Liberals think that Barack Obama is going to push the homosexual agenda and repeal DOMA. Apparently they haven't realized yet that the Koran forbids homosexuality and Democrats are afraid of a repeat of landslide losses as in 1994.
Ok, can we get a fucking diagram or something. These fundies are all over the place. And since they won't get their stories straight with each other, I guess that means it's up to us to try to sort this mess out. So, is Obama for homosexual marriage or not? Some fundies say no, some say yes. Who fucking knows?
Maybe they're starting to realize their "Obama is a Muslim that wants mandatory abortions and rampant gay sex in the streets" is one hell of an oxymoron, so they chose to stick with the "he's a radical Muslim" version of the delusion.
Either way, it's getting really hard to keep up.
Then again conservapedia is the site that claims Obama is a muslim because:
"Obama hoped to become President when he was sworn in as U.S. Senator in 2004, and did not use a Koran at that time. Subsequently Democratic House member Keith Ellison established the precedent for being sworn in using the Koran, and there is no guarantee that Obama would not do likewise if sworn in as President."
it isn't forbidden to be sworn in with the Koran.
Liberals think that Barack Obama is going to push the homosexual agenda and repeal DOMA.
DOMA is one of the worst mistakes an otherwise decent Clinton has ever made. Repealing it would be a good thing.
Apparently they haven't realized yet that the Koran forbids homosexuality and Democrats are afraid of a repeat of landslide losses as in 1994.
What the fuck? OBAMA IS NOT A MUSLIM!
"the Koran forbids homosexuality"
Finally a fundie who understands that Islam is anyhting but pro-homosexual!
Surely a sign of the end times?
(Sorry, but I can't believe this drum is still being beaten!)
Apparently they haven't realized yet that the Koran forbids homosexuality
Apparently you haven't realized yet that Barack Obama isn't a muslim, so what the Qu'ran does or does not say has no bearing on his policies.
Obama did stick to the "marriage is between a man and a woman" line, though he is for civil unions and was against California's Prop 8. However, the fundies took him out of context to make it seem as if Obama was for Prop 8.
And now it is repealed. You lose, bigots.
Oh, and Obama isn't a Muslim. Get over it that he's a liberal Christian and not a fundie like you asshats.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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