
Katyanne #fundie alabaster.kjbchurch.com

Some vaccinations, not all, contain aborted fetal tissue, or else were developed by using aborted babies. I don't like that to start with. Then there are real poisons like formeldahyde and mercury in vaccinations. They then use animal parts as well. If all this were mixed up together in other countries and given out as something for health, it would be called witchcraft, and I see the vaccination industry as witchcraft, which the Bible tells us to stay away from.

Katyanne #fundie alabaster.kjbchurch.com

Thank-you for your interest in this site. This however is a young ladies site. Please find somewhere else to fellowship. Any man or boy to sign up who is not my husband, or, should the need ever arise, my preacher, will be automatically deleted.

I am not trying to be mean, but the Bible says that as a woman I am to be teaching young ladies, not men.