
Chris R. #ableist #conspiracy ageofautism.com

This is why I won't shut up about the damned vaccines!

These are my twin daughters J and A. They were born normally a month early for twins, in 1985. Except for medical hernia issues that J had since infancy, they were happy and bright! You can see it in their eyes. They were in normal school and had lots of friends and lots of activities! Our dreams for them were optimistic and beautiful.

But then something happened in 1998, when they were 12 years old. They had the Hepatitis B shot for school. 20 minutes later, it was followed by anaphylaxis, blue lips, projectile vommitting, and seizure-like flailing of the arms and eyes rolling back. The doctor yelled at me on the phone when I called her, and insisted that it was not from the injections that she administered 20 minutes prior at the office.

J's life was immediately set back and changed after this. She never ever functioned at her full potential ever again after that shot. She was finally diagnosed with Autism in her teenage years. Complex medical issues followed her throughout her life.

A, on the other hand recovered from this episode, after a week or so, but did go on to have occasional black outs and would fall unconscious. The doctors called it Syncope, and one of her spinal tests confirmed that it could be Guillian Barre Syndrome. A continued to work very hard through all of this. She was even on the Dean's List in college, but continued to have the blackouts. In 2008 A ended up in the hospital needing blood transfusions and her life went downhill fast after that. She was eventually diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimers.

Today, both A and J are totally disabled, have extreme difficulty with communication, wear diapers and are incontinent and need 24/7 care. That spark in their eyes faded a long time ago, and so did our dreams for their future.💔

Dan Olmstead #conspiracy ageofautism.com

Welcome to Age of Autism, the Daily Web Newspaper of the Autism Epidemic. We are published to give voice to those who believe autism is an environmentally induced illness, that it is treatable, and that children can recover. For the most part, the major media in the United States aren't interested in that point of view, they won't investigate the causes and possible biomedical treatments of autism independently, and they don't listen to the most important people – the parents, many of whom have witnessed autistic regression and medical illness after vaccinations. We do all those things, and more.

We believe that autism is the defining disorder of our age, man-made and therefore preventable, and that it points to the truth about other problems that beset us, from ADD to asthma to Alzheimer's. We address those issues as well, along with exposing the special interests, bureaucratic inertia, and medical malfeasance that perpetuate denial and suffering.

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