
sandy #fundie idolme.com

More and more Britons are leaving God out of funerals. They say it's their way of celebrating the persons' life.

The rise is being attributed to people's growing willingness to admit that they are non-believers.

So how can you celebrate knowing the person is in hell?


I think leaving God out of a funeral is like leaving blood out of your body. If the dead person was not a believer, the last thing the friends/family should be doing is celebrating. Of course, that does make THEM feel better. But it does nothing for the guy burning in hell.

sandy #fundie idolme.com

W's decision to get Saddam was supported by most of your liberal heroes until the public got tired of it. Now they're all backpeddling. Saddam needed to go. W was the only one with enough b@lls to do the job. Your friends the evil muslim terrorists from Iran and Syria are making sure the war stays going.
And your support for the terrorists emboldens our enemies and makes us look weak. binLaden loves you.

Sandy and Rushdog #fundie idolme.com

Sandy : Homosexuality/sodomy is disgusting

Rushdog : Even if you weren't a religious person, and all you really believed in was science, and medicine, it's easy to figure out that there is something wrong with that lifestyle. Especially for men. I mean, why else would gay men be more succeptible to HIV, Hepititis, and other diseases, as opposed to straight men? You can be a straight guy, and get HIV, but it's alot less likely. To me, there has to be a reason for this. I don't think it's coincidental.

X1TX #fundie idolme.com

The life expectancy for an adult gay male is on average 40 years less than for a straight male. Roughly half the life expectancy. But try to bring that up in a political debate and you're branded a homophobe/hatemonger/religious nut/etc. That's the problem is that no one wants to debate the issues in a logical fashion. One side wants to begin with the premise that heterosexuality and homosexuality are equal, only lifestyle preferences. The other wants to start from the position that it's a mortal sin and the end of Western civilization. The entire debate needs to be more civil. Just because I disagree that homosexuality is a 'normal' way to live does not mean I'm a hatemonger/homophobe/whatever. One side tells everyone 'we have to be tolerant', yet no one feels obliged to 'tolerate' my viewpoint. Why is it always one side that needs to be tolerated, but not the other?

sandy #fundie idolme.com

Baby killers are butchering women and feds are shutting down their butcher shops as fast as they can. One woman suffered two strokes, a collapsed lung, massive blood loss, neurological damage, and removal of her uterus as a result of her abortion.

Feds closed 18 baby-killing shops this past year because of investigations of deaths or injury.

"The woman showed remarkable courage in first being willing to admit that she should not have had the abortion. We pray her lawsuit succeeds in helping to permanently close this high-volume baby-killing center."

Planned Parenthood, the biggest baby-killers, have seen significant declines in the number of its butcher shops. They have 817 now, the lowest it has been since 1987. Americans are rejecting Planned Parenthood and its agenda—

I HATE that our tax dollars go to these baby-killing mills.

sandy #wingnut #homophobia idolme.com

Democrats have launched a new campaign to convince Congress and the American people that open homosexuality would be good for the United States' armed services. A group that assesses military preparedness says such a policy shift would seriously damage future U.S. military capabilities.

And they are using a skewed poll to support their arguments.

Forcing the military to provide an open door to those who choose the homosexual lifestyle would threaten the recruiting potential for the military.

I don't know ANY soldiers who want a homosexual sniffing around them, their barracks, or anywhere around them.

sandy #fundie idolme.com

[On Barack Obama]

He has Hollyweird for him. He has fooled Americans into thinking he's a Christian. The baby-killers love him. The sodomists love him. Low-income people love him. Welfare recipients love him. Criminal aliens love him. His fellow muslims love him. Anti-Americans love him. Anti-God people love him.

They think he's the next Kennedy. God help us all.

What he doesn't have is the black vote. They're too smart to buy his bs.

sandy #fundie idolme.com

Terrorism: is defined by the US Department of Defense as "the unlawful use of -- or threatened use of -- force or violence against individuals or property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious, or ideological objectives."

Sounds like atheism to me. Like when they want "God" off of everything.

I'm done with this discussion. The thread topic is repulsive and nauseating.
Politically Incorrect Hottie