
minnie #conspiracy aliensthetruth.com

Now this is what sealed the WTC’s fate, and set in motion the most ambitious operation by MJ-12 in human history. The Looking Glass shortly before 9/11 showed on screen that a team working for Iraq’s president, comprised of mercenary scientists as well as powerful sorcerers, in mid 2003 would succeed in finally opening the Iraqi Gate. Not unlike the US Dulce troubles, rather than gaining control of this entrance, a alien force of great malevolence, Draconians (popularly known as Reptilians), would force its way into our world, here in short order subduing Mankind in one bloody and terrible war, millions of us would die, and according LG the Earth is then lost to us forever. Humanity then will become Draco-‘breakfast’. The End.

Directed by LG findings, MJ-12 advised the US shadow government, ‘looped-in’ members of the administration, it was in the vital interest of the United States to gain unfettered and secret access to Saddam’s Stargate/multiverse gate before the predicted Draco invasion in 2003. The US, aided by its ‘special relationship’ ally the UK, opted for war and occupation of Iraq. Stated (but knowingly false) pretext would be the threat of WMD.

LG data already established that a terrorist attack on 9/11 involving the WTC was inevitable, one of those quirky things of the universe: some events are ‘fated’ and unchangeable! To justify the planned war against Iraq, MJ-12 chose to take over the attack, and use it both to vaguely implicate President Hussein in mass terror against America, AND to cover a spectacular mission to save us from the Draco invasion.

Aliens the Truth #ufo aliensthetruth.com

The typical cattle mutilation has shown repeatedly, huge oval shaped incisions around the jaw bone and in most cases the exposed jaw is completely removed, and the tongue removed from a precise incision deep in the throat. Also observed is the additional removal of at least one eyeball, the udders on the female are also usually found removed as well as the sexual organs on both sexes.

All organ removal and incisions are done with surgical precision, and in some cases the evidence of cauterization along the incision lines. This has led investigators to believe the use of some sort of high heat cutting device, such as a high-powered surgical laser, had been used.

Bones were also clearly cut with no bone fragments around the cuts. UFOs and strange "Black" unmarked helicopters have been linked with these mutilations since they have been sighted at the same time in the same area where the mutilated cattle had been found. Another strange fact is that there has never been a conviction of a human accused of committing such a cruel and hideous act in cases such as these.

Why take cattle? A possible explanation may be that cattle blood is so similar to humans that it can be used in the lab to create human blood plasma. Indicating the aliens may be studying the cattle, to find out more about us.