
Hate and discrimination against the disabled

Ghost #ableist #wingnut #dunning-kruger ghost.report

Whenever I sit and truly think about the current social landscape in America, I ponder on where all this lunacy leads. Both Millennial and Gen Z generations have falling way behind modern expectations and their maturity levels are the equivalent to a petulant child who refuses to grow up. When the adults in the room finally die and all that is left are these manchildren and their larva, do we truly think these weak, feeble, gullible wasted generations have the ability to sustain this great country?

This is a very serious problem that not even a minority within these generations are addressing. I think the problem is a lack of shame in this country. Look at how People today have no respect for their physical appearance, they go to job interviews in old t-shirts and flipflops or they dress to emulate their manchild obsession (video games, cartoons, etc). And ridiculing these obnoxious evolution throw backs does nothing because the Internet gives People the opportunity to find communities that embrace and promote whatever manchild bull shit and/or sexual perversion imaginable.

Look at where all this bull shit has gotten us. We’ve got People creating new genders, we have an obsession on sexualizing children, we have People who allowed themselves to be injected with an experimental concoction for clout, we have a People who believe that being virtuous is creating a 45 second TikTok video about the top story of the time. Let’s not forget People hated the COVD19 lockdowns, masks, Anthony Fauci, etc. and yet are politically supporting the man that made all this a reality (Trump). Nothing makes any sense anymore!

I consider myself lucky because I’m old and will be long gone from this place to see the manchild induced, AI controlled totalitarianism that People are naively allowing into their lives without question. Because if you don’t think AI is being rolled out to subjugate and potentially nullify mankind, then maybe we deserve what happens to us.

So I guess there is nothing left to do but what I can, hope a few souls understand so they can change the plan for man.

various commenters #transphobia #ableist ovarit.com

RE: Almost every single time - AUTISM
( pennygadget )
IMO, this trans fad is a sinister way to castrate autistic people (mainly autistic kids). Its so much easier for a clinician to tell an autistic girl that testosterone will magically fix her problems instead of helping her work through her issues and learn to adapt to society

( RusticTroglodyte )
I agree. It's a convenient way to get ppl who are autistic, or same sex attracted to self-sterilize

( PracticalMagic )
Honestly call me a nasty old woman but I am growing so BORED with neurodiversity. Everyone and her dog is neurodiverse now. It's become meaningless and at worst a set of excuses to do nothing.

Autism is a real thing of course but it's bwcome the left handedness of the 2020s, something everyone suddenly wants because it's more "creative".

( OverTheWall )
Same. Its kind of to a point where we’ve determined that, yes, every brain is an individual and works in a speshul individual way, and maybe people learn and function differently than one another.

But the neuro-divergent bubble wrap sad marshmallow gang just went full stupid with this concept and use their differences as an excuse to not try hard at anything and just give up on learning to function or even thrive.

Hell, I feel like a neurodivergent diagnoses is a self fulfilling prophecy. None of them seem turn their differences into anything positive or take the information they learn about how their brain works to be better, even just at one specific thing, but instead just cry “I can’t do that because I’m NeUroDiVeGenT”.

( Bml7864 )
Yes, but I wonder how many have been diagnosed vs self diagnosed. In today's society, people are using "I'm autistic" or "I have ADHD" as a get out of jail free card to act however they want without having to work on themselves.

( VestalVirgin )
True, but I do think many of the girls who trans have autism.

It would explain why they fall for the lie that it is possible to have a sex-change surgery (and other lies TRAs tell) so easily: They don't expect to be lied to.


Noose #homophobia #pratt #ableist ropeculture.org

Despite there indeed being several sources for faggotry, they nevertheless always come down to choice. Regardless of the origins of faggotry, it is in the end unified by its nature as degenerate behavior. You can thus equate it to a vice. Faggotry must be treated as a vice and not as a social group. Vices have to be overcome, or else you’re just a degenerate. That’s why by and large, regardless of the roots of faggotry, it becomes a choice of either indulging in it or denying it – so it is always a choice. Just like how one has a choice not to eat themselves into a hamplanet, but if they do so it betrays a weakness of character, weakness of will, lack of integrity and ultimately selfish and narcissistic behavior.

So what if you are “born that way“? Either get treatment or simply overcome it by sheer will-power. Psychological disorder? Same thing. Perversion? Fucking stop it. This ultimately comes down to the subject of one’s inherent inferiority and the test of Free Will.

If the choice was out of their hands (forced labor, slavery, forced exercising) the material change would follow, because all of that is merely material and subject to changeability. But as soon as you let them off that leash their weak spirit will surrender to material desires. What makes them inferior is their inherent nature, their weak spirit. That is what you are born with, everything else simply follows from there. There are those of strong will who succumb to degeneracy all the same, as it is hard to escape the decay of the world around us, but it is possible. It is easy to fall from grace and it is hard to climb back up, but for the inferior there are no options.

That is the Test of Free Will, which exists only for those who have strong spirit and strong will, they are given a choice: succumb or overcome.


Sasha Alex Lessin, PhD. #ufo #crackpot #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #ableist enkispeaks.com

On the planet NIBIRU, ALALU had seized the Throne and wed his daughter Princess DAMKINA to Prince ENKI. Damkina and Enki’s son, MARDUK, would succeed Alalu. But, 400,000 years ago, ANU overthrew Alalu to complete the mining of gold from the asteroids or Earth to convert to WHITE POWDER OF MONOATOMIC GOLD to float into Nibiru’s ionisphere and preserve its atmosphere. Alalu had fled to Earth, found gold and tried to regain the Nibiran Crown, but Anu defeated him and exiled him to die on MARS.

King Anu had sent his three annoying and quarrelsome kids–Enki, Princess NINMAH and ENLIL (Anu’s legal heir and the father of Ninmah’s son, NINURTA)–to Earth. Last Time, we accompanied Ninmah as she landed on Mars.
On Earth Anu had made ENLIL (Yahweh), now Commander of the goldmining expedition, obsessed with besting Enki (Adonai), who was now Chief of Goldmining and Science Operations.
Ninmah, their half-sister (and only half-sister on Earth). Nibiran law would count their lines royal only through boys they begat with Ninmah.

Enlil renewed his courtship of Ninmah. If he could get her pregnant again, and if she’d bare him another boy, he’d best Enki. He and Enki both wanted babies with Ninmah, their half-sister (and only half-sister on Earth). Nibiran law would count their lines royal only through boys they begat with Ninmah.
To this day, the adapted hybrid Nibirans we are remain trapped in a rivalry between Enki and Enlil over Ninmah. Nowadays the followers of Enki’s son Marduk (who came to be called Ra, Amen, Satan and perhaps Allah) battle with the followers of Enlil (who came to be called Yahweh, Jehovah or even, like Nannar or Marduk, “Allah).”

Time we dropped rivalry based on this ancient romance, pre-modern concepts of hierarchy, and the denigration of females that both Marduk and Enlil exhibit.

Savitri and Ravi Kumar #ableist #psycho wltx.com

Police in south India have arrested a couple after the woman allegedly threw their deaf and nonverbal 6-year-old son into a crocodile infested canal, leading to the child's death.

The incident happened in the Dandeli rural area of Karnataka state on Saturday, according to police, who told CBS News that Savitri, 26, who uses only one name, threw her son into a local canal after an argument with her husband.


"We found the child's body from the canal on Sunday morning," Karnataka Police sub-inspector Krishna Arakeri, who is investigating the case, told CBS News. "There were several injury marks on the child's body and one hand was missing, which seems to have been eaten by a crocodile."

During preliminary questioning, Savitri told police that her husband, Ravi Kumar, 27, would often blame her for their son's disabilities and urge her to throw him into the river, Arakeri said.

Dr Shannon Kroner #ableist #dunning-kruger #pratt #quack amazon.ca

I’m Unvaccinated and That’s OK!



I'm Unvaccinated and That's OK! is the story of an unvaccinated child named Nicholas Novaks, who shares the many reasons why his parents have chosen not to vaccinate him. Nicholas explains his parents’ personal concerns about vaccine injury, the importance of finding a doctor they can trust and openly speak with, the research they did before making this decision, and what life is like for an unvaccinated child who has an older, vaccine-injured sibling.

Inspired by the personal stories of vaccine-injured children, which have been shared with Dr. Shannon Kroner over many years of working with special needs families, Dr. Kroner aims to raise awareness of the importance of vaccine choice and the necessity of doing the research before making an important decision such as vaccination.

Join Nicholas as he shares what it means to be an unvaccinated child in today’s world and why one's personal choice regarding vaccination must always be respected.

preview pages






Lydia Netzer #ableist theneurotypical.com

The conflicted behaviours of AS; the so-called “cuteness” and then extreme bullying which is noted by Lydia Netzer; are present throughout that person’s life. These behaviours carry into all close relationships.

Autism is not cute in the privacy of their own home. It is tyrannical and controlling; all “cuteness”, charm they display outside the home completely disappears. This is the Jekyll and Hyde described by Prof Tony Attwood. Their prompt dependence is never acknowledged by them, like Lydia’s son has, and when they are helped by a spouse/partner they become angry and they bully and berate that person. Conflict and chaos are what happens when AS is involved.

It would be very helpful if AS adults admit that his/her spouse helps them cope with life.

Sally Wald and Larry Cook #ableist #crackpot #elitist #quack #wingnut twitter.com

Sally Wald

“By 2035 at our current rate 1 in 2 children will have autism. Are You ok with that? It will be the demise of the United States. We won’t be able to mount an army. You will either have autism or being caring for someone critically ill.”

Larry Cook

“If we dissolve the vaccine industry we dissolve 99% of new autism cases.

Which do you choose?


Pastor Matt Baker #ableist #elitist #fundie wptv.com

The Private School Trinity Christian Academy cancels Autism Awareness Week after Lead Pastor calls it Demonic.

"The word 'Christian' means 'Like Christ,' and it was given to the followers of Christ because they acted just like Jesus. Remember those bracelets from the 2000s that asked, 'WWJD?' If Jesus Christ led Trinity, would HE have an Autism Awareness Week? Of course not! Why? Because anything that exalts itself above the name of Christ should be brought down. Also, anything that teaches our children to have their identity in anything other than Christ is idolatry and demonic. Let me repeat myself just so I am not quoted out of context: any philosophy, teaching, or program that teaches our precious children that their identity is found in anything other than Christ is idolatry and demonic. Period. The world, in its rejection and hatred of Christ, often devises programs such as 'Autism Awareness' (and cultural figures like the Easter Bunny and Santa Clause, etc.) to get the benefits of His teachings (compassion, kindness, feeling love, and self-worth) without acknowledging Jesus as the ultimate authority and the source of all life. These initiatives imply that Jesus alone is insufficient, and we fail to recognize just how deeply they have permeated into our daily lives as Christians. As a result, we have 'a form of godliness but deny its power (2 Timothy 3:5).'"

Bryan Starr #fundie #pratt #ableist quora.com

Because atheists' are by definition learning disabled and dullards.

They can't even think that big to begin with. They think the movies Prometheus and Frankenstein are based on true stories.

Now that science is starting to refute Neverbiogenesis and Neverlution they'll be saying it was aliens that are our creators lol.

Anything but God you know.

They always toot their horn that they're so smart while believing that jello came alive one day from a lightning bolt hitting a mud puddle and then the jello compiled its own DNA from nothing and then populated the world with plants and animals lol.


okko1001 #ableist #elitist reddit.com

so let the immune deficient ppl stay home instead of everybody. y drag the rest down with u because ur disabled?? thats like cutting off everyone elses legs just cuz ur in a wheelchair. the lockdown was for literal years and applied to everyone not just the sick. also most cant afford to say home when sick thats an Extreme luxury. I dont have problems with vaccinations I have problems with forced coerced and pressured vaccinations.
I would LOVE to stay home when Im sick but I cant afford it usually.
its not my problem some ppl are immunocompromised so they should stop trying to make it everyones problem that they are. most of those ppl are also that way by their own fault ie obese or theyre just super old in which case they already had their good run.

danegraphics #ableist reddit.com

Yes, learning disabilities exist, but “dyscalculia”, a disability that somehow specializes in mathematics, a non-biological non-social construct of the modern age, is a nonsensical concept.

Sure, students can have adhd, or aphantasia, or dyslexia, or some other disability, or combination of disabilities, that makes it difficult to learn math on top of the other effects those disabilities have. But there is no such thing as a disability that affects mathematics only and nothing else.

Any student can learn, even with learning disabilities. It’s just a matter of find a way to work with or around the disability. Saying “oh, you have a disability that makes it impossible for you to be good at math” is one of the worst things anyone could ever tell a child.

I’m not going to validate a lie that can only hinder a child’s ability to learn and grow.

Michael T McFall #fundie #ableist #crackpot onlinelibrary.wiley.com

Divine Hiddennesss and Spiritual Autism
ABSTRACT: If God exists and wishes to be known, then why do some not have a relationship with God? Arguments against atheist conclusions from divine hiddenness have been offered, but I ask how understanding autism may help to explain seeking reflective nonbelievers. Seeking reflective nonbelievers are in a state of spiritual autism. If a spiritual autist, one does not know God relationally. Autism is a significant disability in that it can preclude knowing others as persons qua persons. I provide an overview of autism and spiritual autism, review the problem of divine hiddenness, and address six issues that reveal how spiritual autism may be overcome.

mjbnhang #ableist reddit.com

Ableism is such a bullshit word. NTA. I’m sick and tired of having to accommodate every little mental illness or disability for people who need to adapt to the world they live in. Sucks they got dealt a shitty hand. Deal with it.

Joe Salant #ableist #crackpot #fundie #quack vice.com

An evangelical pastor who briefly shot to fame in 2015 for recording a rap song in support of Sen. Ted Cruz is now selling industrial-strength bleach tablets to parents and has admitted that many of his customers are using the product to treat autism in their children.

Joe Salant, who grew up in an affluent New Jersey family, became a born-again Christian after coming out of drug rehab when he was in his early twenties, having spent six months in jail for drug possession. Recently, he has become part of the American Renewal Project, which aims to have a pastor from “every church in America” run for elected office by 2024. Salant preaches a Christian nationalist ideology that positions the church at the heart of all aspects of American society.

In his spare time he continues to release rap records with titles like “Human Sacrifices” and “Dies in Vain,” in which he raps about child trafficking.

In recent months he’s taken on a new role as the U.S representative for a company called Safrax, which markets chlorine dioxide tablets that are advertised on the company’s website as industrial products for odor removal, disinfection, and as cleaners for hot tubs and jacuzzis.

But over the phone, Salant said many people are using the treatments in an attempt to treat autism in children.

“Autism? Yeah, I mean it’s a common treatment,” Salant said, according to a recording of a phone call obtained by Ireland-based activist Fiona O’Leary and shared with VICE News. “We’re not allowed to recommend [our products] for it specifically but yeah, the protocols in the Andreas Kalcker book [which] we have on our website… it’s commonly used for that.”

A message on the Safrax website informs customers that there is a 2-4 week delay in sending out orders specifically due to overwhelming demand for the product as a result of the tablets being featured on the radio show of pseudoscience conspiracist Mike Adams. Salant claimed on the customer phone call that Safrax has no official relationship with Adams, but added that “we’re fans” of his show.

wakeupmypeoplespiritrain #crackpot #fundie #wingnut #ufo #quack #homophobia #conspiracy #ableist #biphobia beforeitsnews.com

Satan’s Modern Day Snake Oil Venom Retroviral MRNA Black Goo 666 Low Vibe Vaccines Have Cain’s Vampire Immune System DNA/GENES (Sinister Fallen Angel Bioshock Plasmids And Splicing Protocols) Within The Vile Curse-Alls Which Are NOT Cures!: (Satan’s Main Vile Man Of Sin/The Son Of Perdition Has Been Satanically Mutatively Monstrously Vaccinated With His Curses) Sinisterly Gay Barack Hussein Obama Has A Black Chimeran Vampire Master Clone Called The *IMAGE OF THE BEAST* Covertly Waiting In A Ancient Antediluvian Atlantean Retro-Engineered Deep Underwater Fortified Plasma Domed Base Called The Leviathan (Which Has *The Dark Knights Cloning Program* Cain Like Monstrous-Beastly-Chimeran-Vampiric-Black Goo 666 Body Loaded With Barack Hussein Obama’s Vile DNA/Genes On Stasis Also Known As The 8th Horn-King-Sinister World Leader) That Will Be Metaphysically Infused With The Cast Down Fallen Angel Spirit Of Satan Himself Deceptively Emerging From The Ancient Sodomittish Sea As The Bloodthirsty Murderous Chief *Cloned* Antichrist <...> Many Foolish People Being Removed From The Lamb’s Book Of Life For Sinfully Wickedly Taking Part In Satan’s Diabolical Irreversible Multiphase Vaccinations Process Of His Horrific Nightmarish Monstrously Mutative Beastly *Cain Like* Vampirism – REMEMBER THAT IMMINENT APOCALYPTIC TUNED GAMMA-RAYS WILL SUPERNATURALLY EXPOSE ALL OF WHAT’S INSIDE OF YOU AND OTHER FLESHLY CREATURES AT THE SPIRITUAL/DNA/GENETIC LEVELS – SO PLEASE DON’T SINFULLY PUT SATAN’S VACCINATION CURSES/CURSE-ALLS INSIDE OF YOUR TEMPLE
You Will Die In A Short Span Of Time Diminishing Your Life Due To Deadly Mutations – Be Overtaken By The Low Vibe Weaponized Microwaves Activated Demonic Zombism Airborne Vaxx A.I.D.S Plagues Plandemics That Many Sheeple Sinfully Unwisely Gullibly Wickedly Took As The CoronaVirus Covid-19 Vaccines Which Are All Part Of Satan’s Irreversible Multiphase Modern Day Snake Oil Venom Elixir Cures-Alls Of Monstrous Extremely Mutative Death

various commenters #transphobia #enbyphobia #ableist ovarit.com

( montanagraey )
Responses to female comedian top surgery photo
Comedian Sarah Keyworth posted a photo of herself post-op on IG. She identifies as NB. It’s only been up an hour and the outpouring of congratulations has me feeling so sad.

The gaslighting is unreal… everyone is literally looking at a photo of someone who had perfectly healthy body parts removed and they’re celebrating it. It’s just so strange and disturbing…

( Killer_Danish )
It’s soooo pathetic when adults force everyone to play an extreme version of pretend. No, you are not “non-binary” because you paid some hack surgeon to do away with your breasts; you’re a self-hating woman who expresses that hatred through medically sanctioned self-harm! That is the honest truth!

Who is that other female comedian who had her bits hacked-off for her sOoOoOpEr SpEsHiAl iDeNtITy? Mae something… equally pathetic!

( Raea )
it wasn't long ago... maybe 25 years... that people who cut off healthy body parts "to feel more whole" were featured on sally or dr phil, like sideshow freaks, and EVERYONE said "why? why did you need to do this?" it was some freaky collective social exercise, where we all looked on in horror, shaking our heads and thanking whatever deity we respected that we didn't have "that kind" of terrible mental illness.

( FeminismIs4Women )
Another lesbian groomed into extreme self harm.

This probably doesn't make much sense but NB identified women getting mastectomies was one of the things that peaked me. I bought the whole 'born in the wrong body narrative' so stupid as I was, I accepted the idea of a woman having surgery to feel more like the man she is inside (I was so so stupid).

But seeing NB feminine women who didn't claim to be men get mastectomies for no particular reason really shocked and sickened me. Of course when you properly think about it for 5 minutes having your healthy breast removed for non-medical purposes is insane. But seeing women treat this surgery, that most women only get to save their lives, as casually as getting botox or lip fillers is unbelievable.

( Radishe )
I can remember when women with mastectomies were ashamed and told to wear fake breast or breasts when coming to the doctor's office so they wouldn't scare the other patients. Now women are doing it on purpose and openly bragging about it. This isn't progress.

Pastor Rick Morrow #ableist #crackpot #fundie kansascity.com

Pastor Rick Morrow of Beulah Church in Richland, Missouri, has received heavy criticism following the comments made during a Wednesday, Sept. 6, sermon. Morrow claimed autism can be treated if you “just cast the demon out.”

“I know a minister who has seen lots of kids that are autistic, that he cast that demon out, and they were healed, and then he had to pray and their brain was rewired and they were fixed,” Morrow told his congregation.

“If it’s not demonic, then we have to say God made them that way,” he continued. “Like that’s the only other explanation. ’Why does my kid have autism?’ Well, either the devil has attacked them, he’s brought this infirmity upon them, he’s got them where he wants them, and/or God just doesn’t like them very much, and he made them that way. Well my God doesn’t make junk. God doesn’t make mess ups.”

“I have been told that autism is a blessing from God. I have been told that I’m the evil one,” Morrow said. “But you know what? If I was to stand up here and say cancer is junk, people would agree. If I were to stand up here and say addiction is junk, people would agree.”

Morrow resigned from his Board of Education position on Tuesday, KY3 reported. Stoutland Schools said in a statement to KY3 that Morrow’s comments do “not speak for the Board of Education as a whole, nor the district itself."

Andrew Stiles, Washington Free Beacon #ableist #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #enbyphobia #biphobia #elitist #dunning-kruger #interphobia #wingnut freebeacon.com

Analysis: What If Woke Liberals Didn't Get To Label Everything?
Introducing the Washington Free Beacon Alternative Style Guide for Reporting on Issues of Controversy (ASGRIC)

It goes without saying: The mainstream media is run by liberal activists. This ideological bias manifests itself in several ways, including the words journalists are allowed to use when discussing controversial issues.

(1.5 paragraphs of hyperbolic whining about how journalists are forced to write)

The woke words and phrases used in media reports would make a lot more sense to the average American if these people weren't in charge—if journalists were forced to abide by the Washington Free Beacon Alternative Style Guide for Reporting on Issues of Controversy (ASGRIC):

Undocumented immigrant → Foreign-born fugitive from justice
Gender-affirming care for minors → Child abuse
LGBTQQIP2SAA+ rights → Gay rights
Drag Queen → Gender appropriator
Abortion → Extrajudicial fetal assassination, anti-life health care
Death penalty → Justice affirming care
Assault rifle → Freedom friend, justice dispenser
Racially inclusive → Racially obsessed
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion → Six-figure consulting fees
Black Lives Matter → Scam PAC
Pro-Palestinian activist → Jew hater
Teachers' unions → Anti-child activists
Tax cuts → Restorative justice
Democracy dies in darkness → Democracy thrives on Jennifer Rubin columns
War on Women → Kinetic military action against individuals with an active uterus
#MeToo era → Brief period of anti-male activism from 2017 until Tara Reade's credible accusation of sexual assault against Joe Biden
Speak truth to power → Leave Joe Biden alone
Hillary Clinton → Crooked
Long Covid → Mental illness
New York City Subway → Public toilet
WNBA fans→ Liars
Soccer → Performative falling
Bicycle → Morally abhorrent nerd-conveying road hazard
Happy Holidays → Merry Christmas
God bless you → God bless America

danegraphics #ableist reddit.com

It is different from dyslexia in that dyslexia actually has a specific effect that can be measured.

The same cannot be said for dyscalculia, where the diagnosis is basically “Oh, looks like you struggle with math and numbers. Must be dyscalculia.”

“Dyscalculia” is almost always the result of one or more other learning disabilities, whether a memory problem, a reasoning problem, a perception problem, or otherwise. You’ll never find dyscalculia without finding at least one other learning disability that causes dyscalculia.

So sure, if dyscalculia is just a label for a specific result of other disabilities, then yeah, it exists. But dyscalculia itself isn’t a specific disability with a specific measurable effect.

But in the end, regardless of the existence of dyscalculia, if there is one thing that needs to be stopped more than anything else, it’s the self-diagnosis by math students who struggle with math for one reason or another (usually the teacher’s or curriculum’s fault). And when they get that diagnosis, they give up on math, or stop trying as hard.

Again, I’m not going to validate an excuse for bad teaching practices and the discouragement of learning.

Rev. Greg Locke #fundie #ableist rawstory.com

Pastor Greg Locke is trying to deny a controversial remark he made over the weekend, suggesting that people in wheelchairs are disabled because of insufficient faith in God

"Churches in the American culture — you know one of the largest expenses we have in buildings?" said Locke, who runs the Global Vision Bible megachurch in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. "The amount of handicap parking and handicap accessibility that we have in our churches. Now I'm gonna make you mad for a minute and I don't really care. Why is it you pull up to a church that says they operate in faith, and you have fifty handicapped parking spots?"

"We just expect that people are going to leave church the same way they came to church," Locke continued. "We ought to start having some signs out there, that don't have, you know, like handicap accessibility, people in a wheelchair. We ought to start having signs of a wheelchair laying (sic) down and someone just walking up. Well, Pastor, I think you're being insensitive — I think you just don't have any faith is what I think!"

D R Warring #ableist #crackpot #fundie amazon.com

Ever feel like you struggle to find the faith to receive healing for your child from autism? Or wonder if you are fighting against the will of God with your prayers?

I once did. Our good Father does not want you to wonder. His Word makes it clear we can look to it and know His will on a great many things - including autism spectrum disorder.

Filled with scriptural proof and revelation by the Holy Spirit, this book will help you discover the truth that will set you free, so you'll know with certainty that autism is not God's will for your child (nor you!). The revelatory teachings found in this book shine the light of His Word onto this disorder fully exposing how it exalts itself against the will of God, so you may take authority over autism in Jesus' name.

If you're praying for autism to be healed for your child, then this is a great book to add to your faith arsenal, and may its words destroy every lie the enemy has ever spoken to you about this disorder which is not of God: "For God is NOT the Author of DISORDER but of peace," (1 Corinthians 14:33).

Jesus Took Autism Book Series:

Book 1: Autism Is Not God's Will for Your Child (Nor You!): Scriptural Proof This Disorder Exalts Itself Against the Will of God, So You May Take Authority Over Autism in Jesus' Name
Book 2: Head to Toe Healing from Autism and Other Neuroimmune Disorders - A Book of 31 Scriptural Prayers for Your Child
Book 3: No! God Didn't Give You a Child with Autism: He Gave You Victory Over Autism Through the Power of the Word

Idkawesome #ableist #dunning-kruger reddit.com

ADHD, autism, and depression, are NOT REAL.

You don't have adhd. You're just obnoxious. (I'm sorry but i honestly don't know what else you want me to say. If you can give me a better way to say this, I'd happily edit this.)

You don't have autism, you've just been bullied and your self-esteem has suffered because of that. So now you feel awkward in certain situations. You don't know where to put your hands, because you're worried that somebody is looking at you. It's essentially just an after effect of bullying.

Depression is not a mental illness. It's sadness. It's a human fucking emotion. Something bad happened to you. Now you're feeling sad about it. That's normal.

Sometimes White Lies can make us feel better. I'm honestly happy for you if you're feeling better because of a diagnosis like this. But that doesn't give you the right to live a lie. Doesn't give you a right to Gaslight everyone around you.

Find a healthy way to feel better about yourself. You don't have a right to tell people lies just because it makes you feel better about yourself. Stop being obnoxious. Except that something bad happened to you and you have to work through that. Don't listen to bullies. You're not divergent or wrong just because you're good at something that they're not good at. Or because they can't apply themselves.

Jason Klop #ableist #quack cbc.ca

A Fraser Valley naturopath who charged families thousands of dollars to give their autistic children pills and enemas made from human feces has agreed to give up his licence, after more than four years of investigations and legal battles.

Jason Klop has claimed "dramatic improvements" in the autism symptoms of children as young as two that he's treated with fecal microbiota transplants at clinics in Mexico, Hungary, Australia and Panama, at a cost of about $15,000 US.

Klop has now admitted that his business violated multiple standards and regulations of his profession, according to a public notice posted online by the College of Naturopathic Physicians of B.C.

Under the terms of the consent order, Klop has admitted to promoting and selling fecal microbiota transplants (FMT) for autistic patients in defiance of Health Canada rules and the scope of practice for B.C. naturopaths. The notice says he continued to do this work even after being warned he was breaking the rules.

He's also admitted to making "unverifiable statements" in his advertising, and allowing Canadians to have intermittent access to his website, despite promising they would have none.

Doctors and scientists have warned that any other use of this emerging therapy is experimental and carries serious risk of infection, while people with autism have denounced Klop's procedure as an unproven treatment that puts vulnerable children in danger.

The Babylon Bee #conspiracy #quack #ableist #transphobia #homophobia babylonbee.com

Scientists Who Have No Idea What’s Causing Autism Epidemic Also 100% Certain It’s Not Vaccines

U.S. — Thousands of scientific experts have come forward to proclaim that while they have no idea what on earth could be causing the dramatic rise in autism among small children, they are 100% totally sure it's definitely not vaccines.

"I am totally sure vaccines have nothing to do with this. I know because I declared it just now, and I'm a scientist," said Dr. Hanz Fritz regarding his recent peer-reviewed paper that was just 10 pages of the phrase "VACCINES SAVE LIVES!" written over and over again in all caps mixed with Ukraine flag and pride emojis. "And that should mean something, because I'm a scientist."

The entire medical community, known for demanding church closures as they attended BLM rallies in the middle of a pandemic and calling the castration of children "gender-affirming care," is reassuring the public they are totally trustworthy and should never be questioned. "Questioning us is fascism," said Dr. Fritz.

At publishing time, scientists had announced that they were no closer to determining the actual cause of the autism epidemic, but speculated that it might be due to homophobic global warming in Ukraine.

R. Cort Kirkwood #ableist #homophobia thenewamerican.com

[From “FAA Seeks to Hire the Deaf, Blind, and Insane as a Door Blows off a Jet Owned by Airline Obsessed With Sex Perversion”]

As doors fall off Boeing jets[…]and the airline that owns the jet focuses on convincing customers that it’s one big bathhouse of homosexual fun, it’s worth looking at the Federal Aviation Administration[…]to see what that regulatory agency’s priorities are for hiring

If you’re deaf, blind, or just plain nuts, the FAA has a job for you. And the deafer, blinder, and nuttier you are, the faster you’ll get hired[…]
“The Secretary of Transportation has set a hiring goal of three (3) percent per fiscal year for individuals with targeted (severe) disabilities,” the website says

That secretary is Pete Buttigieg, a homosexual pervert who believes he is married to a man, a child groomer called Chasten[…]
Only people with disabilities can enjoy an “on-the-spot” appointment, which is non-competitive, and the “applicant wishing to be hired through the non-competitive process should be prepared to provide his or her résumé, references, and academic transcripts. They are also required to provide documentation pertaining to the existence of a disability”[…]
Airline passengers can only hope, and should pray, that a schizophrenic who hears voices that tell him the CIA has placed radio transmitters in his dental fillings aren’t hired as air traffic controllers. Or that blind people aren’t hired to inspect airplanes[…]
“From our inclusive flag raising at HQ, to our parade in the sky on the first & only U.S. Pride aircraft, it’s easy to see that we’re just plane proud,” the YouTube teaser to the two-year-old ad says. “This month, to commemorate Pride, Alaska surprised not one — but four lucky flights on a newly decorated Pride-inspired plane supporting the LGBTQ+ community. The plane, the first of its kind in the U.S., will fly throughout our network for the next year”

The airlines published a blog post dedicated to buggery in the skies

C.T. #racist #ableist westsdarkesthour.com

[From “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”]

Notre-Dame de Paris is a novel by Victor Hugo, published in 1831, that focuses on the unhappy story of Quasimodo, the gipsy Esmeralda and the archdeacon Claude Frollo in 15th-century Paris[…]
When I started watching the 1939 film after half a century of not seeing it, I detected some terrible messages from its opening

It didn’t take me long to discover that the director was born into a German family of Ashkenazi Jews and that he even returned to Germany after the Allied dogs won the war![…]
I only remember that as a child I was impressed by the story. But yesterday when I started watching it again, after so long, I realised, as I just said, that the movie starts with bad messages

In Paris, there is a new order preventing the passage of gipsies. True, the director cast mudblood actors to play them, but typically in Hollywood (and we’re talking about 1939!) he artfully chose an Aryan actress to play the gipsy Esmeralda[…]
Surrealism reaches the viewer when the movie’s bad guy, Claude Frollo, says ‘You come from an evil race’ to the Aryan actress posing as a gipsy

I stopped watching the film at that point and started watching the original film of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I mean the one from 1923[…]
Although Esmeralda, in this century-old film, isn’t as Aryan as the other, in this version it is explained at the outset that her whiteness is due to the fact that she was born in a high cradle and, as a child, had been abducted by gipsies[…]
I don’t want to get too much into the film from the point of view of the sacred words. That would mean messing directly with Victor Hugo—and that would mean another entry: an entry of literary criticism rather than cinematic criticism. Suffice it to say that baby Quasimodo wouldn’t have been allowed to live in Sparta, and that Hugo is right that Notre Dame reflects the soul of France which, unlike the teen I was half a century ago, is no longer the soul that interests me

Robert F Kennedy jr #ableist #quack themarysue.com

“I want to apologize to all whom I offended by my use of the word ‘holocaust’ to describe the autism epidemic,” he has now said in a statement about those remarks. “I employed the term during an impromptu speech as I struggled to find an expression to convey the catastrophic tragedy of autism, which has now destroyed the lives of over 20 million children and shattered their families. I am acutely aware of the profound power attached to that word, and I will find other terms to describe the autism crisis in the future.”