Atheism and terrorism were linked long before I was born. Intelligent people know that. Whiney anti-American traitor/treasonists don't.
Has there ever been even one single atheist terrorist? Feel free to name one if you can. The only terrorists I can think of have always had religious motivations (either primarily or secondarily, after nationalistic ones).
Atheists inherently would make poor terrorists because they are creatures of reason, and reason is anathema to the fanaticism that breeds terrorism.
Oh, and just to get one more "ism" in here: sandy, your jingoism is showing.
~David D.G.
anti-American traitor
Is that someone who was anti-America but betrayed his anti-America friends? Something in the direction of that person being "pro-America"?
Has there ever been even one single atheist terrorist? Feel free to name one if you can. The only terrorists I can think of have always had religious motivations (either primarily or secondarily, after nationalistic ones).
There are no atheist terrorists, in the sense that there are Muslim and Christian terrorists, that is, terrorists who commit violence in the name of atheism.
There certainly are terrorists who happen to be atheists (primarily of the communist variety). Political terrorism doesn't require religion (although, as the situation in both Ireland and Palestine show, the distinction between the two can be fuzzy).
Unfortunately, stupidity and dishonesty were linked when you were born. Intelligent people realize that you are ignorant and incorrect. Eric Rudolph, Timothy McVie, Osama Bin Laden, Abu Nidal, hell go as far back as the Jewish Zealots against the Romans, these are terrorists claiming religion as at least part off their justification! Name ONE well known atheist terrorist, just one! I'll wait....... Can't do it can you? Didn't think so!
Has there ever been even one single atheist terrorist? Feel free to name one if you can. The only terrorists I can think of have always had religious motivations (either primarily or secondarily, after nationalistic ones).
A few anarchists, I suppose, but they were (political) terrorists who happened to be atheists, not religious/anti-religion terrorists.
“Atheism and terrorism were linked long before I was born.”
So were left-handed people and Satan.
So were red-heads and demons.
So were black people and rabbit blood.
So were tides and heart attacks.
None, none, NONE of these stand up to any sort of scrutiny.
“Intelligent people know that.”
Citation needed that you know any intelligent people.
You think i’m whiney? You’re here fighting ‘atheism’ with cheesy lies.
I did 20 years in the service to defend this country, and the entire time as an atheist. How do you measure ‘Pro-American’?
Treason requires a foreign power.
What foreign power are you accusing me of collaborating with in the rejection of gods?
You’d think if atheists are terrorists, i’d be among the FIRST to notice, wouldn’t you?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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