
CCRT Blog #conspiracy ccrtblog.com

Getting Started

Starting it slow ...

What’s it all about ?

Bascially data is retrieved from a consciousness field beyond time and space which stores information about quite everything. This is done by holding a thought in mind like for example “my neighbor did some gardening yesterday”. The statement will yield a true or false response depending on the fact if the neighbor actually did some gardening that day. And this without the subject consciously knowing any information about the neighbor at all. Confused or even excited? Yes you got it, anything that happened or any kind of information you can think of is already available and accessible for free, right now.

Ready for takeoff?

Getting to know the basics

- Former research

Beginning in the 1960’s Dr. George Goodheart developed Applied Kinesiology, which uses a simple muscle test to determine whether a certain remedy is beneficial for the body or not. If a tested muscle stayed strong, a substance was good for the body, and if it went weak, it was not.
Later in the 1980’s Dr. John Diamond continued the work and discovered that different images, paintings, music and objects affect the muscles strength as well. The findings of Diamond showed that everything we interact with either strengthens or weakens our life energy.
At the end of the 20th century Dr. David Hawkins found out that the muscle test really turns out to be a non-local response from the field of consicousness itself. He has taken Diamond’s work further, through the discovery that the kinesiologic response also reflects the capacity to differentiate truth from falsehood and the actual degree of truth. In the early 2000’s he tested anything and everything and documented the results that he called calibrations. Among them were calibrations of people, animals, buildings, sports, businesses, philosophical concepts, scientific theories, statements, books and whatnot. The implications of the work were startling.

If life would be easy we’d all be happy ...

The Theory behind it

Spiritual revelation by a few mystics showed that pure awareness is the irreducible stratum of life itself. The subjective knowledge and experience of these advanced states of consciousness brought forth an instantaneos understanding of how reality operates. This understanding correlates with the theories of Quantum Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos Theory and Attractor Research and some terms from these sciences are used to describe the findings.

- Chaos Theory

Is a subfield of nonlinear Dynamics and examines dynamic systems which are chronologically unpredictable, though still deterministic. Also called deterministic chaos, these systems are highly dependend on initial conditions. They are non-linear in practice. To determine the behaviour of the system on a spiceific time in the future the initial conditions have to be known with infinite precision. Therefore practical predictions can only be forecast for short periods of time like in meteorology (e.g. the butterfly effect).

- Nonlinear Dynamics

Is a subfield of the theory of dynamic systems where differential equations contain nonlinear functions. The solutions of these nonlinear equations show interesting characteristics like plots in phase spaces known as attractors and fractal structures under certain conditions.

- Attractor Field Theory

The term attractor is derived from the theory of non-linear dynamics and describes a subset of phase space (meaning a specific amount of system states) to which the dynamic system converges and which the dynamic system does not leave. This means that a certain value, curve or sub space comes to and stays near the attractor because of its inherent pull and potential. The attractor is a strict recognizable structure which can be called a stable condition of a system.

Strange Attractor

- Quantum Physics

In Quantum Physics when we move in the area of microscopic scope we see phenomena that are discontinuous with our understanding of Newtonian Causality and yet proved to be as real in observation and practice. These principles are already used in a variety of ways like in satellite communications, atom physics, solid state physics and so on. The nature of consciousness itself can be said to reside in a realm beyond time and space and thus shows characteristics related to quantum physics.

A quantum physics view of reality

In the paradigm of causality it postulates that A causes B causes C like billiard balls sequentially striking each other. But consciousness research indicates that the very nature of causality functions quite differently:


The very cause of a phenomenon is an unobservable non-deterministic attractor pattern which cause the detetministic A, B and C at the same time. But A, B and C from an observable linear point of view are still perceived as the cause of each other. The operants can then be seen as transcending both the linear and non-linear domain. This depiction is in accord with what physicist David Bohm describes as the enfolded and unfolded universe.

Launching the rocket!

Through the technique of neurophysiologic modelling it has been discovered that there are classes of brain neuronal networks that act as attractors as a whole, though single neurons may behave randomly. These network classes of interconnected neurons operate within a series of limits and are defined by feeling patterns. These patterns are actually dominated by fields of consciousness which reside beyond the body and are activated by choice. Thus one’s consciousness can be said to be like a needle in electrostatic fields of different dominance. These different fields have been calibrated on a scale from 1 to 1000 and are presented on the Map of Consciousness©.

Ordninarily the processing of problems requires going from the known condition to the unkown answer. In nonlinear dynamics it is the other way around: from the unknown nondeterministic data of the question to the known answer. And this is the same process that is used by muscle testing. A high energy attractor pattern interconnected with the human nervous system via the meridians known in accupunture yields the response.

Getting to know the numbers

Map of Consciousness of David R. Hawkins unfortunately had to be removed due to copyright issues. You can find it elsewhere.
You can find an outline through the link below.
©spiritualwiki, Germany

For most people the levels up to 500 are easily verifiable. To get an intuitive understanding of the map it is best to take a look at the massive amount of data that has been retrieved over the years.

Still with me? No need to, this is for the pros...

- How to muscle test: Two pair testing

Choose a friend or a family member for testing. We’ll call him or her your subject.

1. Have the subject stand erect, right arm relaxed at his side, left arm stretched out parallel to the floor, elbow straight.
2. Face the subject and place your left hand on his right shoulder to steady him. Then place your right hand on the subject’s extended left arm just above the wrist.
3. Tell the subject you are going to try to push his arm down as he resists your downward pressure.
4. Now push down on his arm fairly quickly, firmly, and evenly. The idea is to push just hard enough to test the spring and bounce in the arm, not so hard that the muscle becomes fatigued. It is not a question of who is stronger, but of whether the muscle can lock the shoulder joint against the push.
5. Let the subject hold someone in mind that they love and push down the arm. The arm should be able to resist the pressure. Then again let them hold someone they hate. The arm should go weak.
6. If this works well you might start holding statements, people and books in mind you want to test.
7. Now you can go for the numbers.


- How to muscle test: O-Ring Method for single testing

Shape a ring by putting your middle finger on top of your thumb. Place your forefinger on the middlefinger in the ring and try pushing them apart while holding the favored statement in mind.



More to know about testing…..

- General Information

1. The energy field of consciousness is infinite, a certain spectrum that is useful for the human domain has been mapped from 1 to 1000.
2. Everything in the universe emanates a specific energy, which stays in the field of consciousness permanently. Thus any event thought, deed, feeling, or attitude is recorded forever an can be retrieved.
3. The intention as well as both tester and the one being tested, must calibrate over 200 in order to allow for accurate results.
4. Experience has shown that many people are still not able to achieve accurate results. This issue will be addressed elsewhere in detail.
5. At a personal calibration level 0f 200, research shows that there is still a 30% chance for error.
6. The chance for error diminishes as one moves up the scale and becomes more conscious of one’s intentions.
7. The attitude that serves best for testing is one of clinical detachment. Emotionally charged states should be avoided while testing.
8. Adding the prefix “In the name of the highest good ____ calibrates as true. Over 100, Over 200 increases accuracy, because it transcends self-serving personal interest and motives.
9. Saying “resist” also benefits results.
10. Any muscles of the body can be used.
11. Alterations in pupillary response and brain function are associated with changes in consciousness as well.
12. Before a statement is presented it is necesarry to qualify permission: “I have permission to ask about what I am holding in mind” (Yes/No)
13. The muscle test cannot be used to foretell the future; otherwise there are no limits as to what can be asked. This blog is subject to this ongoing exploration.
14. The answers are impersonal and do not depend on the belief systems of either the tester or the test subject.
15. People want to determine truth from falsehood. Therefore, the statement has to be made very specifically. Avoid using general terms such as a good job to apply for. Good in what way? Pay scale? Working conditions? Promotional opportunities? Fairness of the boss?
16. Familiarity with the test bings progressive expertise.
17. Use chross-checking to confirm accuracy, e.g. reversing the statement.
18. 10% of the population, as well as sometimes married couples cannot use the technique for unknown reasons.
19. To try to prove a point negates accuracy.
20. Doing the thymus thump (with a closed fist, thump three times over the upper breastbone, smile, and say “ha-ha-ha” and mentally picture someone that is loved) will clear up temporary imbalances. The imbalance may be the result of recently having been with negative people, listening to heavy-metal rock-music, watching wiolent television programs, playing violent video games, etc.
21. Truth operates on a different paradigm (600’s) of reality as does logic in the 400’s. Thus it is not subject to prove or disprove.

- Discrepancies

Differing calibrations may be obtained over time or by different investigators for a variety of reasons:

1. Situations, people, politics, policies, and attidudes change over time.
2. People tend to use different sensory modalities when they hold something in mind, i.e., visual, sensory, auditory, or feeling. Your mother could therefore be how she looked, felt, sounded, etc, or Henry Ford could be calibrated as a father, as an industrialist, for his impact on America, his anti-Semitism, etc.
3. Accuracy increases with the level of consciousness. (The 400’s and above are the most accurate.) One can specify context and stick to a prevailing modality. The same team using the same technique will get results that are internally consistent. Expertise develops with practice. There are some people, however, who are unable of scientific, detached attitude and are unable to be objective, and for whom the testing method will therefore not be accurate. This amounts to 85% of the worlds population and around 50% of the western populace. Dedication and intention to the truh has to be given priority over personal opinions and trying to prove them as being “right.”

David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. #fundie ccrtblog.com

(Just one section of the site's "Full Calibration List". The rest makes even less sense)

Statement | One`s exact time of death is set at birth | True
Statement | One`s consciousness level is set at birth | True
Statement | Humans can live on prana energy | True
Statement | Chi energy exists | True
Statement | Wait three days before burial or cremation | True
Statement | Reincarnation is real | True
Statement | Stigmata are real phenomenons | True
Statement | Free will is an illusion | True
Statement | It is possible to come up from lower regions of hell - with the exception of blasphemy | True
Statement | God`s will for you is happiness. To be happy is pleasing to God | True
Statement | There are angels in bodies | True
Statement | Praying is beneficial. It benefits yourself, loved ones, the world, all of humanity | True
Statement | By our mere existence we are - all is - Divine | True
Statement | It is safe to pray for the sources of hate | True
Statement | It is NOT already determined which lifetime someone will become enlightened in | True
Statement | All things are God True
Statement | The Light of God is Consciousness | True
Statement | Consciousness is the Mind of God | True
Statement | At any age, the brain is constantly producing new neurons | True
Statement | The number of causes for any event is infinite | True
Statement All living things are aware as you walk by | True
Statement | The purpose of this human life is to undo negative karma and gain positive karma. That is the sole purpose of human life. | True
Statement | Whatever problem you have in life, if you apply the 12 Steps to it, that will solve it True
Statement | Discretion of Speech is a higher good than freedom of speech | True
Statement | It is safe to die | True
Statement | It is my understanding that the disciples (who calibrated in the 900s at the time) saw Jesus` etheric body | True
Statement | As we sacrifice our personal lives for the sake of the world, we sanctify the life of the world, This is personified in the life of Jesus Christ. | True
Statement | There`s multiple heaven, and the heaven that you go to is aligned with your calibrated level of your consciousness | True
Statement | Now, very rarely, but on occasion, the LOC can go over 1000. That`s the first time in history. | True
Statement | In order to be able to handle higher energy mankind up to now could only handle an energy of up to 1000 | True
Statement | So the alignment with the pathway we talk about then is the direct pathway to enlightenment and according to this understanding?the following of the direct pathway speeds up the likelyhood of enlightenment more than one thousand times | True
Statement | To Thee O Lord do I devote my life.'?- there is nothing beyond that that you as a human can say.That is the ultimate that can be said. | True
Statement | The Thee O Lord'?- you don't have to worry if God is listening.?'To Thee O Lord'?- God hears ?'To You O God'?- God is not obligated.? He is not involved, you see. You are talking to yourself.?'To Thee O Lord'?indicated devotion. [...]?'Those who are devoted to Me are mine.' | Truth