
Harry #fundie angryharry.com

Imagine, for the moment, that tomorrow morning you - a man - woke up to find that some unholy menstrual gas had escaped into the ether, and that, henceforth, most women only fancied lesbians. All of a sudden, your hopes and dreams of getting it together with a decent woman would be completely thwarted.

And if no woman thereafter ever even considered you to be a welcome intimate prospect, it would drive you insane!

And you would also be furious at those lesbian women who were getting their greedy hands on all the goodies.

Your goodies.

Up and down the street they would parade themselves with their girlfriends and their womenfolk hanging on to their arms - but you have no chance at all.

You would envy those lesbian women, and you would hate them for persistently luring away from you all those lovely women whom you desire so strongly - and so often!

And so you would do your best to undermine the standing of those lesbian women, and you would try to demonise them as best as you could, in the hope that women might be turned away from them, and instead start being attracted to you.

And I also imagine that this would be especially true on days like Valentine's Day, when no romantic card popped through your front door, and you felt particularly lonely and unwanted.

Well, this is the situation in which many lesbians do, in fact, find themselves.

There are all these gorgeous heterosexual women around the place, but they have no interest in them.

Nope. They are just not interested.

"We want a penis," they will say. "Vaginas just will not do."

They are jealous. They are envious. They are sexually frustrated.

And, in my view, this is why so much of the hatred towards men is fuelled by lesbian woman. They are jealous. They are envious. They are sexually frustrated. And they are angry; because men get a zillion times more access to those gorgeous heterosexual women whom they so desperately want for themselves.

And it is precisely because there are not enough women who are lesbian for them that these particular lesbians also sneak their way into places like domestic violence shelters which are packed full of women who are currently alleging abuse. They are always trying to wheedle their way closer to those women who might seem as if they could be particularly easy to 'turn'.

"That was an awful experience. Men are terrible. Here, hold my hand," they will tell them.

"Men are abusive and disgusting. Here, let me put my hand upon your knee."

"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle. So, show me your sweet little triangle and I'll show you mine."

Yep: This is what is going on out there.

Oh Angry Harry. You are such a fool. You don't really believe that many lesbians hate men and so try to drive a wedge between men and women simply because they are jealous, envious and sexually frustrated, do you?


I do.

Just imagine what it would be like for heterosexual men if just about every woman whom they ever wanted to be with had absolutely no interest in them because they were attracted only to lesbians. Many men would probably do exactly what many of these particularly hateful lesbian 'feminists' are, in fact, doing. They would do their best to turn women against lesbians, and they would also hate lesbians.

Well, isn't this the very sort of thing that seems to be going on?

And did we not see a similar thing happening when blacks and whites first started intermingling their private parts

And did we not see a similar thing happening when blacks and whites first started intermingling their private parts in significant numbers some years ago? There was some resentment on both sides of the fence.

And how else would you account for the fact that a very high relative percentage of the 'feminists' who blatantly stir up hatred towards men are, indeed, lesbians?

Why is it that those who know the least about men are so hateful towards them?

Why is it that those who can most happily avoid all intimate relationships with men feel so impelled to damn them?

How is it that those people who know the least about men seem to attack them the most?

There is only one answer, in my view, that fits the evidence.

they hate men for attracting away from their clutches the very women whom they, themselves, desire.

And this is that these particular lesbian women are jealous, envious and sexually frustrated, and they hate men for attracting away from their clutches the very women whom they, themselves, desire. And they also attempt to gain access to more women both by seeking out those who are currently angry with men and, hence, who will likely more easily be seduced by them, and by trying to demonise men in the eyes of all heterosexual women in order to encourage more of them to give up on men.

Well, that's my opinion!

Angry Harry #fundie angryharry.com

Well, in general, if men begin to see women as their adversaries rather than as their comrades, and a battle ensues, then the men will win hands down. The women will have no chance of succeeding.

The only question of real interest is, therefore, will there be such a battle? And the answer to this is that it is probably already taking place. The Men's Movement is NOT a major power player in this battle, as yet, but it will be.

For the moment, the battle is mostly taking place at the level of the individual (divorce, violence, avoidance of marriage, promiscuity, homosexuality) and it has been going on for some time.

But when enough men begin to realise that many of the world's problems arise because of the dissatisfaction of men, and they consider ways in which this might be best alleviated, the subjugation of women while increasing their number would seem to have a lot going for it - particularly given that most men on the planet would quite readily take to such an idea.

And even those who initially dissented could probably be persuaded to change their minds without too much effort.

Thus, and for example, it would not surprise me at all if men's psychology led them to create circumstances which allowed them to access a veritable harem of women whenever they wished to do so.

After all, the technology (e.g. the internet) will enable their psychology to have a huge impact. Future biological techniques will allow them to create females to specification. And globalisation will ensure that there is no escape and no alternative to a male-dominated landscape.

Indeed, the required male psychology is already in place, the appropriate technology is getting there, globalisation is progressing quickly, and appropriate biological techniques are not that far away.

So what, exactly, is likely to prevent men in the future from, say, breeding women like they breed dogs and cattle?

Nothing, it seems to me.

Supporting feminism will probably turn out to be the biggest mistake that western women have ever made. They have betrayed the very men who sacrificed much of their being and who worked and fought so hard in order to protect and care for them and themselves, and who have managed to provide the west with all the luxuries and benefits to which its peoples have grown so accustomed.

Compared to western men, western women have contributed very little to the stunning progress achieved in their societies and, currently, by supporting feminism they seem to be doing their damnedest to destroy what their men have achieved.

And when enough western men recognise that the current contributions of women, in the main, are more than offset by the problems that they are causing by their selfishness, I cannot foresee any other outcome than the one alluded to above; unless men simply continue to look on unthinkingly, and allow their societies to crumble and decay without any concern even for themselves - which, of course, might happen.