of intelligence.
Close family member a high ranking Freemason.
Close experiences with interesting locations, such as Area 51 or other military bases.
Part of childhood spent in Germany, or time spent in other countries with Masonic connections, such as Scotland or Egypt (the only two countries ever to wear kilts), that seemed out of character with the family.
Plus it is very common for them to also have, due to programming –

Extreme money difficulties, even though they were well educated and had no apparent cause for this.
Terrible relationship problems, usually on their own, even if they were good looking, nice, professional people from reasonably happy families.
A few days ago, I was talking with a very nice man who has some interesting abilities, and he had a most interesting story to tell.

He had a very bad childhood. He realized later on that he had been groomed his whole life for a particular position. He was good looking, studying to be an actor in the USA, and dating a daughter of a very powerful member of organized crime. A relative at another college had his photo on her dresser, and his soon-to-be girlfriend saw the photo and said – “I’m going to marry that man.” Presumably, the demons were speaking to her, as you will see.

That girl changed colleges to pursue him. Later on when they were dating she asked him if he would like to have a spirit guide. He agreed, and not much later after that she went to join her witches’ coven that was meeting for Halloween. The man was in his bedroom that Halloween night, when out of a full length mirror, an adult-sized being stepped out.

The being was wearing a long, black cloak and a Quaker hat. He had glowing red eyes. He floated along the floor, three inches above the ground. No feet could be seen. Yet he was present in a total physical, 3-dimensional form. The man whom I am talking about was fully awake. This was no dream.

The being asked the man if he would like to join them. The being was meant to be the man’s spirit guide for life. In return, the man would receive all of the material things that he could ever wish for – fame as a movie star, immense riches, the girl for his wife, everything that he had been programmed to desire. The being was not there to sell the man on the benefits, he was just stating what the deal was. The being assumed that everything had been prearranged by the girlfriend, that this was a done deal.

However, I guess the girlfriend had not sufficiently done her homework, because the man looked at the being, and could clearly tell that this being was evil, and not with God. He chose instead to serve God, and refused the being, even if that meant material hardship to himself.

When he did that, the being reached to grab his heart. To protect himself, the man closed his eyes and meditated. He saw himself surrounded by Maharishi (he had done Transcendental Meditation – we don’t recommend that, but include this information as part of the story) and Christ’s light which was warm and golden. The being was not able to get through to him.

So the being returned to the mirror. The man was told later by his girlfriend that the being appeared at the coven that night, and hit the leader of the coven in the chest. The leader of the coven died, but was taken to hospital, and was revived later in the hospital (I guess that was a near-death experience). However, the coven leader was very sick for years later on.

Note about spirit guides: We do not recommend you have any spirit guides. Years before I met Michael and became a Christian, I occasionaly talked to two spirit guides I had. Eventually, however, I realized that they weren’t too smart, and that I did not need them. God and my higher self provided all the information I needed. I therefore asked them to leave (which they did). You have the Holy Spirit in your heart, and do not need to go anywhere else for guidance.


The being with the Quaker hat used the mirror as a portal. A portal is an unseen vortex that connects two places through time and space, and even dimensions or other realities or timelines.

I absolutely believe the story of the being coming out of the mirror and talking with the man. I was thinking about that story when Michael sent me a video of a psychic investigator, a woman who can see energies in and around people. In the first video she says that cell phones open up portals to other dimensions. We had already much reason to believe that, having seen the effect they have on people, and how super addicted people are to their phones, particularly smart phones.

I have also seen posts on a forum where people were discussing how within the last few years people have become extremely rude, lazy and self-centered at work, and that this started almost exactly the same time that the smart phones were introduced.

In the second video, she says that a mirror opens up a portal to another dimension. A hallway that has mirrors on both sides, so that they are opposing each other, is described as “a tunnel from Hell”.


It was watching the above video, and thinking of the story of the being who walked out of the mirror that a major realization hit me: The appalling nightmares that I had been having for the past three years, all started when we moved into a house that had mirrors on a closet in the bedroom! And the second house we moved into, the one we were in at time of writing, also has a mirror within line of sight of the bedroom.

I was having the most terrible nightmares you can possibly imagine for the past three years. They were so bad I would wake up screaming so loudly that my throat was sore for a while afterwards. They were so bad and so unique that I feel that they were not just a nightmare – something was trying to kill me.

The first time this happened was around 2011. I had virtually never had nightmares my whole life, except for some in my childhood of monsters taking me and my siblings (these no doubt came from the fact that we had to walk quite a long way on our own to and from elementary school, and I was scared to, after being told that people try to pick up and murder children, and my mother refused to take us in the car. Plus being abducted once as a child probably contributed to them as well).

Nearly all of these nightmares were similar. They lasted much less than a second, about as fast as a gun shot, thus giving me no time to respond. I am sure these nightmares were meant to kill me. There was a blast of energy, so powerful, that I was convinced it had killed me and everyone around me, and there was nothing but blackness and despair and the most awful feeling of total hopelessness you can possibly imagine. When I woke up screaming, I was surprised to find that I was alive.
The first time it happened I immediately remembered the story that if people die in a dream, they die in real life (Ref: Movie Dreamscape with Dennis Quaid).

The screaming was so bad my throat hurt for a while afterwards. These nightmares reminded me of the stories I have heard of totally healthy people going to bed and never waking up again. In some cases in China, the person’s hair was been found to turn white.

I have had maybe 30 or 40 of these dreams, averaging around one a month. We continually prayed and muscle tested to find out how these attacks were getting through. There is always a reason for something like this happening. The curse causeless shall not come. Proverbs 26:2.

Unfortunately, the body can only say “yes” or “no” when muscle testing, and we weren’t able to find anything to do. I had prayed off everything to do with family lines, past life sins and other related subjects. We had done everything possible to get all cursed objects out of the house. We had no ‘welcome’ mat inviting demons in. We also have a mezuzah stuck on every door leading to outside, plus the bedroom door. (A mesuzah is a small container which contains quotes from the bible). But still the nightmares continued, so something was still letting the demons in.

And then, shortly after talking with the man on the phone and seeing the above videos, it hit me! The nightmares started when we moved into a house with mirrors covering the closet in the master bedroom. The mirrors were an open portal to other dimensions!

I knew from feng shui that one should not have mirrors in the bedroom, because it causes restless energy. I realize now that mirrors do more than just increase the energy in a room. They let in evil spirits. We were renting, and because the mirrors were on folding doors of the closet, I could not work out how to cover them, and did not realize at the time how important it was that I do so.

Then, a year later, when we moved into another house, the one we were in at time of writing, I hoped that the nightmares would stop. They did not. This time while there were no mirrors in the bedroom, the idiots who designed the house did not put a door between the bedroom and the bathroom, just an open arch. Since we were renting, there wasn’t much I thought I could do. Part of the large vanity mirror looked almost directly into the bedroom, and I ignored the part of my mind that told me it was important to do something about it.

Once I realized that the bathroom mirror was letting something in that was causing my nightmares, I had two choices – cover up the mirror, or put bible verses on it, similar to the way the mezuzahs protect doorways. We know that words have more power than we know of, since, for example, aliens use them as part of their technology,


and even CERN, the large hadron collider, that’s 17 miles (27 Km) long, seems to use words as part of whatever strange things it is used for. See the sanskrit words that are on CERN, pictured below.

Some people have even suggested that the purpose of CERN is to create black holes that will let in evil beings from other dimensions. All we know for sure is that it is very strange to put a statue of Shiva the destroyer out the front of a supposedly scientific research station, and that these sanskrit words in CERN likely do not have a good purpose:



In addition to the power of words, we know that there are legal laws that Lucifer and his gang have to follow. For example, when Bill Schnoebelen was a vampire, he could not go into anyone’s house until they invited him in. For example, if he and his wife visited someone for a party, they would stand around and talk on the front doorstep, until the host would say something like, “What are we all standing around here for? Come on in.”

So I chose to print out the following, and tape this on every mirror in the house. Even hand mirrors have this now in super tiny, font size 4;

In the name of Jesus’ Christ, may we, this house, our finances and possessions be protected from all spirits who do not serve God the Creator and Jesus Christ.

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. Corinthians1, 10:31

He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. John 6:47

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5

He took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying “This is my body which is given for you, do this in remembrance of me”. Luke 22:19


Update – 6/17/15

It works! Normally in the 9 months that has gone, I would have had over many dozens of horrific nightmares. I have had not one of the really, really bad ones. In the few weeks after I posted on the mirror, I did have a few minor nightmares, but we found a cursed object (some comic pictures) that had been accidentally left in the bedroom, and removed them. Since doing that, I have been nightmare free!

We are also waking up with more energy.

Around the time that the nightmares started, I started feeling old sometimes, for the first time in my life. This seemed strange because we have a very healthy diet and lifestyle. It seemed that I could have this feeling of weariness, even when I had plenty of sleep, and no sleep debt. That feeling has not been with me since I put the quotes on the mirrors. Sometimes I feel almost 30 again (I’m 54).

Update – 1/4/16 –


It’s now been 15 months with no nightmares, except for last night. Last night was a shocker; I was completely ‘dead’, hit by lightning, blackness and devastation everywhere etc, and screaming for a long time, with a very hoarse voice.

I realized that the demons got in through a glyph; that is, a special kind of picture. I learned from a woman who made the mistake of being involved with journeying, that glyphs are portals to other dimensions.

The glyph was something in a copy of the Robb Report magazine, that I had foolishly left in the bedroom. This happened again one other time later when a catalog was accidentally left in the bedroom.

Get anything with a picture or logo out of your bedroom; all magazines, catalogs, books, toys and pictures, especially anything that is connected with corporations.


More evidence that mirrors are portals to other dimensions, and allow evil spirits into the room, or maybe even into the whole house:

1) According to Japanese Legend,

If you reflect two mirrors into each other at midnight a demon pops out.

2) In Animal Planet’s The Haunted, some haunted houses are caused by demons who can’t get back into the mirror.

They believe that mirrors are possibly portals for spirits and that some spirits were invoked by mirrors. Once the spirits were called through by the use of the mirrors, who ever did it, just walked away and did not send them back through the mirror portal. So the spirits were trapped.

They also found that some of the mirrors had been covered and some had actually been painted black preventing them from going back through.

3) Chinese cover up mirrors to stop bad things coming out.

Posted on a forum:

“I lived in China for two years working in the fashion industry—I used to visit many factories, etc, and could never work out why all the mirrors always had covers over them. Because I needed to actually use the mirrors lol, I’d have to constantly take the covers from them.

I finally asked — ‘why do you guys always cover the mirrors?— they were not very good at answering this question—

I kept up my questioning, and the only answer I got that made any sense was—. “bad things come out”

— I guess they meant demons—”

4) Alice in Wonderland.

The Illuminati, who make full use of black magick, seem to have an obsession with this book, which is chock full of imagery to do with mind control and perverted predations on children (See some creepy photos of Lewis Carroll and 10-year-old Alice here if you wish).

Alice’s MK-Ultra/abuse probably started with her Oxford University Vice-Chancellor father Henry Liddell, who was also the Dean of Christ Church and he probably allowed her to be used by people like the Reverend Robinson Duckworth (was a chaplain/member of the Order of St. John, with its Maltese style cross always used by the powers that be) who rowed the boat [this nursery rhyme was probably sung in their “entertaining” of the girls: “Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream.” (more dissociation ((don’t worry about the abuse, just keep rowing ((keep following the white rabbit, keep following the yellow brick road etc etc))— it’s all just a dream anyway, in MK-Ultra this is partly how dissociation is used; dreams, fantasy and reality are confused)), nursery rhymes/fairy tales are all full of it)].

After Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll wrote Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There, in which Alice enters a fantastical world, this time by climbing through a mirror. Here is a quote about that:

“Members of the bloodlines intentionally insert Illuminati symbols in popular movies and other media in order to bring what Fritz Springmeier calls the “Externalisation of the Hierarchy”—

Walt Disney was commissioned by the Illuminati to produce films such as Fantasia and Alice in Wonderland for mind control purposes. Disney movies are the main films used in mind control but other films such as Wizard of Oz, Star Wars, Star Trek and even The Holy Bible are used in Monarch Mind-Control Programming.”


Demons love mirrors, and many occultists believe mirrors are a way in which to see into the spirit world. Many mirrors are used in movies and cartoons in order to see into the spirit world. Walt Disney is infamous for portraying mirrors in this way.”

For more information on this, and to see some creepy pictures, see this article.

5) Astral projection practitioners get stuck in mirrors.

Posted on a forum:

“If you are astral projecting, have an out-of-body-experience and you move through a mirror you get trapped in a parallel plane. Very hard to get out of, most get out when the natural body awakens and you are sucked back.”

“I’ve heard of more than one astral projector getting stuck in a mirror.”
6) Bloody Mary ‘game’ and folklore

Do not let children or anyone play this game! Chanting “Bloody Mary” is said to conjure up a demon from a mirror, so much so that it is a well known ‘game’. Explain to children how bad this is. The best way to do that is to watch the Interview with an Ex-Vampire interview (warning, there are references to doing horrible things with children).

Also be very sure to burn all ouija boards. Many people have been cursed after playing this game.

7) The superstition that breaking a mirror brings seven years’ bad luck.

Maybe this is a warning from the demons to not do it?

8) Jews cover up mirrors after death.

Maybe in the old days, before vaccines prevented people from having spiritual eyes, people knew that mirrors could trap the spirit in the mirror, after the spirit left the body, as the astral projectors get stuck?

9) Demons seen in mirrors.

Comment on a forum:

“Many years ago I knew an antiques dealer, he had a mirror that he sold, the people that bought the mirror, returned it to him. The reason for this return, was that they didn’t like seeing other people in the mirror, people that weren’t there!”

10) Full length mirrors are too cheap.

Recently when we were looking for a full length mirror, we were rather surprised at how cheap they were. You can buy a really nice wooden one for just $50, and simple ones for just $8.

Since the evil ones own the printing presses and don’t care about money, just serving evil spirits, subverting people and getting access to children, we think it not unlikely that some mirror-making companies are owned by the reptilians and/or Illuminati, and they are deliberately making them available at a cheap price, to encourage more people to put full length mirrors in bedrooms, so that beings with long, black capes and Quaker hats and red, glowing eyes can come into the room.

11) They are building more and more houses and condominiums with NO door between the bedroom and bathroom, ensuring that there is no barrier between a large mirror and the bed. Even luxury condominiums worth hundreds of thousands of dollars do this!

12) The book of Enoch: Fallen Angels taught Men to make Mirrors

“Moreover Azazyel, taught men to make swords, knives, shields, breastplates, the fabrication of mirrors, and the workmanship of bracelets and ornaments, the use of paint, the beautifying of the eyebrows, the use of stones of every valuable and select kind, and all sorts of dyes, so that the world became altered.”

Chapter 8. 1. (Azazyel is Lucifer’s aide-de-camp General).


Final Comment

It makes sense that the bigger the mirror, the bigger the demon that can walks out of it. I imagine it would have been hard or maybe impossible for the being who appeared to the man on Halloween night, to have walked out through a small face mirror. The thought of aristocracy comes to mind, and all the giant mirrors they have all over their houses. These are the people who need our prayers the most as they are so often controlled by the forces of evil, and helping them to free themselves from demonic control is crucial to freeing ourselves and creating Heaven on Earth. For example, read the true story of the statue that came to life in the grounds of an aristocrat’s mansion.

Please remove all mirrors from your bedroom, if you can, and put some bible verses on all mirrors that you keep, and see what difference it makes to your happiness and wellbeing.

Please tell your friends and family about this. Imagine the huge difference it will make to the world when creepy beings and demons cannot get into people’s houses so easily!

Stephanie Relfe #conspiracy metatech.org


1066 is the most famous date in British history (along with the date of the signing of the Magna Carta), when the French Norman ‘William the Conqueror’ successfully invaded that country.

Is it possible that this date is so famous because the French now still secretly rule from behind the Wizard’s curtain?

In fact, 1066 may have been only around 400 or 500 years ago. Anatoly Fomenko, a genius Russian mathematician, in his book series History, Fiction or Science, has shown conclusively with statistics and mathematics that the Dark Ages never existed. No document from before around 1600 can be authenticated!



In Hollywood Movies, Richard the Lionheart, is depicted as the epitome of English courage and Englishness. In fact, he was a barbaric thug, and he spoke ONLY FRENCH his whole life!



Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine (in France) was the wife of two kings: King Louis VII of France and King Henry II of England. She was also the mother of three kings of England, including Richard I, so-called “Richard the Lionheart”, who spoke no English – only French. Eleanor was one of the wealthiest and most powerful people in Europe.

She did a ceremony with her husband King Henry II of England that is little known, and yet is quite possibly one of the most important events in history. From Eleanor of Aquitaine;

“In 1158 in Worcester Cathedral, the King and Queen took part in a curious ceremony in which they renounced their crowns, taking them off and laying them upon the shrine of St. Wulfstan, solemnly vowing never to wear them again.”

The really, really big question is – who (or what?) did they hand the power of the crown to? The answer is of immense significance both legally and spiritually.



Knowing that the Illuminati control the world through media, one begins to get hints of which people helped get the world into the mess it is currently in. Two people were forced upon our minds:


1759 – 1821

The Illuminati seem to have a veritable passion for Bonaparte, which is strange when one considers that he lost the war to England at the Battle of Waterloo.

(Maybe it’s not just a coincidence that this was the very same battle that is rumored to have given the Rothschilds the massive haul that enabled them to be the world’s richest family, by finding out who won the war before anyone else, possibly by carrier pigeon, selling all stock and thus causing a bear run – and then buying up tons of stock at rock bottom prices just before the real news that Wellington actually won).

The Illuminati believe in “survival of the fittest”. There is no room for losers. Even normal people hardly ever remember who came second. Bonaparte lost, but the Illuminati seem to just adore this guy.

For example, they stuck him on the 2015 Magazine Cover for the Economist (his head is just under the word “the”)

With hundreds of famous people in history, why make a big deal about a loser?

Yes, Bonaparte did a lot, and managed to kill a lot of people. But he still ultimately lost and was supposedly locked up as a prisoner by the British. So, since the Illuminati just love this guy, we assume that he really won at something that was really, really important to the Illuminati.

This ‘something” was probably something that was pivotal in their goal (which we, the people of earth, intends will fail) of a suppressive One World Order under their control.

We don’t know exactly what Bonaparte did that was so special, but we can guess. On researching history for clues as to what it might be, this fact fairly jumped at us:

He invaded Egypt with 400 ships and 54,000 men. That wasn’t the important bit. The important bit was that he also sent 150 scientists and archaeologists, to dig up and find whatever they could.

Through them, ancient Egypt was discovered; the temples and tombs of Luxor, Philae, Dendera, and the Valley of the Kings. Each of these sites was measured, mapped, and drawn, recording in meticulous detail a pharaonic Egypt never before glimpsed by the outside world.

We believe that Napoleon discovered hidden occult secrets that are the key to the power of the Illuminati, because real power comes from spiritual power, that is greater than anyone can possibly imagine.

It is this kind of power, for example, that made a statue come to life, in front of an English mansion, during a ritual attended by a group of men in robes who included Steven King.

Another example of how it is hidden occult power that rules earth is the story of a being coming through a life-size mirror, and offering a young man immense wealth and fame if he would “join them”. The being was a solid, 3-dimensional figure, wearing a robe and quaker hat (Read more here).

For more information on how real black magick is, please listen/read Interview with an ex-Vampire; A true Story).

The occult power of the Illuminati and Freemasonry is based on things in Egypt. That’s why they put pyramids on everything, including the US dollar bill and the Louvre, and stick Egyptian obelisks (phallic symbols) near places of power.

The obelisks are to worship the “Holy of Holies” – the penis. This is the same reason why Freemasons wear aprons. This causes increased lust, and is a major cause for pedophilia, because getting life force from children is one of the ‘secrets’ at the top levels, and every man who joins a lodge becomes spiritually tied to the pedophiles at the top levels.

Going back to Bonaparte, he did something to give the oligarchs, the military aristocracy, immense power.

There is no doubt to us that what Napoleon really discovered in Egypt were things of immense occult significance, and maybe even technology from ancient astronauts. Because of this, the power of the Illuminati was greatly strengthened, and that is why they idolize him today.

To free the world, we must understand the source of this power, and dismantle it with prayer, spiritual warfare and our spiritual swords. The power that God gives his people is infinitely greater than Satan’s power.




Father of the Secret Service

“Give me six lines written by the most honest man and I will find in them something to hang him.”

The other ultra-significant Frenchman is not nearly as well known as Bonaparte. He is Cardinal Richelieu. As you can see from his quote above, he was supremely evil.

We were first clued in to his importance when we watched in 2015 a DVD one of the original movies of The Four Musketeers, as I had fond memories of that movie as a child. My! What a difference twenty years of conspiracy research does when watching a movie! We saw it with completely different eyes! We were shocked!

The movie was SO much against women and feminine principals of nurturing and family and SO much in favor of men-only, that we realized it was a part of the propaganda to promote homosexuality. Please keep in mind that homosexuality, like many mental aberrations is that – an aberration from nature, and that every time a civilization has given power to the homosexual agenda, that civilization ended soon after.

Major causes of homosexuality have been found to be sexual molestation as children, and also from mercury, which includes vaccines.

Hollywood absolutely adores “The Three / Four Musketeers”. They have made at least 39 versions of this film! You’d think there were no other stories to tell!

We suspect that a reason for this is as a tribute to Cardinal Richelieu, who features prominently in the film.

The other clue that we got that Richelieu was supremely powerful in his day, was that author Georgette Heyer indicated that he was as important as the king, if not more important, in one of her novels (which people call romances, but in fact are closer to historical fiction. She was a master at using accurate historical details in her books).

In addition to being a Catholic Cardinal, Richelieu was also King Louis XIII’s Chief Minister, in 1624.

Because of these things, we suspected that Richelieu was extra important to the Illuminati. We didn’t have to go far to find the reason:

“Richelieu is — notable for the authoritarian measures he employed to maintain power. He censored the press, established a large network of internal spies, forbade the discussion of political matters in public assemblies such as the Parlement de Paris (a court of justice), and had those who dared to conspire against him prosecuted and executed.

The Canadian historian and philosopher John Ralston Saul has referred to Richelieu as the “father of the modern nation-state, modern centralised power [and] the modern secret service.”

A few other things that this supremely evil man did are:

•By restraining the power of the nobility, he transformed France into a strong, centralized state.

•Richelieu sought to suppress the influence of the feudal nobility. In 1626, he abolished the position of Constable of France and ordered all fortified castles razed, excepting only those needed to defend against invaders.[30] Thus, he stripped the princes, dukes, and lesser aristocrats of important defences that could have been used against the King’s armies during rebellions. As a result, Richelieu was hated by most of the nobility.

•Richelieu encouraged Louis XIII to colonize the Americas by the foundation of the Compagnie de la Nouvelle France in imitation of the Dutch West India Company

•Controlled the king partly through providing him with young men to have sex with. (Was this the beginning of the later plan to control political figures through sexual blackmail?). We assume that he was a homosexual, as he was a highranking Catholic, and therefore never married. Satanists who are homosexuals which seek to destroy families run the Catholic Church. God decreed that:

A bishop then must be blameless, husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach; 1:Timothy 3:2

•Enlisted the Jesuits in colonizing French North America. (Note that the Jesuits gained power over the USA through the Federal Reserve, by sinking the Titanic, with the the main opponents to the Titanic on board). The Federal Reserve is not, as most think, a public institution, but is in fact a private institution.

Stephanie Relfe #conspiracy metatech.org


Most conspiracy researchers believe that the secret power who runs the world from behind the scenes, (shown by sources such as the White House Insider*), is based in the City of London. Our research has led us to believe that, in fact, the English are just the visible “fall guys”, and that the real power is based in France.

*The White House Insider told this amazing story of the little man who tells Presidents What to do.

One piece of evidence when we went looking for evidence for or against the theory that France rules the world was a tongue-in-cheek article which revealed some startling facts:

“Who rules the world? France, of course

My son has made a startling discovery that will confirm the deepest fears of the leader writers of The Sun. Britain, according to French officialdom, is part of the the 99th département (county) of France. So is the United States. So are China, Russia, Gabon, Lithuania and Kazakhstan. In fact, the whole of the rest of the world, save Monaco, is merely the 99th département of France—..

My son is sitting his baccalauréat, the French equivalent of A-levels, next June. He recently had to sign his official examination entry form: —

His form was filled in as follows.

•Name: —-
•Nationality: Foreigner.
•Born: Washington.
•Département: 099.
•Country: United States.
•Département 099? What is département 099?

There are 95 départements, or counties, in metropolitan France, numbered from 01 (A in & near Lyons) to 95 Val d’Oise (north of Paris). Their numbers can be found on all French car numberplates.

There is no département 96—..

All the overseas départements – Martinique, Guadeloupe and French Guiana in the Americas and Réunion in the Indian Ocean – count as département number 97.

Monaco, supposedly a sovereign nation, counts as département number 98—

The whole of the rest of the world, my son explained to me, is département 99—.

A little investigative journalism (one phone call and a trawl of the internet) proved that my son was entirely correct. For the education ministry, all foreigners who take the baccalauréat have been born in département 99. According to the interior ministry, the votes of all French citizens who live abroad are cast in département 99. According to the social affairs ministry, all foreigners who use the French state health and pension system, the Sécurité Sociale, started life in département 99.”

(Ref: www.independent.co.uk)



To understand the next piece of the puzzle, it helps to realize that the real “power behind the throne” is never what you see. It is run by military aristocracy* whose names you don’t know, through different systems. The military aristocracy were thugs in medieval times. They controlled then by force.

(I learned the term “military aristocracy” from the excellent book Eleanor of Aquitaine by Alison Weir).

Now, the military aristocracy control through systems that control how people think and act – the media (TV, movies, newspapers, radio, computers, cell phones), as well as controlling the supply of money, schools, churches, the Medical Mafia and toxic food to dumb down the masses. (Ref: Illuminati Defector, Svali).

The next piece of evidence is what first made us suspect that France rules the world. We found it in a series of videos about Jodie Foster. She is rumored to be the most powerful woman, and one of the most powerful people in Hollywood. Hollywood is about much more than entertainment. It is key to the Illuminati maintaining control over the masses by controlling their minds. For example, it gets them to focus on:

•War instead of peace.
•Weaponry instead of “livingry” (A word made up by Buckminster Fuller).
•Scarcity instead of abundance.
•Perversions instead of morality and goodness.
•Materialism instead of spirituality and love of God.
•Lies instead of honesty.
•Animalistic behavior instead of consideration for others.
•Lust instead of love.
•We learned that Jodie Foster went to a school in California where ONLY FRENCH is spoken for all lessons!

Only someone who has lived in America could fully appreciate how bizarre this fact is. French? What Americans cares about French? In fact, since Americans are generally so insular and tend to do little travel to other countries, what Americans care about any language (except maybe now for Spanish)? For most people, France is just a place that sells cheese and wine that they hardly ever hear or think about.

The fact that the most powerful woman in Hollywood was educated at a school that spoke ONLY French indicated that this was a fact of Conspiracy Research that had been left out of the bigger picture.

The school is Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles. It is a private, bilingual, and international school founded in 1964 by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kabbaz. whose motto is “We Teach the World”. There are other branches in other American cities.


From the school’s website, Jodie Foster said,

“I feel so lucky to have been educated in The French system. Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles gave me a classic education that not only prepared me for the rigors of an ivy league but opened my mind to a wider sense of the world.“

Question: What is “The French System”? Is this more than just the “official curriculum issued by the French Ministry of Education”? It sure sounds like it. Normal French people don’t seem to have minds that have been opened to “a wider sense of the world.”

The military aristocracy rule the world through SYSTEMS, and intelligence gathering and propaganda are a crucial part of that.

Why does this oligarch school use only French? We assume that this has at least two reasons. The main one is that the oligarchs can communicate clearly with the underlings that they have trained in the schools, such as Jodie Foster.

It’s possible that it’s also because French is a hard language to learn properly. It helps to keep things hidden, and to recognize who’s “in” and who’s “out” by whether or not they speak and understand fluent French.



Cocoon: “a cover that keeps someone safe or warm“.

It is as though France has been walled off from the rest of the world. Both English and French are hard languages to learn. By speaking French, the rest of the world has not much of a clue what is going on in France, except for what the Illuminati want them to know. By not speaking English, the majority of French people are locked off from new discoveries and information that may help free them, such as awareness of how socialism is keeping them enslaved.

We believe that the Illuminati made English the language of business so that the world would be easier for them to steal from, create wars in and take it over; but kept France largely separate so that they had a nice, beautiful, super-safe hiding place for themselves.


The Illuminati may have based themselves in France, because they know that the hearts and metaphysical abilities of the French are the most powerful in the world.

Once the French throw off the Satanic holds which bind them, they can free themselves and bring peace, happiness and prosperity to themselves and earth.

Stephanie Relfe #conspiracy metatech.org

We and many other people who have had experiences with aliens, or who have done enough research, already know that there are real aliens on earth. The only reason you may not know this is because currently the aliens are afraid of us and don’t come out in the open. In fact, there are dozens of different species.

Here are just a few articles that we have which show this (in addition to the experiences of Michael in The Mars Records and Pat in The Mars Force. (These books are free to download).

1. Sgt Clifford Stone states that the U.S. Army Has Helped Catalog 57 Species of Aliens, in this video:

. The L.A. Times in 1934 reported that a man found a city of reptilians underneath Los Angeles.

3. President Medvedev of Russia confirmed that aliens are real.

The Russians are ahead of us on this one. For example, here is a secret Russian book listing many different kinds of aliens. Please download it now.

There is another movie which may also be partly documentary, and that is The Arrival. This is an excellent movie, staring Charlie Sheen.

Unfortunately, it came out at the same time as Independence Day, which captured all the media attention. Therefore, The Arrival did not receive the attention it deserves.

The Arrival is about aliens who can shapeshift (possibly with the aid of technology) and appear as humans. Charlie Sheen discovers that they are on earth to “terraform” Earth and prepare it for the arrival of the rest of their race.

Interestingly, currently you can buy The Arrival on its own on Amazon for $25, but if you buy it with the awful sequel, The Arrival II, you have to pay only about $6. Maybe someone really, really wants you to see the sequel, where Charlie Sheen is killed off in the first few minutes, or wasn’t even in it, or something like that- I can’t remember anything about this terrible movie. Does someone want us to forget about the message in The Arrival? We believe so.


A client of mine who is an intelligent, professional lady whom I know reasonably well told me how she knew that aliens were real because one day, when she was an adult, she woke up suddenly and standing beside her bed was an alien. She was definitely awake, and not dreaming.

When she described the alien to me, I told her that it sounded like the aliens in “The Arrival”, because she said the legs were back-to-front, like grasshoppers. She had never seen the movie. She then watched the movie and told me that the alien looked exactly like the aliens in that movie.

Later on, I just happened to come across, on the internet, some black and white photos from the past, from a time when there was no photoshop. I showed them to this lady and she said that the alien’s legs were just like those in the pics. Here is the pic I showed her:


The story goes that pictured above is Ella Harper, a Tennessee native better known across the country as the Camel Girl. She supposedly suffered from congenital genu recurvatum, which is a disorder that weakens the ligaments in the knees and causes them to bend backward, gradually or all the damned way. (Could she have been a hybrid? Or a real alien?).

Like many people with physical deformities in the 1800s, Ella was a star circus attraction for many years. She actually made a good living this way, at one point taking home $200 a week, or the equivalent of $5,000 a week in today’s money, and was able to retire from the sideshow business in 1886.

Here is another, similar photo.


People have said that the above just has to be an optical illusion. But, they don’t explain how that was possible. Again, what if this is a photo of an alien or hybrid?

Regardless, of whether the above pics are of aliens or people, I am certain that the aliens in The Arrival exist, because of what my client told me.


The aliens in The Arrival are working to change the earth so that it is good for them, and not good for us, so that they can colonize it. It is possible that they, along with evil humans, are behind projects that kill humans and damage their brain such as AIDS, pesticides, Roundup, fluoride, microwaved food, the genetic alteration of wheat to make it toxic to humans, and many other projects.

Vaccines are not pushed on us only because they contain mercury, formaldehyde and cancer viruses so that the drug companies can make $300,000+ off of people when they get cancer. It’s also because they harm people’s metaphysical abilities and prevent people from seeing entities and UFOs.

Apparently, we are tougher than we know, because people still keep living and reproducing, so it looks as though they had to increase the severity of their programs.

More evidence that aliens want to wipe us out was given by the American Hero, Phil Schneider, who was murdered for the 20-30 public talks he gave. In this video he says that the aliens plan to kill of 4/8-7/8 of all people by 2029. Go to 28.00 (although the whole thing is well worth listening to):

Once you know that aliens are real, and they want to kill nearly all of us, seemingly impossibly crazy events now make sense, such as:

•Development of GMOS (Genetically Modified Organisms) and major distribution into the global food supply, even though they have been found to create sterile grandchildren, huge tumors and massive organ damage. This stops reproduction and also kills people off before they get too old, by which time they are more likely to have gained knowledge of the truth about the alien takeover.

•Addition of nano-molecules into our food supply, for no apparent reason, which will cause even more deaths. Nanomolecules kill by themselves, because they are poisonous to the body. In addition, if they are activated via cell phone radiation, they can wipe out whole cities.

•Damage to the Fukushima, Japan, nuclear reactors, that was never corrected. My husband Michael was a radar technician for the U.S. Navy. He knows stories of nuclear disasters that were remedied quickly and permanently by pouring borated concrete on them. This was never done at Fukushima. Now, we have at least 3,000 miles of dead ocean in the Pacific, which has not even been reported by the mainstream media. And others are reporting that Fukushima is a threat to the entire planet.


•Morgellons’ disease

Knowing that aliens have also taken over parts of the government, it’s easier to understand why they want our guns. There is one scene in They Live where Roddy Piper makes a comment that from memory is something like, “So, you bleed just like us!”.

No doubt many people will think this article is just too weird and outrageous. I would encourage those people to read two of the most important political reports you will ever read, by the famous “White House Insider”, who gave much accurate information to The Ulsterman Report.

This story talks about the man who tells the U.S. President what to do.

This story shows that Obama is not human.

The good news is that the aliens are scared of humans. If they weren’t, they would not be in hiding. They would be out in the open and visit during daytime, via the front door. That means, even if we don’t realize it yet, we do have the power to defeat them. But we must each do our part physically, spiritually and prayerfully to do what we can to change this, if we are to stop their plan before it’s too late. One thing that you can do is to read Michael’s article, “How to Prevent Alien & Military Abduction“. If the military would follow this suggestion, that would also be a very good thing.

Another thing that you can do is to get all of the poisons and other negative stresses out of your life that have been put there by evil beings who want to poison you at the same time they gain massive profits and power. That is one reason why I spent two years writing the 55 easy-to-read chapters in the book You’re not fat, You’re toxic.

I don’t know if aliens are behind the obesity epidemic or not, but I suspect they are, because obesity is not a disease, it’s a business plan.

One reviewer on Amazon called Youre Not Fat, Youre Toxic, “The Nutrition Bible”. Read it, tell others about it, and ask your library to order a copy (we are told that there is a waiting list at the Las Vegas library for this book), before millions more are poisoned to death, or their genetic lines are made extinct. Strengthen your body and health while you get slim and beautiful.

Stephanie Relfe #fundie metatech.org

[I was about to submit this to CSTDT until I read the part after "What can you do?"]

At around 1 a.m. on Sunday, April 26th, two doctoral students at the Louisiana State University (LSU) were mysteriously found dead at the bottom of a swimming pool. 28-year-old Ishita Maity and 25-year-old Anton Joe were with the schools physics and astronomy department with Maity studying theoretical astrophysics while Anton was a 3rd-year graduate student studying theoretical gravity.

Maity was an author of one of the journal ‘New Astronomy’s’ most popular recent papers entitled “Black hole spin dependence of general relativistic multi-transonic accretion close to the (event) horizon”;

Joes’ most recent paper was — written for the European Organization For Nuclear Research, also known as CERN.

There is much more important information in the rest of this article is excellent. Please go here

The author Stefan Sandford points out that this part of CERN:


reminds us of the statue of Shiva, the god of destruction, which is outside CERN. Why would a so-called scientific establishment spend many thousands of dollars creating such a thing, and put lights around it to make sure you can see it at all times?



We would like to pay particular attention to this part of Sandford’s article:

“There are also several recent videos about the possible dangers of CERN including the 2nd one, a documentary from FBCFilms called “CERN: Opening The Abyss

That word “abyss” is most interesting, because the French Finance Minister used that same very word, when he made the really bizarre statement:

“We are on the edge of a climatic abyss. We have 500 days to avoid climate chaos.”


1) A very frightening or dangerous situation, or one in which there seems to be no hope

2) a bottomless gulf or pit

And remember these guys are all lawyers and every word is important. Remember Bill Clinton when he said

“It depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is”.



The Pope confirmed that Sep 24 2015 (in the USA) is very, very relevant, because he made the bizarre step of telling us on Feb 5 that he will speak to congress about ‘climate change’ on Sep 24 2015! The same date! What has the pope got to do with climate change? With the USA government? Why did he tell us so such a long time in advance? Was this a signal to certain groups that something is getting ready to happen?

We know that many Satanists dedicate their lives to the Pope, because of what Svali told us.

Because no one believes anything the government says, would a final, last minute, “so long, pal” announcement by the Pope be what they have planned? If he finished his speech and it happened within the hour, no one would have a chance to react?

We know one thing – a giant meteor hit would certainly cause the climate to change! See what just a small meteorite can do

What can you do?

While we would like to believe that people are rising in their vibration, and that we are about to break free of this matrix, evidence is to the contrary. It seems more like we are devolving into Idiocracy and Sodom & Gomorrah. For example, how can we have a high and holy vibration when and one porn website in the USA gets 4.4 billion page views a month, and the United Nations said there are now 4 million child porn websites. [...]

It sure looks as though something is coming. We believe that for most people (that is, not the oligarchs), it will be fast and painless. [...]

We recommend you do these things:

1) Make sure you have enough food, water and supplies so you don’t have to leave your house for at least 3 weeks, if necessary.

2) Pray for guidance. Move if God tells you to.

3) Prepare for the next life. Especially pray for –

Forgiveness of anything bad you have done,

Family line curses and

Sins of past lives,

to ensure that if you have to come back again, it’s a whole lot better than this one.

Forgive anyone who has harmed you, to set yourself free, so that you can move on and don’t have to be with that person next lifetime.

4) Know that God loves you and does not blame you for the mess this world is in. The major blame is on Satan, the reptilians and the mind control and massive systems set up by the fallen angels. (For example, they drop aerosolized thought control vaccines on us, as shown by this video from the Pentagon).

Be happy. Have no fear. If we leave our bodies, it will be fast and painless for most of the people on earth. To learn more, learn about how great most people feel when they drop their body, during near-death experiences.


Remember, if they send aliens to pretend to save you, remember they are just coming to stock up their freezers and torture chambers.