Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
Lauren Miller, Seth Rogen's wife is a reptilian!!! Seth Rogen is not a reptilian though!
Lauren Miller does not even have her own face!
I doubt that Seth Rogen is even happily married to her, or even thinks she is human! He probably knows she is a reptilian and is being FORCED to be married to her by reptilians!!!
I highly doubt he has even slept with her once!
and that is because Lauren Miller's face is a combination of Seth Rogen's real families faces!!
She is a combination of Seth Rogen's sister Eva Cohen, a FEMALE VERSION of his brother Daniel Cohen, and his paternal great grandmother Esther Rachel Cohen!
Yes Eva Cohen and Esther Rachel are very beautiful and are noticeably prettier than Lauren Miller, and Daniel Cohen's female version is a beautiful girl too! Daniel makes just as good looking of a girl as he does a guy, and Daniel looks a lot like the thin or better put current Seth Rogen, Eva Cohen looks quite a bit like Seth Rogen(her face is very refined, more refined than Seth Rogen's) but not quite as much as Daniel does!
I have seen Daniel Cohen's female version, and Eva Cohen make up the faces of A LOT of very beautiful reptilian girls who just copy their faces off of gorgeous human girls! taking sometimes just one, but typically two, three of more faces and combining them to make their own pretty faces people think are just their own faces those sometimes nasty girls think so highly of themselves for! JUST FACES COPIED OFF OF BEAUTIFUL HUMAN GIRLS AND FEMALE VERSIONS OF GORGEOUS GUYS!!! so much for those hot reptilians girls to feel highly of themselves for LMAO.
Here you can see she has quite a bit of Eva Cohen, and female version of Daniel Cohen in the face with a noticeable amount of Esther Rachel in the face as well.
The left eye is shaped more like Eva's with a little bit of Daniel in the eyeshape, and the right eye is shaped more like Daniel's with some of Eva in the eye shape!!! both have a bit of Esther Rachel in the eye shape!
The left eyebrow is shaped a lot like Daniel's(just a fair amount thinner than his eyebrows), and the right eyebrow is shaped quite a bit like Eva's!(a little thinner than her eyebrows)
The whole face is a real combination of Eva, Daniel, and Esther Rachel!
[link to]
Just wait for Seth Rogen to find out about this ROFL, he will probably divorce her, hopefully!
Eva Cohen has very fair skin like Lauren Miller, and her eyes are blue like Lauren Miller's too! except they are a real sky blue unlike Lauren Miller's are not a real sky blue!
Eva Cohen has brown hair like Lauren Miller, except her hair is a lighter shade of brown than hers!
Esther Rachel Cohen looks like a prettier version of Kat Dennings, LOL!!
Except her eyes are more almond shaped and are bigger than her eyes, and her eyebrows have a very rounded shape arch shape to them! and she has a structurally fuller face than Kat Dennings does! kat Dennings has a longer face than Esther Rachel Cohen who is also an eastern European Jewish woman from Odessa Ukraine, back then it was white Russia!
Seth Rogen's real parents are Matthew Cohen and Helen Muskal! both of them are Jewish and Seth Rogen was LETS SAY adopted, but I heard that Matthew and Helen used a SURROGATE mother, and then were LIED TO by I guess the Canadian authorities, and told the pregnancy was unsuccessful, NOT KNOWING THAT THOSE COUPLE WERE RAISING THEIR CHILD!!!
So they went on to have more children!
Seth Rogen's eyecolor is the exact same shade of brown as Helen Muskal's!!!! a RARE shade of medium chestnut "Romanian brown" where Helen's father is from!