"Did darwinism introduce cross dressers?
Ann Coulter says a frustrated Darwiniac resorts to an occasional outbursts regarding flat earth. This is done by taking a pet definition of "foundation".
The cross dressers as shown in google wear corsets as foundations. Is Darwinisms hatching of a definition of foundation really referring to a girdle?
The Mother earth wearing a girdle? Not very natural. There is no limit to the imagination of Darwinists."
What the "Darwiniacs" are probably talking about is this:
"For the foundations of the earth are the LORD's;
upon them he has set the world."
-- 1 Samuel 2:8 (NIV translation)
... and this:
"He set the earth on its foundations;
it can never be moved."
-- Psalm 104:5 (NIV translation)
These verses, and a few others throughout the Bible, strongly hint at a Flat Earth cosmology. (You can see more about how the ancient Hebrews envisioned a flat Earth at http://www.lhup.edu/~dsimanek/febible.htm ).
So, yes, the "Darwiniacs" are right. If you want to take the Bible literally, you have to believe in a flat Earth.
To put is simply, not using large words: There are a lot of words that have double, or even triple meaning, not to mention words that have one meaning, but one that can be different according the situation.
Don't know why I'm posting this, I doubt coadie comes here and I'm sure almost everyone here already knows it.
How 'bout in caveman:
"Uuh, ugh, me bend ann coultier over and pull up her skirt. Uugh, but me suprised; she really he. Me unhappy that he not she, so me bash him skull in with rock. Uugh, ugh!"
The scary part is that my little caveman dialogue is more grammatically correct.
You know, I hate Ann Coulter as much as the next person here, but as a feminist, it really bothers me when people seem to think it's appropriate to make cracks about her really being a man. It's the whole "Uppity woman MUST be a she-male!" thing, because of course any natural woman couldn't be so outspoken and dominant in her actions. Ugh. And while I assume nobody here means to be offensive, nevertheless it IS kind of bothersome, at least to me.
Somebody did not listen to their high school Shakespeare lessons.
And anyone who believes anything Ann Coulter pulls out of her ass (while knowing who she is, as I know there are some who don't) instantly has no credibility in my book.
Ann Coulter: Psycho Skank.
Coadie...foundation noodle firmament fundamental apoptosis nebular hypotenuse, OK?...Please?
Don't forget, builders also build foundations and many women wear foundation. Therefore the Earth wears makeup and a builder's helmet?
Why is coadie googling cross dressers anyway? I spy a fetish...
Whiskey tango foxtrot india tango sierra?
And actually, I don't think Ann Coulter is ugly at all. She does have man hands, but that happens. She is, however, certifiably insane and a world-class attention whore, and by all indications about as nice as a shot glass of hydrofluoric acid.
Could somebody, anybody, please translate that for me into English. Hell, German, French, Spanish, Estonian or Esperanto will suffice.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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