@rallymodeller: yeah but those don't count, because the Gates' are atheists. So they're really liberal indoctrination/human sacrifice centers. Or something.
You see, Schlafly doesn't live in the same world the rest of us do, and he moved there of his own free will. In his world, Reagan never died, Clinton never existed, and Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin are president and veep of the entire world, which consists of the United States and a small handful of points abroad (A "Here There Be Dragons" sign marks the place place where the inchoate darkness of the Outer Islamo-European Caliphate begins). Obama died tragically in some third-world nation as a child of cholera, unnoticed and unmourned. In his world, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Orly Taitz and Glenn Beck are respected journalists and commentators, Kent Hovind, William Dembski and Ken Ham are respected scientists, and Albert Einstein died when his bicycle got crushed by an out-of-control truck sometime in his teens. In his world, Jesus was a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, cigar-chomping free-market capitalist Republican in a Brooks Brothers suit holding an American flag in one hand and a Colt Peacemaker in the other, and Ayn Rand sits beside his throne, casting the sign of the Almighty Dollar over everyone that approaches. Atheists, liberal Christians, Muslims and pagans are all working together to overthrow the proper order--and why wouldn't they, since they have so much in common already, namely their blazing, carious hatred of Real True Christianity and those who adhere to it? Everything beyond the border of America (no, Canada and Mexico aren't actually American countries in Schlaflyworld) is a vast, untracked wasteland filled with demonic subhuman creatures who have rabidly dedicated themselves to the utter annihilation of everything good in the world in the name of their Luciferian masters.
I'm glad the rest of us don't live in Schlaflyworld. He can have it.