Pinochet-Heli-Tours #fundie

[FAQ of the sub]

Is /r/Physical_Removal a hate sub?

If this sub is a hate sub so would /r/FuckRapists. Its no more a hate sub as it would be if it were a subreddit for how people don't like other people who violently beat and rob them, or others. If leftists don't want to be "hated" then don't try to steal our private property or go around causing harm to others.

But why remove them?

The same reason bar owners have security (bouncers) who will evict unruly citizens from their premises.

Anarcho capitalists, libertarians, and capitalists are NOT pacifists. We are against the INITIATION of force and violence. This means we will and must defend ourselves from your threats, or acts of violence. For you to implement communism it requires you to initiate force or agresss upon us, seize our private property to redistribute and abolish property rights. Private property owners may even feel threatened enough for preemptive defensive measures to ensure their safety depending on the severity of the threat. If you don't want to receive our defensive measures or threats to impose them, then don't threaten to seize our private property and implement communism upon us. Just leave us alone!

Why helicopters?

Traditionally the tool of choice (adpoted by Pinochet) was the helicopter. But its not absolute, nor the only method used to protect us.

Helicopter ride = x

Where "x" is whatever method of defense is issued by the capitalists or private property owners. This includes physical removal or eviction from the free society. Of course the market would devise the most efficient defense methods. Helicopter rides are just a meme example and is also fucking hilarious which helps get the message across. Leftists don't value free speech, thus logic and reason does not work. Historically, violence tends to be the language they comprehend the most.

This is also the logical reason why freedom loving people love being gun owners.

Are you fascists??

Protecting oneself from violence and theft of private property is simply called defense, not fascism. It should also be noted that fascism has historically never operated under or advocated free market conditions.

I assume this community supports Hitler's views?

Not really. Hitler was a socialist who hated jews. Although yes some jews created socialism and communism, it also doesn't not mean all jews are socialists and communists. We are not so focused on race here, merely the actions of humans.

Why the love for Augusto Pinochet?

In 1973 things got so economically bad in Chile the great General Augusto Pinochet (pbuh) decided he needed to seastead leftists into the pacific ocean. These actions prevented his nation from become a third world shithole, and subsequently became known as the great “Miracle of Chile”. His meeting with Milton Friedman and adoption of Chicago School Economic Theory improved the prosperity and economic conditions, and led to an improved quality of life for the people of Chile. All countries need a Pinochet.

Ideally, Pinochet's defense and security services should be privatized and provided via competing services within the free market.

A free society requires defense and enforcement of private property ownership, so that individuals can trade and live prosperously. Leftist ideology in its entirety is based upon envy which subsequently enables violating these basic human rights, as such they are a threat that needs to be defended against in order for society to optimally function freely. Statism was Pinochet's only "crime", although minarchists will argue defense is a valid role of the state. Ancap and miniarchist libertarians should support each other until we get to the point were police, military, and courts are all that is remaining of the state.

Augusto Pinochet's great deeds in this world caused him to transcended and evolve into an all powerful meme form, where he now serves Lord Kek in the afterlife.

Do you have to be an ancap to support physical removal?

No not at all. While there's a government (which will be the case for many lifetimes), its perfectly reasonable to be more sympathetic to any liberty or anti leftist politicians available who will provide the most free markets. Anarcho capitalism can be viewed as merely the end game or direction humanity needs to head into for the best outcomes for freedom. The new dogma for the right wing should be to seek positions of government and dismantle the state, and thus protect liberty by removing power from the left, which in turn brings back power to the people and to the invisible hand of the free market, where we are free to make our own choices.

What about the NAP (Non Aggression Principle)?

You can't defend yourself or private property (your liberty) without threats to defend, and a means to physically protect it if action is needed. When a violent mob of rabid commies threatens, attacks you or comes to steal your stuff, dogmatic moralist ideals and trying to explain the NAP to them won't get you very far. They don't even value freedom of speech for a start. Again, we are not pacifists! We must be capable to defend our liberty!

Why do you like Donald Trump?

President Donald J Trump is like a great prophet who has enabled many people to finally see and realize the true nature of the left. He is the great triggerer and also one of the greatest internet shitposters of all time.

Anarcho Capitalists and libertarians need to be pragmatic if they are to have a respected voice and survive into the future. Sure Trump is not an ancap or perhaps even a libertarian, and we aren't realistically going to get an ancap president in our life time. So there's no problem in supporting his measures to cut and slash government as he (Trump) has stated he will. Don't forget under Hillary we would be almost silenced and pushed aside and labelled as crazy as they grew the government and took away freedoms. At least Trumps main audience support the majority of what we say, and the direction we want things to head towards. We now have a president who is a warrior for the private sector, aka the productive people of society who do the heavy lifting for all the parasites to leech off.

Why do you group leftists and liberals into the same group?

I'll stop identifying and grouping statism, communism, progressivism, liberalism, and socialism as being the same thing, when they stop confusing my money and private property as being theirs.



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